鲜花( 634) 鸡蛋( 5)
Originally posted by 晓晓晓晓 at 2005-10-18 05:15 PM:/ b z L6 G. m( y4 a7 c1 V
甘地宣传非暴力不合作,曾为了斗争多次绝食.可是他的观点真的有用吗?当英国兵对手无寸铁的群众攻击的时候,非暴力显的真的很不实际...一个民族要独立怎么能没有暴力呢?再说最后他不也是失败了吗?+ t# N0 m4 {5 _% [! U9 h: \
# p/ A( R7 f6 Y( L: ?' j: ~% h不懂ING...:buj ... 8 h( o$ X2 {2 H1 f
你的话题太大,不好说,不过忍不住还是多说几句。" u5 N1 t5 o, c8 c: t; y5 L! h6 t
2 D) v3 H& A' ?3 o0 \1 U/ B; j6 f当英国士兵和他们的战马面对赤手空拳的甘地及其从众的时候,他们无法抵挡,这就是斗争的胜利。甘地的斗争最终使印度摆脱了英国殖民地。甘地的最后一次绝食是针对印度本国内两派的斗争,用他的威望和生命,引发民众的支持,迫使两派合作,共同建设新印度。所以对于你的问题的回答是:甘地的斗争有用!
: a$ I: H: H; L4 d% E
% a# j2 A( q: ~8 N8 z% U我对甘地的了解也不多,看过一部叫做《甘地〉的获奖电影,非常非常感动!
# o! u/ h6 ?1 r% y
F& u- [5 i5 d4 f" w3 @回忆我们的历史书,甘地留在我脑子里的是一个懦弱(不敢发动武装斗争)和不切实际(最终失败)的形象。我现在想起来,实在是我们的历史书为了。。。 的违背历史的一笔。
* N- W8 i& `7 e8 l8 U+ {5 P! ~+ d
; P) q9 c. i& j7 F$ k3 j甘地不但是印度的英雄,也是受到全世界敬仰的人类的英雄,引述甘地去世后的一段悼词:
/ Z$ [5 R, i1 O! q8 T! W1 V a' q( d# E
The object of this massive tribute died as he had always lived - a private man without wealth, without property, without official title or office. Mahatma Gandhi was not a commander of great armies nor ruler of vast lands. He could boast no scientific achievements or artistic gift. Yet men, governments and dignitaries from all over the world have joined hands today to pay homage to this little brown man in the loincloth who led his country to freedom. Pope Pius, the Archbishop of Canterbury, President Truman, Chiang Kai-shek, The Foreign Minister of Russia, the President of France... are among the millions here and abroad who have lamented his passing. In the words of General George C. Marshall, the American Secretary of State, "Mahatma Gandhi had become the spokesman for the conscience of mankind, a man who made humility and simple truth more powerful than empires." And Albert Einstein added, "Generations to come will scarce believe that such a one as this ever in flesh and blood walked upon this earth." |