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fotget about location location location----by ozzie jurock.看了十几本了,终于成了ozzie的fans。4 ~2 A! Z4 F* j3 `% I
书中重新定义了timing在房地产投资的重要性。大多数人买房不可能买到所谓的best deal,但timing可以替你的错误买单。我买的第一套房就掺杂了很多个人喜好,随着时间bail u out,看起来也是涨,但是现在觉得的很傻(当然自住例外,因为你不把你的房产seriously看成投资)。
5 i9 _) e/ q) T Don't buy the market, buy the deal。这是我的对书的另一个理解。我对不敢替我砍价的中介不太敢冒,你的offer不被拒十次八次你就不是个professional invester,一般来讲你挣得最多的钱在你买这个房子的那一刻 。昨天一个看起来真的很便宜的apt被我压得太厉害就没成交。1350sft 1year in centrel burnaby ,lower mainland,BC.listing price 475,000. offer and counter 3times.$440,000是对方底线,我只给$425,000。不要被所谓的sell's market迷惑了双眼,房子值多少钱是买家说了算。on the other hand,你看准一个good deal,very likely 会有competing offer,不要犹豫,下现金offer see if u can lower the price. \+ h) P$ c- c1 F5 e/ z
半年前我的租客问我该去哪里买房子,我挠挠头(书上没教),告诉她,那就去卡尔加里吧。她用现金offer在哪里抢到了很好的deal.半年后,我就只能北上当爱城的临时市民。不果我觉得Grande Prairie也是个好地方,positive cash flow for sure. 楼花不到20万,租1200,2bed,2bath 900sft.However,edmonton as capital of AB remain on pivot and still well undervalued, quote from Ozzie Jurock., c3 \" b, G+ G' M2 q; w
老Ozzie also 曰:buy with as little downpayment as possible.nothing is perfect,5% is not bad either. But he also mentioned leverage working both way.赶上您没工作,没存款,没租客=ops=被月供淹死 $ l$ n J2 I( X' f: Z/ P3 ?
另外一个很现实的问题就是management,小本生意,雇人划不来,自己面对租客又是俩字,头大!太多的细节要照顾,租客们一般找上帝的感觉一找一个准。I really don't want graphic how toilet exploded sometimes ,but that's the reality which request ur immediate fix up=biggest pain in the butt. 您要租个老外千万要reference,中国人一般有良好的交房租的习惯。还有一条行规,或是说大忌就是Don't sleep with ur tenant!
4 D3 A5 @% ~2 A; Z9 ~- Z, b 唉,本来说书来这,有点跑题,夹杂一点自己的体会吧。% P$ K* m8 t. ^9 G5 Q
小弟初来乍到,扔块板砖,见笑。 |