埃德蒙顿华人社区-Edmonton China

查看: 1996|回复: 9


鲜花(159) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2007-11-19 21:46 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
去年这时候,对低收入家庭有孩子的都有个圣诞礼券的填写申请表了,不知今年什么时候开始填写啊?# J; q3 U1 U& P# `6 m
- q: I; J3 r3 @9 V  B还有玩具啥的吧?
鲜花(159) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2007-11-19 21:46 | 显示全部楼层
8 g$ Z) H+ J! f. @  K% ^今年还没啥通知呢?
鲜花(87) 鸡蛋(1)
发表于 2007-11-19 22:11 | 显示全部楼层
3 i2 s( ?" j$ w2 s7 `+ _
5 H# C/ ~! M  w4 t- b& oIf your family needs help this Christmas - gifts for children aged newborn to 12 (CHED's Santa's Anonymous), for teens 13 to 16 (Adopt-A-Teen), or for the whole family (the Christmas Bureau's Christmas food gift certificates or hampers) - here's what you do. , r+ u- [* ?' d3 m! T/ j5 K6 B' d/ e0 |; J
6 X4 c. i3 y+ C% R9 y; S: I
The Christmas Bureau handles registration for all three Christmas programs. If your family qualifies for the Christmas Bureau, your kids are considered part of Santa's Anonymous or Adopt-A-Teen.
9 g' C3 I: `7 }& N' i9 ]  M
' s  y1 y7 D4 `% L# }' SIf you have not yet registered with the Christmas Bureau, call them at 414-7695 during office hours to see if you're eligible.
; W+ w5 F% M$ Q6 I" k  |; ]
4 T6 ?! [. [( F4 aGenerally speaking, a family with two or three kids, living on $24,000 a year or less, will qualify. The bureau will consider each individual family's circumstances. " b+ s, x7 k+ e8 ]" `$ |1 G* G
% u  H" I) d+ o" \% c
Once registered, gifts for your preteen kids are delivered by Santa's Anonymous volunteers on the weekend before Christmas.
  n9 y; d3 {0 c8 L; N- j/ E2 H* ~' n, I+ N* e* x4 Q; U
Christmas Bureau food certificates are mailed before Christmas. Adopt-A-Teen's Wal-Mart gift cards MUST BE PICKED UP by a parent or registered guardian.
& ]2 ^' F. O9 r3 G; R1 o6 j# O  O& e) w. _% y, A
The gift cards are given out Tuesday, Dec. 13 and Wednesday, Dec. 14 at the Salvation Army, 9620-101A Ave. They will be available for pick-up at the Christmas Bureau office (4230-118 Avenue, second floor) on Saturday, Dec. 17, and at the Christmas Bureau's Walk-In Days on Dec. 22 and 23.
鲜花(87) 鸡蛋(1)
发表于 2007-11-19 22:14 | 显示全部楼层
老杨团队 追求完美
由于很多家庭重复登记并收到多分礼品, 今年 Edmonton Christmas Bureau 限制了注册团体, 华人社区服务中心好像不在此团体内。  可以根据楼上的帖子电话问问。
鲜花(159) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2007-11-19 22:16 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(159) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2007-11-19 22:26 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(85) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2007-11-19 22:50 | 显示全部楼层
先前让爱住我家回答过类似问题,搜索一下' R, {# i+ H% d- R& T3 t
鲜花(87) 鸡蛋(1)
发表于 2007-11-19 23:01 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 湛蓝 于 2007-11-19 22:16 发表   I: ^$ J) }6 U) v5 y

) Z" |0 V: o; q9 ^7 t. s8 t
9 I: q, K+ N( `$ s建议你直接在办公时间打电话到 414-7695 问问。个别家庭,情况也不一样。
鲜花(87) 鸡蛋(1)
发表于 2007-11-19 23:03 | 显示全部楼层
今年的agency$ ]# j$ F2 ]  U6 d- K
% H+ ?: f% l+ x2 X
- ABC Headstart/ B# y! U' g* Z& {. Y) M8 `3 M
- Ben Calf Robe Society% A) Z5 @! @' F
- Bent Arrow Society8 K: r8 a  X) ]/ ~6 f# G
- Big Sisters / Big Brothers/ C2 _( L4 o' C
- Bissell Centre
1 ^3 L6 P8 ?+ F% y% D$ U6 \- Boyle Street Community Services* n( n1 t/ r! g8 q  }' h
- Boys & Girls Clubs of Edmonton$ R! j. B' r, G  G: V3 y1 X3 u( L
- Canadian Mental Health Outreach! h9 m7 ~" v) ?% Z
- Changing Together - A Centre for    Immigrant Women, s+ j, E& ^2 `3 s/ l9 [' I6 }- A$ d
- Clarview Headstart: A. g1 c" h- ?
- Community Living Program
+ W! M/ f0 L) t5 `/ E- Crossroads
8 o2 d! l  O  r) i6 D- Edmonton Immigrant Services2 E1 p6 p. P7 v. v1 m3 D) Y
- Edmonton John Howard Society - Edmonton Native Healing Centre
  ~* a& j2 ^1 {$ f' L- Edmonton Seniors Centre3 V( E2 O: h( E9 k$ H+ J# ]7 V7 ~4 K- x
- Edmonton Vietnamese Chinese    Association. A! t0 b" r: [8 N
- Elizabeth Fry Society8 c7 V, A( l% l: N, ]6 M4 Z
- Elves Child Development Centre) z4 U9 |% f* h! J4 m, n% G/ A: y
- Employabilities
- G1 ^9 N# ~+ S- Food Bank of Edmonton
2 q! Z4 P$ ?9 ~0 u- Z- Humans on Welfare" z, Q5 |7 W1 L) V' Q8 `
- Jasper Place Child and Family    Resource Centre8 @, t, s2 S. _  U' d! g' t
- Jewish Family Services& h: J& T- a: h/ m3 M. l2 M  S
- Kids on Track8 o/ N. ~- p/ T8 R$ p
- Mennonite Centre for Newcomers
0 s5 ?2 o  h1 ?) S! @& }1 i- Metis Child & Family Social Services   Society
2 Z9 {" o) j" `  [$ j8 z - Millwoods Family Resource Centre
% e; P6 T3 T5 v! {) t( f" ]! U- Multicultural Health Brokers          Cooperative( c3 T- d0 y# Q, {% y
- Mustard Seed Church
6 |$ J! F9 w- m7 X' o$ E! Y% }- Norquest College
7 a, X" z$ G$ {6 F4 }; t& y1 Y- Norwood Child & Family Resource   Centre
/ `0 y6 m- s# x: a- Oliver School Centre for Children
2 a8 u  o+ y0 y1 U6 ?; T- Operation Friendship) @1 P! h8 y& f9 r
- Philia Advocacy Referral$ I. M4 h0 v1 b. g+ p, Q2 l5 F0 M( x
- Sacred Heart ESL Linc Program; h; H/ D1 d0 F8 m. G# n: A3 w/ ^
- The Salvation Army6 i; B* Z( m  v
- U of A Food Bank2 ]3 E& E( E* }7 s* ]8 k
- WECAN Cooperative
4 v) z) x. Q$ D: J; ^8 F4 K% d; h  D- Wings of Providence
鲜花(159) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2007-11-20 09:45 | 显示全部楼层
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