埃德蒙顿华人社区-Edmonton China

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鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2010-6-24 15:01 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
! W  S' a+ r8 O6 Z有一辆破车,可是不知道怎么去,想找一些有经验的朋友结伴同行。
鲜花(1) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2010-6-24 21:00 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2010-6-24 21:15 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 benbenpig917 于 2010-6-24 22:33 编辑 6 p6 P/ I$ D' ]7 |5 U0 Y' |3 I4 M8 l
  `2 M# S: P, y! G4 @% }2 C
/ N7 l  \7 v8 w$ v& k, j6 C 有人一起不?楼上的几个人呀?
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2010-6-24 22:46 | 显示全部楼层
老杨团队 追求完美
我们可能有三个人(女的), 没有CAMPING的家什, 看还能不能找到旅店住, 在那儿住一晚够吗?
+ Q; v; j" N" f3 w( `" J) X1 v有一辆朋友的车,但没开过长途.
鲜花(1) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2010-6-25 07:44 | 显示全部楼层
We have three people (one 5 years old children) with a SUV. If you have the same age old children, that would be perfect. We can provide a carpool for two people.
鲜花(8) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2010-6-25 10:53 | 显示全部楼层
Hi Playball, could you give me a call 408-7386, we went to drumheller together last time, I want to go with you this time if you don't mind, thanks. Dawn
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2010-6-25 15:35 | 显示全部楼层
PLAYBALL: 你有SUV在前面开道, 我跟在后面开心就不慌了,刚好练练技术,听起来不错!这样我们还有四个空座位(如果还有两人敢坐我开的车的话% f9 J! o  z3 `
8 V' [' C. B& g9 }
% L2 x6 v$ ~; A5 G" N! x5 x/ X; W: n8 f; C6 @7 L3 d! |
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2010-6-25 15:54 | 显示全部楼层
我这里也有2个人  一辆车。  请问如何电话联系。
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2010-6-25 21:19 | 显示全部楼层
去过多次,但还想跟你们混个热闹. 我有个六人帐篷,椅子和cooler. 我有多年驾龄, 有车但保险已经停了. 所以只能搭别人的车. 我可以开车,但车主必需同意方可. 八月份还要去一次.
7 n4 i# @6 u/ ?6 P- \可否, 请短信告知. 我的电话号已经短信给你们.请查搜.
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2010-6-25 22:28 | 显示全部楼层
有不少朋友加入啊,    谁有经验知道怎么找旅店或预订营地吗?看来我们需要一个队长了...- {' c7 A$ O- N1 Y& T. d
鲜花(1) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2010-6-26 11:20 | 显示全部楼层
Hi Playball, could you give me a call 408-7386, we went to drumheller together last time, I want to go with you this time if you don't mind, thanks. Dawn1 V& P; t& v7 @
Atom 发表于 2010-6-25 11:53
' P$ e8 E: K- t5 T: _& M' T
8 M4 M3 O  d4 `' P
好啊,大家一起玩吧。; l$ ~8 I5 P+ ]6 k4 v& s1 S" m
* e4 [0 }; [( k* W
鲜花(1) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2010-6-26 11:29 | 显示全部楼层
PLAYBALL: 你有SUV在前面开道, 我跟在后面开心就不慌了,刚好练练技术,听起来不错!这样我们还有四个空座位(如果还有两人敢坐我开的车的话$ T/ g+ _" x! K: l

; C# I' G- |3 R3 n4 m+ Q0 E5 J: l7 v, DATOM:我们还是指望能找到旅店,大家床上床下沙发地上挤挤 ...
' a! a9 u  J8 G- A4 y过眼云烟 发表于 2010-6-25 16:35
( A% n. l2 ^: a& N8 n7 [8 D
9 O3 B. @3 ?( j& z' S% s- P" K# ?
我们有很齐全的camping tool (a big tent, two air bed, fold chair, cooler, sleep bag, gas stove, air pump). 我们只是想回归自然,感受下,这次没有计划住hotel/motel/inn, 如果好的话,大家晚上生个篝火,晚上围着篝火BBQ,吃啊,喝啊,玩啊... ...& f0 v' e; _4 ~/ j! R" s
- u1 I: U; E8 N  q6 b9 J+ b
曾经在加拿大东部的时候,组织过一帮学生,很成功的举行了个篝火晚会,大家兴致很高... ... 玩的很痛快,
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2010-6-26 12:02 | 显示全部楼层
同言同羽 置业良晨
本帖最后由 过眼云烟 于 2010-6-26 13:09 编辑
/ E) J0 M, M6 G; H0 `, f+ q' e% v, i/ A! f
好啊! 希望这次能挽回我对camping的成见...上次两个晚上都睡不着.  大家都多带些保暖的东东啊& q6 W1 M: N  R' q% d& Y% r( W2 X

3 v, B/ [# K0 R+ x( M1 S  S$ m/ }) }出行时间暂定在7月1号-2号, 玩不够的话就3号再回来也行. 2号要上班的朋友可能这次就不能一块玩了.5 T( @! o5 Z9 D9 S. v! l0 N

( c$ n. p. E7 U  a; C0 o3 ytja: 给你短信了.
鲜花(1) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2010-6-26 14:24 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 playball 于 2010-6-26 15:30 编辑
, V4 {, |7 j# R* a) P
! d5 V# o# b) f9 L" AJasper National Park
) _* T7 b  l; `/ p+ j! b  : H9 D8 K* B/ `$ i
Major Highlights$ R# J. S: u  e' D
Jasper National Park is the largest and most northerly of the four mountain parks. The land is rugged and diverse, with endless opportunities to discover its natural beauty. In addition to the attractions described below, there are over 1000 km of trails to explore. The Town of Jasper is the main service centre in the park.$ L0 }+ L3 [1 G

. u- o- E0 B1 \6 mEstablished: 1907
9 z9 w( V  k; ?: dSize: 10,878 square km (4199 square mi)7 h7 E% h( \/ L' c. x2 I0 t( L
Number of visitors / year: about 2.2 million
) }6 Q$ R0 e% Y0 ]) o3 S  X) `: K3 k+ @5 |. y
Jasper National Park Readable Map (pdf – 216 KB)
" E0 Y2 [# f% N, O- V0 Y9 G
) a2 n& _* p0 v+ z+ n/ q1. Mount Edith Cavell (29 km from Jasper)  a5 H" b* E3 x

* w  R1 J& V* \# |& k9 s9 f* aIn the early 1800s French-Canadian ‘voyageurs’ of the fur trade, on their way to nearby Athabasca Pass, called this “the mountain of the great crossing”. During WW1 it was renamed after a heroic British nurse. A switchback road climbs 14.5 km to a viewpoint under the mountain’s spectacular north face, and the start of a variety of trails. Trailers are not permitted on this winding road, and vehicles longer than 6 m are not recommended. The road is open in summer only, as snow conditions permit.0 |: N% W- {- Z2 t, k# k' a, W. y

: R/ c4 t9 n! ~% W. I2. Miette Hotsprings (61 km from Jasper; 780-866-3939)2 b3 i7 J% Q" w! T

9 b) ]; G. ~) J- _4 }These are the hottest mineral springs in the Canadian Rockies, emerging from the ground a steamy 54 °C! There is a hot pool (kept at 40 °C) for soaking, and a plunge pool for cooling.
+ _+ N9 d/ m6 g/ L4 P' Z
6 {3 E6 t+ v$ a3 q6 u4 lOpen MAY to OCT 9 L) T$ g1 d5 U
Towels, lockers and swimsuits available for rent
2 k$ Y' i! N  ?+ T; l0 A, s7 dSee the brochure Soak in Some History for details
& k( q! b. ?" k6 `" r' x/ Y2 ^; W3. Maligne Canyon (11.5 km from Jasper)
# H* r* @2 l9 d6 x9 Z  l5 j1 L7 f' I2 C
Here the Maligne River plunges 23 m into a narrow, steep-walled gorge of limestone bedrock. A 3.7 km interpretive trail takes you over footbridges providing spectacular views. For safety’s sake, stay on the trail and away from the edge!; B8 b2 a+ d: N% V
: }( l2 s. @8 j5 U
4. Medicine Lake (27 km from Jasper)
- i- M. r% d( B0 Q+ m0 I1 y1 m' m/ N' N2 S( e
The Maligne River flows into this lake, but nothing appears to flow out. Instead, Medicine Lake is drained by one of the largest underground river systems in North America. On-site exhibits explain.8 ?& o; d/ p/ y/ [( g

; }5 [2 m9 v6 p& ~2 h( B$ ?, [5. Maligne Lake (48 km from Jasper)
/ M2 q7 e; G* M2 s' M% \- }, r4 E9 C0 y* D- ^( L
The beauty of this lake, rimmed by snow-capped peaks, is legendary. At 22 km long and 97 m deep, this is the longest, deepest natural lake in the four mountain parks. Commercial services (JUN to OCT) include boat cruises (780-852-3370), rowboat rentals, fishing guides, and trail rides.0 a! _" M8 w' n5 _

! f) S' r* T/ @, T5 M; k! l6. The Whistlers (4 km from Jasper)
6 _+ y" `3 D% s' c9 |5 h8 |% N+ G8 o4 b' T# W0 S# Q: @9 T/ r
You can walk up (7 km one way) or take the Jasper Tramway (APR – OCT; 780-852-3093) to the Whistlers alpine zone. At the top of the tramway, there are boardwalk exhibits and a steep 1.5 km trail to the summit.9 `; D& H$ x. C# W* P6 O0 Y

- r) C5 n  ^2 l1 h0 U7. Athabasca Falls (30 km from Jasper)7 A* F' F7 I& [

/ s. r" \! Y: H0 b1 CImagine a river falling 23 m through a narrow gorge of quartz-rich rock and you start to get a picture of Athabasca Falls. A bridge and platforms give you great views. Stay safe — keep on the trail and inside the protective fences.
- P6 o5 ^/ e. [, m; Q4 X: i
! ]% l) T' @0 h+ h- \8. Goat Mineral Lick (38 km from Jasper)
0 E3 h& [( E- z' W
* T. z' M4 m% }0 ]Bluffs of mineral-rich soil at the roadside are irresistible to goats, who usually spend their time in the higher country.' r# s+ e3 J; d0 C: R, j; O# x
5 l* w- d% e2 E# y6 ~
9. Sunwapta Falls (55 km from Jasper)
; Q: _8 f* L/ [" q  {5 j
" O0 y, x2 l! @3 C! J  lA short paved road leads to the falls, which tumble into a limestone gorge rather like Maligne Canyon. From here it ’s a 15-minute walk to the lower falls.
, a. l% i" N5 R4 @3 M9 A1 _, [! ?% x4 m, S0 h4 G
10. Athabasca Glacier (103 km from Jasper)
! B0 k5 J' x% l, a8 Q: C* ~/ i3 U; |
Touch the toe of a glacier! The Athabasca Glacier is part of the great Columbia Icefield — 325 sq. km in area and up to 350 m thick. An access road takes you to an interpretive trail leading to the glacier. Heed all warning signs; glaciers can be as dangerous as they are impressive.+ h' T* a+ d1 i( O; K3 [

+ y4 `5 x& n, v. X5 x11. Icefield Centre (103 km from Jasper)
' X* n# t% j/ G9 T5 \! ?; V8 g
! I. Z; C. ^" n2 @3 wInterpretive displays in the Glacier Gallery at the Icefield Centre tell the fascinating story of glaciers and the history of this area. Built in partnership with Brewster, the Centre is open MAY 01 – OCT 15 and offers complete Parks Canada information services (780-852-6288), as well as “Snocoach” tours (780-762-6735) and guided “Ice Walks” (780-852-6550) onto the glacier. People with severe heart or lung conditions should note that the Centre is at an elevation of 2000m (6500ft) above sea level.
鲜花(1) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2010-6-26 14:54 | 显示全部楼层
好啊! 希望这次能挽回我对camping的成见...上次两个晚上都睡不着.  大家都多带些保暖的东东啊0 e$ G: k( l+ i7 n( R" H- f0 T
/ d# V) y; G0 ]# @7 G% U2 C
出行时间暂定在7月1号-2号, 玩不够的话就3号再回来也行. 2号要上班的朋友可能这次就不能一块玩了.
# K( |1 E4 ~& T' N/ B- A
& R% ^" {; o. b- m' M" r# ttja: 给你短信了 ...
" _: {+ X3 P3 A0 }* D' w. g过眼云烟 发表于 2010-6-26 13:02

% N$ ~- c& p, t$ V  E: H- i! J0 {3 Y2 e$ n2 y5 e# {
鲜花(1) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2010-6-26 15:00 | 显示全部楼层
Jasper National Park of Canada  $13 for one camping site
4 K$ C' G3 O. E7 iWabasso Campground  8 J$ l; T; m! ~, ^
This park does not take reservations for specific campsites. A specific campsite will be assigned upon your arrival at the campground.
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2010-6-26 21:55 | 显示全部楼层
同言同羽 置业良晨
请打电话780-919-8088 ,我们7月1日去jasper camping, 大家可以一起玩。
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2010-6-30 13:10 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 过眼云烟 于 2010-6-30 14:32 编辑 / c1 U( e( z$ k: i9 f

* `+ g, |0 }1 C' Z' C. K计划得太晚了,七月长周末的旅行泡汤了...., S2 t  w& J$ q; }- b: b# G' R
现在就开始计划8月长周末JASPER的旅行( between July 31-Aug 2),希望能成...
/ F( s- S  Q2 ~: I* C$ f# T. r下面这个连接里的住宿信息挺好的,给大家参考一下5 z1 c0 w' S* a# y% u0 j
  k9 V' {+ i5 u+ {* I( X- u* G2 E6 d! W: \2 n  u5 m
如果能订到像这样的套房,带上睡袋,客厅也能休息过夜, 一拨人挤里屋,一拨人在客厅凑合,也比睡帐篷舒服多了。人多了,再订一个标准间就行了
鲜花(67) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2010-7-1 17:18 | 显示全部楼层
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