埃德蒙顿华人社区-Edmonton China

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鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2011-1-14 08:45 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
鲜花(1) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2011-1-15 20:00 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2011-1-16 03:02 | 显示全部楼层
0 K$ J1 b9 c5 `: v5 c& q貌似,好像,可能! J1 W  M, p+ j6 S  U: v) k

7 G. r- L$ r: k/ J' W8 dII. Non-permanent residents in Canada (visitors with multiple entry visa or holders of a work or student permit)0 O; h9 ?1 U5 i; c

8 S. y9 Y2 M* _4 pVisa3 P8 {  r5 z1 q, c$ c
Legal temporary residents in Canada need a visa to visit Mexico.
% S# T5 j3 n6 c+ |" M1 B; ]0 m3 n0 J9 V$ v6 _# Z% d# h- l
Requirements to obtain a tourist visa:
* U9 S+ a) S, D  sA.- Submit a completed visa application in person (no exception): J9 E+ X& d5 s4 M1 I% F( v
B.- Valid passport1 S; h6 j4 I  D2 M8 R) ^" V
C.- Valid multiple-entry visa to Canada and work/study permit
) f3 q2 w$ I. d* ?2 QD.- Proof of economic solvency, which maybe proven by presenting any of the following:
. Y2 `5 |- U' J# m$ C- An employment letter with a minimum monthly income of $500 USD equivalent in Canadian currency; or
2 R  Q. M: m' M0 ~- Bank statements, for at least 6 months, with a minimum annual-average balance of $2,000 USD equivalent in Canadian currency (Online statements are NOT acceptable)8 e7 _% m: V( ]$ l* ~! R! V$ Y
E.- One color photograph, passport-size, not older than 30 days, white background and uncovered face (no glasses). Automatic machine pictures are not accepted.% F& q; `1 ]: y0 x
F.- One clear photocopy of all the documents listed above (except application).
  l- K! o9 P) `' O: f**Important** Scanned documents or online statements are NOT acceptable. Original documents must be presented with the application.
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2011-1-16 08:42 | 显示全部楼层
老杨团队 追求完美
3# kevjoy
; a! Y  ]& Z: f( `2 \0 @  {! [0 j. b- {# x, R
6 W; ^& ]) z' ^* J% g& s9 S0 j0 N# _
谢谢楼上!我直接联系了使馆,同问坐沙发的看下,他们回复如下:If you have a valid American visa you do not require visa to enter Mexico otherwise you need visa just make sure you have a multiple entry visa for Canada and  the Consulate of Mexico in Calgary as you have to appear in person, here is the info:
8 t$ o$ z4 f5 @5 {& ^2 L# k/ o! `+ G& e& V) C7 Q
# q- ^# x( E' ~

7 Z: o5 I7 I3 p) O+ |9 {% XConsulate of Mexico in Calgary
, G7 d0 ^/ G) j
4 G3 F$ H6 x8 e# y' B, t1100-833 4th Avenue SW
2 P, l# K* D& \4 O6 K! c9 c7 s- O3 i3 ?
Calgary, AB6 Y% Z4 w& g7 x

+ O+ O; a0 Z  }& y7 pPhone (403)264-4819, (403)264-18044 e! K4 F0 p7 F0 N2 Z) c4 v

  e- S1 a1 |, D- Z4 D& M : C9 m$ W! w0 t' U

4 k/ C5 P" K; F, F) D: E+ Q) ]6 lEmail:  concalgary@sre.gob.mx
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