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楼主 |
发表于 2004-11-29 04:05
2. a drop in the bucket九牛一毛# \- P0 u. L" G ?0 d# s' i
释义:a very small quantity, especially one that is too small! |9 w7 } t8 E* ?# P* n1 y# x
例句:Their contributions are just a drop in the bucket. 1 u' U2 O0 K" Z* h
The new church wing will cost thousands more. 0 d) U: ^' I9 v+ O& f
4 o" J- K& F2 J! Z# P- ^5 N 才行呢。 8 E- f6 v) E& X, ^2 \
典故:《以赛亚书》(Isaiah)第40章12节中有这样一段话:2 H4 A, ?% D6 f7 R- a" e
...who hath measured the waters in the hollow of his hand, and
Z1 o, Q5 M+ R/ L meted out heaven with the span, and comprehended the dust of
( A s! J) p. Y4 L the earth in a measure, and weighed the mountains in scales, and # X" Q# T! v8 \# j, Z( n
the hills in a balance? 谁能用手心量诸水, 用手虎口量苍天,用升斗盛大地的尘土,用秤称, P7 ?& b& u( \. m; T7 S/ @
2 _% K- _( T* e" F4 ]0 d' u) n 然后在14节又说:2 o! ~# @% S. K$ H' H/ z. K0 \# F
Behold, the nations are as a drop of a bucket, and are counted as
( ~. \ j2 q" J% P the small dust of the balance... 看哪!万民都像水桶中的一滴,又算如天平上的微尘。······ |