埃德蒙顿华人社区-Edmonton China

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鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-9-22 21:19 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Account Type' ^* O. a8 \+ t9 \1 b# j( m* f( S
Accrued interest
- I: u; w7 `9 x- X  r' ?( WAccumulation
+ i7 |* Y- H4 vAccumulation plan2 X( W- I& E* w  I8 N- Z0 Z6 M
Active management
& C2 V$ x7 I, A" V( QAggressive growth fund
6 [3 i+ i2 S% WAlpha
7 c0 z) r4 A3 E; q- c  @7 s$ \Amount recognized
' V3 B; K* @  x! J) yAnalyst / t4 U9 @# H. C) m5 T, ?: Q
Annual effective yield
8 Z1 b7 G1 O% rAnnual Maximum Payment Amount' d/ t, w! C  _) D! G, e
Annual Minimum Payment Amount
, a" v4 q% E' f4 v) y& dAnnual report
0 T9 \0 f; q2 `/ P$ SAnnual Return+ T' s3 X! U! d# S
4 i! K# i8 B7 H& `; e$ g! pAnnuitant 2 l8 n5 f* k& ~$ K+ q
- R% H" Z) k+ O. M* yAppreciation2 n# W' y$ Y* C' b+ U
Assets # c5 V& l0 D7 Q7 C0 T
Asset Mix
% ~/ g$ p8 x- F3 d& z/ XAsset allocation
1 t! P. I" ^2 q1 G! _Asset allocation fund . R1 v* p2 A% B' _/ f; `
Asset classes
1 d; q, i0 ^) c; d" ^" CAssisted Capital 1 a" `3 l7 N6 i9 s2 n# j* A
Automatic Conversion  
$ ]" O7 O. ~% X& x3 P' qAutomatic reinvestment# e! q  L% ~( `; W2 r  a
Average Annual Compound Rate of Return
  P) f/ \9 j+ _# }/ bAverage Cost per Unit/Share0 t# i8 _; q2 G) b% O  a* z
Average maturity9 h' f/ C5 w. U, y, R
Back-end load
  t# g2 M" Y/ M. [0 XBalanced fund " C+ |8 e0 [3 N2 T3 J5 u' [
Balance sheet
3 _  O# a- {" XBank rate
  t8 n9 E7 ]5 }, x& Y, MBasis Point & k6 D; r4 Y; W9 |$ r  O" G; k# v/ }
Bear market8 f8 h# C1 i) p# `- D' C: i
Beneficiary 9 g5 h7 [; l- ~" G! h
! [( s/ R- S0 s) @Blue Chip
+ }& X9 r' Z& w6 d8 @+ F$ m7 eBond 9 X2 l6 j! o9 X! [/ N" z, Z
Bond fund
7 s8 V4 D' f; oBook value  
4 {8 y& s# ?/ N$ vBottom-up investing  
9 n% A5 S4 y* @! v! Z9 @Broker
) S$ f( q) O7 J6 ~0 z/ o  Z) eBull market% [3 H0 Z, a' j( `( J' A
Capital % W6 K) m4 p# J3 d! S( t
Capital Gains
! {+ L! W  {& S/ M; |Capital loss
6 o4 s1 Z0 _8 |! aClosed-end fund   D( L4 L* a4 G0 L7 m3 t3 o
. M$ w& V0 }. n" e- k" T  D0 GCurrency Risk
. m% M, G  m% ~7 r8 F, a2 wCurrent yield ( \0 T3 |! K4 o& R" O6 P
Custodian 7 M; }0 K( r- Q0 B0 D+ r
7 Y' T  R+ K2 d- F6 EDebt% m0 J6 g6 Z, R( L
Deferral5 ]% V, m' n( a6 s1 U: V0 D$ t
Defined benefit pension plan- M4 S0 ]/ ?7 q; w5 i
Defined contribution pension plan
3 w, Q0 p! V( T8 i& VDiscount
/ s/ h; h9 u- ~# w. ~% mDiscounted Pricing for Large Accounts5 ~: `: l, Q: o
Distribution History
* u# U' P5 b  `/ f+ jDistributions+ s* B' n: W1 F. [# u' I
Diversification3 ?2 C" Q2 m% c) S/ Y: g& H, N
* {: }1 o+ k, ~6 J3 t# b: t$ nDividend fund
5 n$ R; d( o/ A$ J; c% E, YDividend tax credit" z& u- |5 I3 O" r* @/ N/ l
Dollar-cost averaging
2 g9 h/ E3 y: u2 EDow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA)
* g# Y1 {5 C5 TDownside Volatility3 V7 ]; Q1 `  {0 h. \4 G. \# e  N
DPSP (Deferred Profit Sharing Plan)# _, F) v& p' f$ j; f
Earnings estimates
  x7 C6 o0 R+ E3 ^- l' F" LEarnings Per Share
2 e2 y& D4 Y, T- a' F, YEarnings statement9 S1 k: T3 d' l. N+ c. m! o( Q
Educational Assistance Payment (EAP)
% i& _& H$ k, y' @Education Savings Plan
9 z# |* v( z  G8 ?3 g& R- `Emerging Markets
5 [5 K- j7 ]/ G8 XEquities (Stocks) ) q5 g1 i; M2 m; c
Equity fund
% n1 q( Q0 f$ J4 @$ H" N+ j5 w, {Fair market value5 R$ B) u1 o5 d
Family RESP! `9 ~4 ~) P4 u, u4 _! O
Fixed-Income Securities  t) w* }) k6 ?
Front-end load; u. d( ]* V+ W% L
Fundamental analysis
  p" k3 j5 L' P6 q6 x* @Fund Number4 ^, m2 j2 O7 ^0 i! B3 c, U
3 J; F" V4 f6 _& x/ O; Q' KGARP! b' |& H! T7 t9 O2 k
Grant Contribution Room( X$ a: o% w* ]
Group RESP1 y# \; e: B2 c, Y; u) o% j2 v2 H
Growth funds
9 e& y2 f8 M( E8 [5 ]$ [; aHedge. s  F  ?: B3 {7 }% B$ X; B) A
HRDC4 v; A* b! _, y5 m
Hurdle Rate; s( A6 D, c* n- O4 j  Z0 _
Income Distribution) P" N) T8 ~: M6 o6 G3 V) y9 E
Income funds - ~! F1 G; Y# e$ x  ]! t
! L0 W# C" L5 D1 I5 ~3 G4 @" C7 t6 u; UIndex fund- w  k# }% b3 m- D( [- D) \! o( N: G
Inflation 1 k6 Z2 a+ I, i% f
Information Ratio
0 t# F) ^9 F* J3 e0 f9 D$ g( RInterest ! j) a! A9 Y; @: |
International fund
- f; f: u1 l2 N, ]! [7 ^Investment advisor! H$ E7 q& I7 K6 E3 M( S3 e8 y
Investment Funds Institute of Canada (IFIC)
% }4 F6 g' k  ~4 ~; mLeveraging0 A+ o& R, r3 {7 \4 O" E
6 E& K1 k- g, E8 ]7 S* dLoad + R2 A9 b5 k( _) N! s) I- L
Long Term Bond
5 N: F  }! H% zLow Load (LL) sales option
9 g0 H5 f  t8 w9 B- d' ?% WManagement expense ratio6 L, ?+ [5 @0 ^( N) c
Management Fee
: w0 R/ D; \) e1 oMarket Value of a Mutual Fund* Q1 L# o( l4 q& h! p0 t. C* E4 Y% N
: e: D4 `/ b; VMid-cap/ f3 }" K, w+ L
Money market fund
7 r( n) y9 ]* h3 E; ~: ?- n, [" AMoney Market Instruments
- E2 S$ Z8 @# P7 O' r+ V! xMoving Averages) }4 X* R% f' G3 J9 |) m
Mutual Fund
; c, `  ]7 J6 l; fNASDAQ& P2 B( l9 f8 }% {" D
- U7 h# F, N+ j" zNet Asset Value
* u* T% O& c* V0 w9 H: b+ c+ aNo Load9 [: l3 c. {2 X" G7 a' q7 b
Open-end fund
% W3 P% Y3 H: [5 p6 u" v! JOptions
* C3 {; i2 y# Z! K! HPension plan
% `' [& g  j$ }6 L% SPension adjustment
4 B* M- l2 x- Y( E- mPortfolio5 T1 u/ a! f# L9 U
PortfolioPro5 O1 B5 p7 [1 f( Z
Post Secondary Education Payment- L. O! T1 {" C4 O3 [6 {1 B
Promoter6 b. I5 B7 Q+ q4 b0 Y
$ z) Z9 j, b, k* W" c0 d. V" YPrice-Earnings Ratio$ o. u# C) T+ _/ y
6 g$ Z7 s1 Y7 u- K1 V; R& ^" L6 ]Prospectus, A4 S$ i3 o. I3 _' s$ X+ R
Quartile Ranking
$ w; n2 p) A/ i7 n$ R6 xRegistered Education Savings Plan (RESP)' m- Y5 G+ V/ `/ h
RRIF (Registered Retirement Income Fund)
4 y9 x0 p5 K/ Y2 h$ w9 e. mRRSP (Registered Retirement Savings Plan) 0 s. E* w& @$ }; s
Recession. z3 l3 w! i, v# b
Relative Volatility5 G* i- g; J* W+ h5 v! c* o
% x0 `2 Q' s, q2 I( RRisk 7 |* ]' n0 X. s& r  _
Russell 2000 Index
; H% w' h. T  m. @3 o7 G; FR-squared
+ [0 b; y6 c0 h6 c+ }Sales charge9 d7 l0 d* {1 j1 N2 A# N
Sector Fund
. h7 }9 y. Q* w- ?6 lSecurities% _! [* y6 y4 E- A/ A
Securities Act; e) }& Z1 ^" ~1 F9 d, t; G5 K
Sharpe Ratio
0 z7 A: Q9 v: P4 F7 KSimplified prospectus$ C; z) u' o2 {
Sortino Ratio
' L! l! _, T1 ~$ RSpecialty fund+ Y, M! m. H, _1 z# E) W' l
Standard and Poors 500 (S&P 500)
* S+ i; {- m1 m2 vStandard Deviation
$ p# R) I9 k4 E3 N2 ^: I# i% zSubscriber
: E& M+ G* r7 M8 h1 v5 u" \Tax credit
9 }$ E4 m: z$ ]& _Tax deduction
9 g* {6 B  c; O* Y/ y& fTop Holdings
9 z5 v7 {" H2 Y9 X  o) A. p' gTop-down investing
( l* z7 x- E: `' W+ t5 zTransfer Fee+ p) U; `. O* W' t1 I
Treasury bills (T-bills) 0 {4 S1 o0 c8 t) P/ b: T
$ C- C' ], s, g" ATrustee
6 E: g% P0 `2 K0 W2 E+ \/ l7 OTurnover ratio ! O: R8 @0 ~5 R" E& j3 ?5 `
Unassisted Capital# Z! Z( g  B, p* A
/ v9 H5 C; }5 {% F& ]% Z1 ^Unit trust; S% h$ U1 f$ B" l' B! S9 i
Value funds 5 P1 Z9 ?* p' T1 N* h) w
5 p2 G9 ~7 {' U, v/ C) TVolatility
6 V7 y9 k3 ^  C+ @8 l) s9 `Volume ' x9 f* W: q0 @" F; U/ S
Warrant+ e; `; N' p; [/ E1 f
Yield. K0 b& w" l& T4 ]
Yield curve
/ X# B/ R4 w1 m; vYield to maturity
鲜花(85) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-9-23 23:22 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-9-27 20:11 | 显示全部楼层
Account Type账户类别
3 _+ d8 u' }( Q+ A2 xaccrued interest  应计利息8 Q7 S7 z' o# i6 V2 z5 J* x
accumulation  累计,滚存: a; T& |9 ]  Q5 O
accumulation plan累计计划,滚存计划
  W+ m: Z$ e$ Pactive management 积极管理% _+ e8 ?& Y5 {! \8 V
aggresive growth fund激进型成长基金1 H# Y1 \1 d$ `% ~1 S6 w; k8 g
amount recognized 确认金额+ @0 `$ P# J3 q# ~
analyst 分析师
, R6 q# [0 \0 P# G* Y3 {" Talpha代表预期收益的水平/ C' b& F- g, `" i  V0 j7 I
annual effective yield年实际收益率  c  e) s4 t1 c5 o9 I* c$ Q8 W
annual report年报+ q8 d$ E1 I) W
annual return 周年报表;周年申报表;每年报税表格
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-9-27 20:19 | 显示全部楼层
老杨团队 追求完美
Annual Maximum Payment Amount年最大支付金额
6 t( p  A+ U  u! J4 r; S& zAnnual Minimum Payment Amount 年最少支付金额
! I8 ^0 b# [, y9 @8 d: `. jAnnualize 年化
! j; p- R7 t2 c( G" o0 D. DAnnuitant年金受益人,领取养老金的人/ U7 c8 d% g9 U6 r& m
Annuity 年金,养老金6 V. l4 ?1 Z1 W" ]6 J
: d& B& L( K& ~6 l/ tAssets 资产
& ^. b$ u0 Z6 IAsset Mix资产混合; J: o/ ?& k7 M  L7 y$ D
Asset allocation 资产分配,资产配置
6 s$ N' {5 Q" s3 P- N2 Y6 q. KAsset allocation fund 资产配置基金
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-9-27 20:27 | 显示全部楼层
Asset classes 资产分类! e% C2 t! H- A+ {* \
Assisted Capital 辅助资本,次级资本
# {  \# B& a& S; ?9 g" g+ E' U7 ^Automatic Conversion  自动转换0 S( T/ H$ F+ b( m- P* N! I; R+ ?
Automatic reinvestment自动再投资( V# x9 g; l- \8 ?9 Y
Average Annual Compound Rate of Return 平均年复合收益率
" U/ S/ H( ~  p7 A/ q( @6 h8 h( |Average Cost per Unit/share平均单位成本# h. n2 k6 C9 A
Average maturity平均到期期限+ N+ F. Y3 Q% f+ L+ y+ l( A$ u2 I1 @
Back-end load 后端借款??7 f/ p6 Q, _0 E+ Z. X# P
Balanced fund 互助信托基金- Y4 a8 Z: b5 U. L; l9 r3 i
Balance sheet 资产负债表
0 G+ Z7 P9 g/ d5 R4 W/ f6 w8 _Bank rate银行利率
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-9-27 20:32 | 显示全部楼层
Basis Point 基点9 v4 U8 ]8 L+ B' |- c- k% E
Bear market熊市/ r; l9 o4 P+ v' d" v8 x
Beneficiary 受益人" r2 y% h- w; N5 C; N3 B3 {
3 w$ P* P3 Q! [9 y7 o* I, DBlue Chip 蓝筹股1 _% l' h$ z* U0 h4 E/ [! r2 ]& h
Bond 债券& q  u+ C$ G! }( A0 N4 `
Bond fund债券基金* t4 V. ]8 D4 Q- S9 I
Book value  账面价值
; u0 c2 }! q2 }Bottom-up investing  自下而上的投资
7 H8 k8 O# P8 D9 K0 z  i, OBull market牛市
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-9-27 20:46 | 显示全部楼层
Capital 资本
0 ]/ r) d6 X! p  I) E0 _6 ~2 QCapital Gains资本利得1 l7 o3 h2 n/ H0 O
Capital loss 资本损失
8 Y7 N8 D& H, J9 C+ r+ Z6 v# }Closed-end fund 封闭式基金+ F4 B7 G3 J- }' I
Compounding 混合=等于多不同类资产混在一起5 E. ~* @3 e1 f% v; z$ p- G
Currency Risk 货币风险$ V9 F5 `! \' n7 r
Current yield 当前收益) `- c, t: c3 h, x5 ~' y5 H$ \
Custodian 管理人
- [: z. A$ L  f0 ?- ZDebenture债券0 C# |2 @9 \7 _/ o' E1 e0 n8 A! n) _
Debt债务3 I) M0 I& K8 w
Deferral递延的$ C! m8 ^& Z, l6 g/ f" C
Defined benefit pension plan确定支付的养老金计划
3 H: V6 _+ ~* D. PDefined contribution pension plan确定投入的养老金计划
* B, E7 e4 b% ^1 U5 n' [. \; x. k. YDiscount折扣
/ a+ d. I6 M5 J" F: JDiscounted Pricing for Large Account大账户的折现价值
. m9 x! _* l& Y& T% U% ODistribution History分配的历史记录??) K9 c! ^: U4 e  V0 ^) Y1 E, B
$ \& l& V; c, J! c8 yDiversification分散化
7 L& l9 S% ]: g! n: GDividend红利0 J# {9 A5 {+ ~# n2 E* N3 Z
Dividend fund红利基金
2 \- S( M/ ?) I3 ?3 JDividend tax credit应付红利税?
- o1 X- v2 T! f' _# w9 [2 B2 L2 BDollar-cost averaging按购入证券的美元价格平均计算法& _" Q' p9 i3 z# F
Dow Jones Industrial Average 道琼斯工业平均指数
" \. D) M/ G* f. P+ YDownside Volatility下跌的倾向?# l  Y, H/ R, Z7 v( y
DPSP (Deferred Profit Sharing Plan)递延利润分享计划
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-9-27 20:55 | 显示全部楼层
Earnings estimates预期收益
- e4 {/ f  M# Q# A: t0 `* DEarnings Per Share每股收益7 X9 y: @4 S  ^7 a- x9 y
Earnings statement每股收益报告
$ D0 K9 \3 ~; ^6 {6 dEducational Assistance Payment (EAP)教育基金支付计划7 b) z( r5 A6 }1 Q; s/ P
Education Savings Plan教育储蓄计划
- K& T7 q- t. B' g8 ]9 p* GEmerging Markets新兴市场5 r5 O2 O8 o8 k& M
Equities (Stocks) 权益证券,股票
; z8 q6 T4 g. H" O0 GEquity fund权益类基金
1 C8 p! \/ a! J; mFair market value公允市场价值
8 r8 L- a" C2 v& B1 \Family RESP家庭RESP计划(加拿大政府推出的一种); }% n9 G9 \" T4 H- T0 b: D3 W# N
Fixed-Income Securities固定收益证券,就是指债券类证券
8 T. |0 g8 K, q. {# ZFront-end load可能是从头到尾的整体贷款???( E( s) E4 o# U$ m9 o# s
Fundamental analysis基本面分析* V- D9 C9 ?( y: x. \3 \+ B, |
Fund Number??
6 U+ P; F" Q% q7 N$ S3 j Futures期货
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-9-27 21:05 | 显示全部楼层
6 l8 Y/ {1 |( ]9 E! lGrant Contribution Room??# i  e& k' I0 t
3 c: N; ^, x/ }- R! VGrowth funds 成长型基金
# s7 d& B/ F4 k& O, X% lHedge对冲基金
, r) ]# w) J, T, V7 d3 mHRDC
: a$ {5 o  x+ o1 e1 [Hurdle Rate投资者进行投资要求的最低回报率  O/ E; Z& n4 N
Income Distribution收入分配: l& c, h+ ]2 I( T) Y. L
Income funds 收益型基金
; V' Y6 ?+ l# W7 r! KIndex指数1 [" U7 D4 O2 z: \+ B8 s2 y
Index fund指数型基金
9 d, Z' m6 ~; A5 c. z; CInflation 通胀
+ _" E; I+ m5 cInformation Ration ?3 [( ~; ]" o9 c0 \: _0 R
Interest利息3 k& ~  U- C8 Q; I, y- K, n( l
International fund国际性基金
2 N! A$ H: @" S# {Investment advisor投资顾问4 w2 g* i. J. D& k7 h6 L. N+ I+ e
Investment Funds Institute of Canada (IFIC) 加拿大投资基金协会
% |2 T$ d+ Z5 u1 Y& R( ]Leveraging杠杆作用. s+ ?6 d2 s+ q; q  m& d5 }* D
Liquid 流动
8 S# w: P) M, g! ZLoad 贷款
' l+ C3 ^% C7 t( l8 [Long Term Bond长期债券
  r" B& C3 R2 bLow Load sales option低贷款销售期权
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-9-27 21:20 | 显示全部楼层
Management expense ratio管理费率) m8 d2 Z5 ^6 }9 w* k* A& h( V/ V
Management Fee管理费% M+ G9 \9 D+ x: K
Market Value of a Mutual Fund共同基金的市场价值
1 ^$ s7 B" _5 |& wMaturity到期
, M% h0 n% B) B4 T$ q8 I$ jMid-cap中等规模& z+ x9 G6 X) _1 A
Money market fund货币市场基金* m# d% W. @" q6 R2 B( }( s
Money Market Instruments货币市场工具,或者叫产品
, Z% y" `  ^5 r1 ~' e# jMoving Averages移动平均6 h' f. W" s/ Z) Q: g# }0 a4 ]
Mutual Fund共同基金! c- {' v$ h- i4 I7 h, [9 i! E
( j. @$ U1 Y, [: [: ?7 jNAVPU每股资产净值??# N3 q& U9 Y& y. z+ B8 e: _
Net Asset Value净资产价值
1 {( j$ A& R% _2 J& j( j No Load无贷款
( C2 ]0 H1 X- o- J4 L; HOpen-end fund开放式基金
. p: N, `. J$ E& J1 dOptions期权
( c& B5 O, K' }  m) [. b8 C' ?Pension plan养老金计划
" B) z8 k* N- O8 \% O* OPension adjustment养老金调整( I+ T' p" h+ L  C1 G& ^
Portfolio组合# u/ j! o% P* x# Y: k8 B* S) z
6 b' ]: n" [7 {/ o5 D9 _+ uPost Secondary Payment
8 D. h: H  c# O* h0 \  m2 b/ lPromoter基金或者计划的发起人
+ r5 d9 x3 G, n8 j- sPremium溢价
' \2 j$ A9 \2 d& VPrice-Earnings Ratio市盈率
# [% v8 X- g7 J' s: IPrincipal本金+ W+ s1 }- `- H# Z
0 W7 j( a6 {1 m2 M$ c4 v( P- |Quartile Ranking季度评级
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-9-27 21:40 | 显示全部楼层
Registered Education Savings Plan (RESP)注册教育储蓄计划
5 |: s  N" x6 D4 N2 @8 ~RRIF (Registered Retirement Income Fund)注册退休基金$ M$ f  F) l1 k0 f+ F0 S- O
RRSP (Registered Retirement Savings Plan) 注册退休储蓄计划' r9 [1 k, c8 \2 x
- J+ y2 `1 F# B" p1 WRelative Volatility相对波动
0 C/ M5 ]& E6 a  L2 c. K! F! c+ |Return回报
$ ~3 Y5 [1 y/ XRisk 风险' e. z$ V( y5 V& i! |/ S( K! E6 V
Russell 2000 Index 拉塞尔2000指数/ x" r6 y4 d7 q# I$ @' G
R-squared回归方根7 n1 \9 J8 z! H, p
Sales charge销售费用
$ H6 _# t( R/ P* Y4 T" eSector Fund 行业基金% \9 F6 A& K; d, b- S8 p( t- `8 Y
' Q" o4 {9 ?* Z1 F( I* C5 ]Securities Act证券法
7 S7 o1 H- x2 e' c5 ZSharpe Ratio一般指1933年美国的夏普比率
0 h' F  |# o$ I3 v; e# t/ D2 aSimplified prospectus简化的招股说明书% K0 q+ ~3 x% F2 C0 N
Sortino Ratio??& K; W0 j: _, i: l* p4 l
Specialty fund专业基金! J% \3 |# Y) f4 s, E" }1 o
Standard and Poors 500 (S&P 500)标准普尔500指数
. X' K4 S* N- l. f# }  [) G8 GChinaStandard Deviation 方差
! \) \" _5 h% X9 RSubscriber捐赠者5 v8 C4 s: N- x& H
Tax credit税收扣除4 O( d2 C- b& V, y. c: _) r. k
Tax deduction税收减免
) J2 S- c( }. G  w$ ]Top Holdings最高的控制集团公司?2 R* |% Q) h' s5 O  M) p
Top-down investing自上而下的投资
- O$ B3 ^2 p* fTransfer Fee转换费率6 Z2 \0 w7 l1 R6 i( r  i
Treasury bills (T-bills)国债
# c  D5 r% W4 ]* k0 _' ]Trust 信托
- j  \; ?8 ~/ t3 t! ZTrustee被信托人6 V9 j, g& G+ u: e* z# `6 A" E( M4 `
Turnover ration周转率
" S. G# A+ a, qUnassisted Capital独立资本
9 \! Q  E& }" I) A; Y0 \+ zUnderwriter保险公司
/ ^0 m& `: ~2 J: m6 _4 F+ \. vUnit trust单位信托. l& S8 j4 Y0 d0 w. d4 B3 w4 s1 W0 Q
Value funds 价值型基金2 a% M' V3 y/ @
' A9 a  \- R; m+ N" \8 K9 h- [Volatility波动
# Z2 B8 b* V2 s& W# C% R) [6 ]Volume 数量+ w# t, ]% r% t8 J* k2 S$ {
- D  z. w6 S4 Z1 `. U5 SYield收益4 E& v  B3 p& H* r; W' W
Yield curve收益曲线
2 S" f/ ^& p# n/ T" pYield to maturity到期收益率
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-9-27 21:41 | 显示全部楼层
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