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本帖最后由 无线马达 于 2010-6-13 08:47 编辑 : H; D( P& J1 o' S# q4 ^
5 n X0 T% d% X* E5 n9 L! k- p
Our Union first became aware of the problem of fraudulent Electricians of questionable background gaining membership in our Union as early as 2004 and at this time almost none of these fraudulent Electricians were of Chinese decent, but our Union decided to ignore the situation+ z$ U( i1 t" X/ r* i0 S! H
工会组织发现问题,但决定置之不理.为什么?因为这些人挣钱仍旧在加国消费,这可刺激本国经济.海外 k) I' i) Y3 r$ v. z" o
W3 i7 i* d) M$ y% `危机也是有的.
c- j$ \* t) D1 G I believe the fraudulent electricians who have already gained membership in our Union will have no choice but to upgrade their skills once the Mega projects we are currently building come to an end. On these Mega projects our contractor’s scope of work is so large that they have the ability to absorb these unskilled workers and find productive roles for them to perform on the project. But on smaller hard dollar bids our contractors will require tradesmen who are qualified in all aspects of our trade and their just won’t be room on their payrolls for workers who can not compete in this environment. When this starts happening our Union will be ready with a variety of resources for these workers to get the help and upgrading that they will need. q m5 Z* x& u/ E
现在共工会项目多,滥竽充数还有机会.等大的油沙项目结束了,就要靠技术吃饭了.同时共工会会给大家0 m% C1 g$ F, C, E7 ^/ } j
提供相关培训. 如何培训? 我个人任为"脱产学习"可能是最差了. 因为我们都是合同工,出一天工,拿一天
- q! {( U3 t2 A. C- x/ n+ N* R钱,所以"脱产学习"就没钱可挣了. 那么在学习过程中,你会努力,认真.因为,都有压力啊. 这样看,学点本事
6 h: h; e) T- T) h不是坏事. 总比拿着二年学徒的钱,摇摇无期的等待强.5 n- Y; Y/ e) g- O6 ^) y
当然,对于Kevin这封大家会有不同的看法. 只是希望大家公正,独立的去看,不要人云亦云.
* q" K0 M/ e/ O* O7 ~给大家一些独立思考的空间. 别一上来就呼悠啊 |