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招雷劈的教堂 (I) (ZT)

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发表于 2010-10-9 14:45 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
liangmin6; A  ^9 Q, o+ t( _

  S* n7 Z, J/ L7 E/ T0 o, z3 |(哈哈, 大家别误会, 这个不是诅咒, 俺只是在陈述一点历史。)
7 f: p0 H0 V7 ~7 k' s
' ^$ _( ]6 \! j" N9 z$ vIt is well-known that the JDJ had vehemently opposed the scientific theories of Galileo and Copernicus, but did you know that they had also opposed Benjamin Franklin's lightning rod?$ Q! g7 p' E* a' l" C
' W. Z7 c) v4 O
16, 17 世纪的欧美, 可以说是凡是有人聚集的地方就一定有教堂。 最让JDT 大惑
( o3 ~! z  `3 M% `0 t不解的是, 雷竟然专劈教堂, 而极少光顾与教堂仅一街之隔的妓院, 赌场。那年
" K( x7 ^6 l3 g! [# @头儿, 教堂的敲钟人竟然成了最爱招雷打的人。6 f# [1 T* K. G  E) o
* Z7 \" z% I( G9 _
关于雷电, 当时的著名的JDT 有过如下解释
7 E( P9 l! V, V7 m4 ^) e5 zSt. Thomas Aquinas said "Rain and winds, and whatsoever occurs by local impulse alone, can be caused by demons. It is a dogma of faith that the demons can produce winds, storms, and rain of fire from heaven." % u3 \8 d  H7 k9 ?9 \1 a$ |: x- D
  Y. \+ M. _* U9 Y2 C3 V
Martin Luther asserted that the winds themselves are good or evil spirits. He declared that a stone thrown into a certain pond in his native city would cause a dreadful storm because of the devils kept prisoners there.
8 _$ l( C) W2 n' Y- J( P3 Y3 i" G8 j' B- `3 l
基于这种信仰, 当时的好JDT们采用多祷告, 多鞭打, 处死女巫来逃避雷劈。可; V5 g( [! K% b' O' h
惜的是, 他们的祷告, 他们的对女巫的惩罚从来就没有半点用处, 教堂愿意招雷
7 A3 u( V1 |3 h, n$ V: B劈的史实并没有因此而改变。 倒是有些心思灵活, 信教不诚者, 一看到雷雨要来,( I& G8 s6 W& p8 [
立刻就跑到对面的妓院, 赌场去了反而可以逃过一劫。
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