鲜花( 1) 鸡蛋( 0)
1、mm不要比她小的gg,所以,很遗憾地,请1987年6月之后出生的小盆友们就此止步。因mm将于明年毕业工作,Prefer 09年毕业的本科生或者研究生,并且最好未来的打算是留京工作,能够共同在毕业后携手打造美好的未来。
9 L+ I6 L" e, k; L6 C 2、mm平日一米六五,穿上高跟鞋一米七,希望脑袋能很舒服地搁在gg的肩膀上,所以gg最好不要低于一米七五~不要太瘦~" R1 F% w n& K* B5 t/ c
3、mm是基督徒,Prefer gg是基督徒,如果不是,最好能够理解和支持mm的信仰并且注重精神交流~mm每周末会去做礼拜。mm很善良,热衷公益事业和社会问题,也希望gg很有爱心
5 d7 h( Y) |8 A" j' ? 4、mm喜欢舞蹈、K歌、攀岩等等各种活动,也希望gg喜欢运动(当然不要求一样啦),prefer gg有户外运动的爱好或者兴趣,谢绝宅男、游戏男
% y( N) g" ]: b* U2 M) r. x 5、mm喜欢游山玩水,丽江古镇的青石板路、九寨沟的潺潺流水、纽约芝加哥的繁华街景、青海的茫茫雪山、陕西的文物瑰宝。。。都曾留下mm的身影,不求gg读万卷书、行万里路,但希望gg也曾巡游四方,见多识广。5 u2 ~$ y, H1 w( _. U! J
7 N3 q, B* s W0 o. h) q. g 6、mm是文科出身,但将来会从事偏理的工作,希望gg如果来自文科院系,能够修理电脑扫除病毒;如果来自理科院系,能够心怀天下、知书达理。5 }. V# }7 p2 [( J
" r9 @% {; W1 [ 8、mm对gg无地域上的限制,但是prefer山东、陕西男生哦~: r( a& H4 C! g+ v8 [) x
( j) o6 K7 W2 W: M6 F- R ! a8 k4 _; {. z5 v
+ a |0 }1 A+ l* A& d# x # X. z* x: j! u9 D) S$ h
Attached is an official registration form. Please fill out the basic information and organize the open questions. Personal photograph of each candidate is required. After careful screening of resume, you will be advanced to the next step of circulation if we find you a competitive candidate. Pls. be informed that you will not be contacted if you are unqualified or on the waiting list. Thank you for your patience and thoughtfulness.
" G' X) J5 g+ Z o! x8 n+ t8 s i ' A8 L' K: U" A& |
: ]/ d# K& s$ W: Y2 D! G
Please fill out the basic information and organize the open questions. Pls. attach you personal photograph in your email and send it with this registration form to lcyfcz@126.com. After careful screening of resume, you will be advanced to the next step of circulation if we find you a competitive candidate. Pls. be informed that you will not be contacted if you are unqualified or on the waiting list. Thank you for your patience and thoughtfulness.3 D' i( z; \5 c& F$ a3 a
& z2 i. u I6 j9 v
9 P9 V# K1 V6 V6 b" M$ R! e 2 J( [2 T8 q( ]
; ]3 V" ^! B. D* T" f5 \! q5 Q! S% b4 \ Basic information
! ^+ g7 q/ N0 A Name(Chinese) ID on BBS ~: ?* v) C# k, y8 x8 g% b
College/Major Graduate year expected(Underline)  Undergraduate(08 /09)
1 W. z) X( h+ O& a( h- {9 N  Graduate(08 / 09)0 w: `/ d/ P/ m$ d/ e3 {7 U
Birthday(dd/mm/yy) Height3 R9 @ G, H4 @% E) M; J' W! q6 n
Religion Hobbies; I1 W( V8 f) z* t7 g2 b
Hometown Smoking or not
6 D% L, t- ^% i- F- Y; R: o w Mobile phone Email address
" o2 f+ u; K& z/ w. e
: t; e1 M# h5 {$ I) a& p' V Open questions (Pls answer the first four questions in Chinese and the other two in English):3 y: k: N q8 }* {9 j6 ~
! i1 m, K! s. D) p; E
o7 ~4 O; s: v% E% Y 7 I! N r# `. `9 s' X4 j
8 I' O: _+ C3 P' p m6 L' Q
, Q2 q" S0 @4 k4 T9 T 2、你认为自己五年以后是一个怎样的人?提示:可从事业发展、个人成就、理想的家庭爱情生活方面来谈。
/ z9 G. J% k! A3 w+ S5 H8 u- E8 ?
& _* R" j: \3 {0 a! H ' ?1 ?, ~$ I7 L2 K
2 `0 [: G2 ^2 s6 @6 P) T, p7 q 3、你心目中理想的女友是怎样一个人?提示:可从外形、性格、未来发展方面来谈。
! ]- \7 a2 Y, [+ ` # v4 T# R! r8 ]' e' Z) Q
1 H- T2 c; b" w: b- N% @4 F; T* o
; P, E1 s$ `2 K* A
4、你怎样看待宗教信仰问题?* j; M- H- v6 e) d* N
/ S. a! _+ o0 k# y3 Y# x2 f1 c5 {/ g
) v- K9 }8 U) Q# Z
5 Q5 h8 y3 i* T, y6 H( {9 W3 Z4 ` 5、What is your biggest weakness? How can you improve it?6 A/ V" y9 k7 l+ G
# `; ~8 L ^1 U: `' Q& N
9 w& P* c) Z+ F/ N' y
& m# y, `" l1 H( ~: M, ~ 6、What is your plan after graduation? Hint: pursue advanced degree abroad or hunt a job? |