鲜花( 0) 鸡蛋( 0)
I am just curious that how many chineses, who bought more than 3 houses, you know? I really don't think that the number can be more than 20. ( @- s ]" t3 ^6 s% `$ O
If you go to a show home and stay for 30 minutes, you will see many more other people than Chinese go there. What I want to say is that most of the ; I/ r0 F: L3 a8 q
buyers are white people, black people, Indian people, not Chinese. Check the MLS, on the southwest area, only around 10~20 new houses were on sale
0 e$ \2 |/ C; H k% Z* g" T! Xeveryday, some of them have already been there for several weeks. Not many choices. 5 P# W: D& }+ D- [
I still think, if people want to buy house for their own family use, go to the market. Don't wait for some future correction. Because nobody knows whether " E8 x3 K3 \$ Y
there will a correction come. If there is, how much is still under question. But if there is not, you know what it means. , r3 ^1 C) q% ~/ e- W$ p
Just according to the situation here, now, more people are coming for the jobs. They need houses to live. And we also can imagine that many people have
3 s9 R! G% n& R& malready got the offer from a company here or there, in Alberta. They will gradually come for another 6 monthes, at least. And so many reports related to / N9 _* R8 V7 b7 P1 t
government's plan to solve home shortage situation have been writen. Under this condition, do you really think that a correction (5~10%) will come? I really
3 N% q; P5 Y* H5 h+ tdoubt." a! D3 { r; _
Good luck to everyone. |