鲜花( 0) 鸡蛋( 0)
Everyone keep saying high volume of immigrants will keep the demands up, as I point out earlier it may not be the case after all. Matter of the fact it is how many high paying job being created to keep the house buying demands matching with the supply or to exceed the supply to keep the price continue rising. / H' F) l/ \0 B' N
& N9 K7 b/ G: e4 A+ J8 \I totally agree that short of labor is slowing down Alberta's growth, however why not company just hire people off the street to meet that demand? because company need people to help to work, but they only need skilled people and only with reasonable price. In Edmonton, the most newly created jobs are low salary labor position, for 30K a year salary, any mortgage amount exceed 100K would likely to be out of reach to those people (based on today's interest rate, and banker's please comment on the exact figure). * o8 O! |- r4 q& h: j; h
9 ^! ~* Y3 o0 Vthere are jobs being created in Fort Mucurry which pays very good, but from what I heard (could be wrong though) that the building activity is slowing down up there due to number of factors, and companys start considering build plants in or near Edmonton region. If that does happen, do you think companys will pay the same rate as in F.M.? My personal opinion is very unlikely because it will defeat the whole purpose of building the plants here.
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- U% { w O1 y9 [* m* wAnother deciding factor is the oil price, I totally agree Hutu's point that the main reason of oil price so high is because the devaluation of the US dollar. there is no shortage of oil in the world at all, not even any shortage of oil inventory. so it is not necessary when the global economy slow down will bring down the oil price (which a global recession is not totally out of the possibilty, look at gold price will give you some clue). if the US economy improve and their trade deficite situation improve will bring up the US dollar value thus drive down the oil price.
0 Y/ |. F, P" E. u& q' pAlberta's red hot economy is soly depends on the high oil price, and edmonton's red hot housing market is mainly depends on plants building activities in F.M. it doesn't matter how many plants is under construction, and it doesn't matter how many dollar the companyes have poured into those plants, as soon as there is signal of oil price coming down, those plants build activity will come to halt, trust me on that, if that ever happen, it will be a bloody picture for the housing market in Edmonton.
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to be continued..... |