埃德蒙顿华人社区-Edmonton China

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looking for carpool to calgary around Nov 14

鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-11-6 04:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
looking for carpool,
0 r0 N7 y5 |3 z9 H8 ]
4 W8 U/ i  t  B$ z9 Tfrom Edmonton to Calgary:) ?# A) |7 L7 `# v. c3 I4 @# o! y8 A
    early Nov 14 Friday, need to arrive Calgary before 10:00am.& U+ f* h+ ?2 [

. T, A' l2 |5 }from Calgary to Edmonton:# o/ T" _& _  w# r8 `" ]
    Nov 14 after 3:00pm or anytime daytime Nov 15.
, q$ y0 j. G5 k' ?) P, P
3 U- ~% T" @9 S8 z" A. EIf you can offer, please contact me at daisylulu@gmail.com... please let me know your schedule and your charge.
" v, B0 T% `& ~
( X6 x) g: M' H( z& ythanks...
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