埃德蒙顿华人社区-Edmonton China

楼主: edmontonchina28


鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2010-2-2 15:30 | 显示全部楼层
公义是反人类 ? 是什么理论?
( G* ^2 E/ [6 g% f" F, c& hkfwong79 发表于 2010-2-2 13:47
4 n) f4 T! q8 K
4 `+ q( z' e+ |/ O! i0 O, S3 c耶稣没有罪,神为什么要他死?
8 a8 n/ w' I* G" t/ Y世间上有什么罪,其惩罚方法会是下地狱永世BBQ?这可是比凌迟处死还要狠毒残忍一万的惩罚呀,就算是人类杀了老耶一千个老爸也不必如此报复吧?何况人都死了,再将其BBQ有何意义?难道是为了发泄老耶的心头之愤?
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2010-2-2 16:39 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2010-2-2 22:35 | 显示全部楼层
既然神是公义的,请你解释一下以下的事情有什么公义可言:2 W0 ]3 w% b* ]. @$ D* k% B
耶稣没有罪,神为什么要他死?) {" P; ~. |8 I8 M& J* W" o
世间上有什么罪,其惩罚方法会是下地狱永世BBQ?这可是比凌迟处死还要狠毒残忍一万的惩罚呀,就算是人类杀了老耶一千个老 ...8 w- `' h# K# r. z" X# b
高潮 发表于 2010-2-2 15:30
! ~0 q" Y4 A4 t! n; a( c
* W3 J1 ?! v) l& d. K9 O; V# l7 h
耶稣没有罪,神为什么要他死? 为了完成救恩# x! M9 v  ~0 B9 k5 z/ `$ I# @
# o1 r. B1 H: d3 E# F( L0 U
世间上有什么罪,其惩罚方法会是下地狱永世BBQ?这可是比凌迟处死还要狠毒残忍一万的惩罚呀,就算是人类杀了老耶一千个老 ... 怕了吗,赶紧悔改 相信咯4 n! \6 _) Y3 i( e9 t8 w
' x8 `! [4 b+ ?8 T  Q
我想你的眼睛被蒙了。 你是 盲人骑盲马, 这里一提问题,那边一提问题 不是盲人摸象一样吗? 如果你想了解神是怎样的。 我建议你看 < 約伯記 >.
1 R- V5 G( K  ]9 D- d
+ E1 N' U: z8 B, A1 P我希望你最后也可以象約伯明白神。就如以下经节6 W8 K5 a4 U6 |
(約 伯 記 42:1-6)
. D  h5 K' r$ e  r+ c0 M42:1                  約 伯 回 答 耶 和 華 說 、
* h) F: o" X. [8 o" g42:2                  我 知 道 你 萬 事 都 能 作 、 你 的 旨 意 不 能 攔 阻 。/ K( M/ a& }; W4 O( z$ ~
42:3                  誰 用 無 知 的 言 語 、 使 你 的 旨 意 隱 藏 呢 。 我 所 說 的 、 是 我 不 明 白 的 . 這 些 事 太 奇 妙 、 是 我 不 知 道 的 。
3 n1 A4 X6 c" z3 n" J0 l2 R9 a* C42:4                  求 你 聽 我 、 我 要 說 話 . 我 問 你 、 求 你 指 示 我 。9 `9 x1 N5 ?1 [+ k- u' Y
42:5                  我 從 前 風 聞 有 你 、 現 在 親 眼 看 見 你 。
1 p$ S' ?% d+ ]6 c0 i- M8 x42:6                  因 此 我 厭 惡 自 己 、 〔 自 己 或 作 我 的 言 語 〕 在 塵 土 和 爐 灰 中 懊 悔 。
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2010-2-2 22:42 | 显示全部楼层
老杨团队 追求完美
# W% @/ x1 _5 n$ w& C, `: Skfwong79 发表于 2010-2-2 22:35

8 Q# A6 d! u) Z" @$ J0 ~
+ o. |! \6 x0 Y- [$ w. j" V. _为了完成救恩就不顾公义咯~
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2010-2-2 22:44 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 高潮 于 2010-2-2 22:45 编辑 1 {5 P$ `. u2 ^7 n4 A0 Q; k, E
怕了吗,赶紧悔改 相信咯
) y5 Q, I* {8 t# Y3 v3 Zkfwong79 发表于 2010-2-2 22:35

; x- t  l' R5 Y) I7 n你以为别人都象基督徒一样人都是奴性十足、欺软怕硬的软骨头呀?
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2010-2-3 00:01 | 显示全部楼层
你以为别人都象基督徒一样人都是奴性十足、欺软怕硬的软骨头呀?3 ^0 h' H$ C  Y4 ]
高潮 发表于 2010-2-2 22:44

0 v" |; I4 L) A% Y( N2 _/ \
# V. V% r$ f; s1 t别人 = 你吗? . a+ \& P: I2 ]! K  @
5 U( n1 H' e: n9 V2 w約翰福音 John 14:6        耶 穌 說 、 我 就 是 道 路 、 真 理 、 生 命 . 若 不 藉 著 我 、 沒 有 人 能 到 父 那 裡 去 。 3 K$ i( ?- m9 w" _( U* L0 f

( M! Y+ S! [" }. s: P  t/ H# f% P 道 路 、 真 理 、 生 命 都在说明了。如果 这也看不明再说下去也无益。
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2010-2-3 00:04 | 显示全部楼层
别人 = 你吗? 
' H) H2 W1 \0 `3 X8 h7 W2 [我再重复一偏 & g+ y- y0 }% e+ P: D4 @8 |
約翰福音 John 14:6        耶 穌 說 、 我 就 是 道 路 、 真 理 、 生 命 . 若 不 藉 著 我 、 沒 有 人 能 到 父 那 裡 去 。
5 H2 Q0 [: Z$ u. S
  Q" c$ f( }7 T# Q9 B4 G 道 路 、 真 理 、 生 命 都在说明了。如 ...1 g8 @2 Z$ H7 Z
kfwong79 发表于 2010-2-3 00:01
" k+ N6 W& l! ?5 J" A
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2010-2-3 01:21 | 显示全部楼层
人性,良知? 呵呵! \7 `- m) ~! v) U) X6 g
你知道良知是什么吗? 良知/人性是从个人的背景熬出来的。& e( p; T/ J# u- B9 o
for example, 一个出生于贫穷的家庭的孩子 他觉得得到食物 可以用一切手段 来得到。甚至于杀人 来为持自己的生命。 相反的一个出生于有 ...
% j( W  L  Z3 B7 t0 |# t* l3 zkfwong79 发表于 2010-1-31 00:47
% H$ M$ ^* Z! x
凭着每一个人的良知,人性 你怎么分别什么是对 什么才是错呢? 但是,所谓 “国有国法,家有家规” 圣经给了我们一个标准;让我们明白什么是对 什么是罪 怎么做才能进他的国。! J/ D) J: D4 y5 X
" ?$ j( \6 p. n; w. y
& Q2 }% P' {' }/ t$ i3 n
! u) j- ^) S' W3 P有一次吃饭时提到基督教,他说他是基督徒,我差点把饭喷了。
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2010-2-3 01:29 | 显示全部楼层
耶稣没有罪,神为什么要他死? 为了完成救恩
6 e% {! F& l+ q% V  R  L+ k$ A) q: }9 B6 l0 o0 F* }
世间上有什么罪,其惩罚方法会是下地狱永世BBQ?这可是比凌迟处死还要狠毒残忍一万的惩罚呀,就算是人类杀了老耶一千个老 ... 怕了吗,赶紧悔改 相信咯
% t9 [3 U7 h0 N& b! E
6 A2 T# ?: v2 |+ m; e% m我想你 ...2 f( g& T- T! c7 P
kfwong79 发表于 2010-2-2 22:35

" r2 r- x' @. C$ x1 P1 {9 {: L# t5 [# D
耶稣为了完成救恩而死   他是伟大的
' K+ R3 j$ m5 h; p1 U  i( L2 j" @0 H; J8 O+ Q0 {" I$ z
现在有没有一个基督徒 会向耶稣一样为了救恩而死呢
鲜花(3) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2010-2-3 10:20 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 micher 于 2010-2-3 10:30 编辑
* ]  L) T9 X5 D
耶稣为了完成救恩而死   他是伟大的
' p! N. V: J+ S6 i! V* c) M$ t0 {' N8 X: G
现在有没有一个基督徒 会向耶稣一样为了救恩而死呢
6 o3 }  t0 F, K4 s  k' K爱睡觉的虎 发表于 2010-2-3 01:29

* @) G) E$ S" u6 g+ O( n" o9 F  A/ \5 x, Z- e" Z
          看這里:+ A/ \, F$ U4 _  b' K7 W& e
3 E1 V! T$ X1 b- H% C: S. S* x
This past week has been filled with much sorrow. Many of you have heard by now of our devastating loss here in an event that took place in Malatya, a Turkish province 300 miles northeast of Antioch, the city where believers were first called Christians (Acts 11:26).
6 T6 G' ~6 p. X, M: L4 [- n: Q
' l- i( y/ t1 I4 [On Wednesday morning, April 18, 2007, 46 year old German missionary and father of three Tilman Geske prepared to go to his office, kissing his wife goodbye taking a moment to hug his son and give him the priceless memory, “Goodbye, son. I love you.” Tilman rented an office space from Zirve Publishing where he was preparing notes for the new Turkish Study Bible. Zirve was also the location of the Malatya Evangelist Church office. A ministry of the church, Zirve prints and distributes Christian literature to Malatya and nearby cities in Eastern Turkey. In another area of town, 35 year old Pastor Necati Aydin, father of two, said goodbye to his wife, leaving for the office as well. They had a morning Bible Study and prayer meeting that some other believers in town would also be attending. Ugur Yuksel likewise made his way to the Bible study. None of these three men knew that what awaited them at the Bible study was the ultimate testing and application of their faith, which would conclude with their entrance into glory to receive their crown of righteousness from Christ and honor from all the saints awaiting them in the Lord’s presence. On the other side of town, ten young men all under 20 years old put into place final arrangements for their ultimate act of faith, living out their love for Allah and hatred of infidels who they felt undermined Islam.
- T" A+ b) i7 b1 Y5 b$ _8 c, _  J& ~1 h+ ~/ i
On Resurrection Sunday, five of these men had been to a by-invitation-only evangelistic service that Pastor Necati and his men had arranged at a hotel conference room in the city. The men were known to the believers as “seekers.” No one knows what happened in the hearts of those men as they listened to the gospel. Were they touched by the Holy Spirit? Were they convicted of sin? Did they hear the gospel in their heart of hearts? Today we only have the beginning of their story.# u0 P0 W2 _% G7 r& j

* e# Y) i7 m/ r' ?& _5 rThese young men, one of whom is the son of a mayor in the Province of Malatya, are part of a tarikat, or a group of “faithful believers” in Islam. Tarikat membership is highly respected here; it’s like a fraternity membership. In fact, it is said that no one can get into public office without membership in a tarikat. These young men all lived in the same dorm, all preparing for university entrance exams. The young men got guns, breadknives, ropes and towels ready for their final act of service to Allah. They knew there would be a lot of blood. They arrived in time for the Bible Study, around 10 o’clock. They arrived, and apparently the Bible Study began. Reportedly, after Necati read a chapter from the Bible the assault began. The boys tied Ugur, Necati, and Tilman’s hands and feet to chairs and as they videoed their work on their cellphones, they tortured our brothers for almost three hours*
* _% k; A: R: ]+ R) Z! i
- y, K  D9 p+ ~' c7 `, w# J$ R[Details of the torture-- * Tilman was stabbed 156 times, Necati 99 times and Ugur’s stabs were too numerous to count. They were disemboweled, and their intestines sliced up in front of their eyes. They were emasculated and watched as those body parts were destroyed. Fingers were chopped off, their noses and mouths and anuses were sliced open. Possibly the worst part was watching as their brothers were likewise tortured. Finally, their throats were sliced from ear to ear, heads practically decapitated.]
2 L- `; p1 J( |* ^' ^# p+ f( l& h8 D* o2 P4 K8 y* j
The Church in Turkey responded in a way that honored God as hundreds of believers and dozens of pastors flew in as fast as they could to stand by the small church of Malatya and encourage the believers, take care of legal issues, and represent Christians to the media. When Susanne Tilman expressed her wish to bury her husband in Malatya, the Governor tried to stop it, and when he realized he could not stop it, a rumor was spread that “it is a sin to dig a grave for a Christian.” In the end, in an undertaking that should be remembered in Christian history forever, the men from the church in Adana (near Tarsus), grabbed shovels and dug a grave for their slain brother in an un-tended hundred year old Armenian graveyard. Ugur was buried by his family in an Alevi Muslim ceremony in his hometown of Elazig, his believing fiance watching from the shadows as his family and friends refused to accept in death the faith Ugur had so long professed and died for. Necati’s funeral took place in his hometown of Izmir, the city where he came to faith. The darkness does not understand the light. Though the churches expressed their forgiveness for the event, Christians were not to be trusted. Before they would load the coffin onto the plane from Malatya, it went through two separate xray exams to make sure it was not loaded with explosives. This is not a usual procedure for Muslim coffins.6 v8 x& a! X& Z+ w1 G0 o
) ]4 a0 j/ ^5 g! P9 Z8 K
Necati’s funeral was a beautiful event. Like a glimpse of heaven, thousands of Turkish Christians and missionaries came to show their love for Christ, and their honor for this man chosen to die for Christ. Necati’s wife Shemsa told the world, “His death was full of meaning, because he died for Christ and he lived for Christ… Necati was a gift from God. I feel honored that he was in my life, I feel crowned with honor. I want to be worthy of that honor.” Boldly the believers took their stand at Necati’s funeral, facing the risks of being seen publicly and likewise becoming targets. As expected, the anti-terror police attended and videotaped everyone attending the funeral for their future use. The service took place outside at Buca Baptist church, and he was buried in a small Christian graveyard in the outskirts of Izmir.
/ Y& b6 Y- A. h- o9 _! j1 e4 A' [# F& x8 w6 Z" P
Two assistant Governors of Izmir were there solemnly watching the event from the front row. Dozens of news agencies were there documenting the events with live news and photographs. Who knows the impact the funeral had on those watching? This is the beginning of their story as well. Pray for them. In an act that hit front pages in the largest newspapers in Turkey, Susanne Tilman in a television interview expressed her forgiveness. She did not want revenge, she told reporters. “Oh God, forgive them for they know not what they do,” she said, wholeheartedly agreeing with the words of Christ on Calvary (Luke 23:34). In a country where blood-for-blood revenge is as normal as breathing, many many reports have come to the attention of the church of how this comment of Susanne Tilman has changed lives. One columnist wrote of her comment, “She said in one sentence what 1000 missionaries in 1000 years could never do.”) e1 O: e6 X- s6 _  g
. {! x& _! B+ ?6 P2 Q2 a: I. y0 |
When our Pastor Fikret Bocek went with a brother to give a statement to the Security Directorate on Monday they were ushered into the Anti-Terror Department. On the wall was a huge chart covering the whole wall listing all the terrorist cells in Izmir, categorized. In one prominent column were listed all the evangelical churches in Izmir. The darkness does not understand the light. “These that have turned the world upside down are come hither also.” (Acts 17:6) Please pray for the Church in Turkey. “Don’t pray against persecution, pray for perseverence,” urges Pastor Fikret Bocek. The Church is better having lost our brothers; the fruit in our lives, the renewed faith, the burning desire to spread the gospel to quench more darkness in Malatya …all these are not to be regretted. Pray that we stand strong against external opposition and especially pray that we stand strong against internal struggles with sin, our true debilitating weakness. This we know. Christ Jesus was there when our brothers were giving their lives for Him. He was there, like He was when Stephen was being stoned in the sight of Saul of Tarsus.
$ L& d  ^! J' b6 ?
" O$ U) O  k( j9 SSomeday the video of the deaths of our brothers may reveal more to us about the strength that we know Christ gave them to endure their last cross, about the peace the Spirit of God endowed them with to suffer for their beloved Savior. But we know He did not leave their side. We know their minds were full of Scripture strengthening them to endure, as darkness tried to subdue the unsubduable Light of the Gospel. We know, in whatever way they were able, with a look or a word, they encouraged one another to stand strong. We know they knew they would soon be with Christ.* U) `: E+ Y" A) @! p( q( b2 s0 l
We don’t know the details. We don’t know the kind of justice that will or will not be served on this earth. But we pray-- and urge you to pray-- that someday at least one of those five boys will come to faith because of the testimony in death of Tilman Geske, who gave his life as a missionary to his beloved Turks, and the testimonies in death of Necati Aydin and Ugur Yuksel, the first martyrs for Christ out of the Turkish Church.  a" t% o# U  B; F/ R
Reported by Darlene N. Bocek (24 April 2007)
5 s" f7 U4 D' R1 F( S5 }1 v: @# q7 g
, A5 B: _# v+ @
4 `4 b# @  O9 g+ @http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZpCBAa0VX1Y
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2010-2-3 20:06 | 显示全部楼层
  |" U1 F$ z* I7 ^* f$ B  n, I' @! u# I: c  n) F1 B8 N
& v8 N4 H7 `( y5 a; T6 `) H$ b; k3 p0 I
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2010-2-3 21:42 | 显示全部楼层
凭着每一个人的良知,人性 你怎么分别什么是对 什么才是错呢? 但是,所谓 “国有国法,家有家规” 圣经给了我们一个标准;让我们明白什么是对 什么是罪 怎么做才能进他的国。8 Z6 Y# I5 }2 b- K/ G; Q& [
+ }8 c% ]. x  _! |
我有一同事台湾来的,他说了几次他 ...
# P4 `3 h+ D3 S- Y2 {( }1 p! J9 \爱睡觉的虎 发表于 2010-2-3 01:21

3 O% }4 B3 \+ z! ?8 @+ E. l1 f$ C  }7 b; N' a; B$ x; [; }
怎么我突然想起 吃狗肉的和尚呢?
9 S* Z8 Q3 p% O2 H3 \& P5 ^, z, h不是每一个自称基督徒的人都是属于基督。 因为 经上说:
6 a. N/ L3 d7 e5 c5 H! d: k(雅 各 書 James 2: 14-26) " @) `3 \& T. e- |
2:14                  我 的 弟 兄 們 、 若 有 人 說 、 自 己 有 信 心 、 卻 沒 有 行 為 、 有 甚 麼 益 處 呢 . 這 信 心 能 救 他 麼 。
% e0 X7 s2 @# I. h3 u2:15                  若 是 弟 兄 、 或 是 姐 妹 、 赤 身 露 體 、 又 缺 了 日 用 的 飲 食 、( k- y  T3 C2 I3 F1 _- _5 X
2:16                  你 們 中 間 有 人 對 他 們 說 、 平 平 安 安 的 去 罷 、 願 你 們 穿 得 暖 喫 得 飽 . 卻 不 給 他 們 身 體 所 需 用 的 、 這 有 甚 麼 益 處 呢 。
& f2 `$ g* ]- J) ^! U2:17                  這 樣 、 信 心 若 沒 有 行 為 就 是 死 的 。
& E( c$ _( {" l1 r) g+ U' z( L) p2:18                  必 有 人 說 、 你 有 信 心 、 我 有 行 為 . 你 將 你 沒 有 行 為 的 信 心 指 給 我 看 、 我 便 藉 著 我 的 行 為 、 將 我 的 信 心 指 給 你 看 。
; J% r! k# q; R8 R& q0 y; a  f4 a2:19                  你 信   神 只 有 一 位 、 你 信 的 不 錯 . 鬼 魔 也 信 、 卻 是 戰 驚 。" U+ G- N# n2 g8 w4 }, H" }
2:20                  虛 浮 的 人 哪 、 你 願 意 知 道 沒 有 行 為 的 信 心 是 死 的 麼 。$ l8 O1 S$ t$ @/ v+ |3 W
2:21                  我 們 的 祖 宗 亞 伯 拉 罕 、 把 他 兒 子 以 撒 獻 在 壇 上 、 豈 不 是 因 行 為 稱 義 麼 。
. m) G0 m2 [5 q6 D, o2:22                  可 見 信 心 是 與 他 的 行 為 並 行 、 而 且 信 心 因 著 行 為 纔 得 成 全 .
) y8 z; v  A/ o* v8 U9 J2:23                  這 就 應 驗 經 上 所 說 、 『 亞 伯 拉 罕 信   神 、 這 就 算 為 他 的 義 。 』 他 又 得 稱 為   神 的 朋 友 。
( [) U- u& P; K2:24                  這 樣 看 來 、 人 稱 義 是 因 著 行 為 、 不 是 單 因 著 信 。7 |+ z3 n0 n. \+ W  h8 k
2:25                  妓 女 喇 合 接 待 使 者 、 又 放 他 們 從 別 的 路 上 出 去 、 不 也 是 一 樣 因 行 為 稱 義 麼 。. ~: w' T) U5 |( k- ~5 ]7 a8 N
2:26                  身 體 沒 有 靈 魂 是 死 的 、 信 心 沒 有 行 為 也 是 死 的 。
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2010-2-3 22:13 | 显示全部楼层
同言同羽 置业良晨
70# micher
5 P, A- g( h& F+ i' }$ E' N8 H' U* {" M! o+ \$ f( P9 W: F
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2010-2-3 23:03 | 显示全部楼层
56# kfwong79
( t1 T5 z3 S: i很多像你一样的人,认为在教堂里听到的,或者某个著名传道人讲的,或者你身边的“资深”基督徒讲的都是出自圣经。就像“原罪”,其实根本不是出自圣经。“原罪”是奥古斯丁的神学理论的一部分,当时并不是所有的基督教派都如同。建议你多读一些基督教史和神学的书。不要把神学理论和圣经混为一谈。
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2010-2-3 23:03 | 显示全部楼层
怎么我突然想起 吃狗肉的和尚呢? ) B# Q+ n& H1 m3 h# u( Y7 v
不是每一个自称基督徒的人都是属于基督。 因为 经上说: ) r$ `. W+ c  y9 [7 m0 v- x
(雅 各 書 James 2: 14-26)
" G) s, ^5 O& G( G$ {$ x2 w5 F2:14                  我 的 弟 兄 們 、 若 有 人 說 、 自 己 有 信 心 、 卻 沒 有 行 為 、 有 ...' O8 R( T' X0 b" a4 y# e
kfwong79 发表于 2010-2-3 21:42
! x7 w" y: T8 U! V
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2010-2-3 23:10 | 显示全部楼层
56# kfwong79
1 L# W% l0 u! B+ _很多像你一样的人,认为在教堂里听到的,或者某个著名传道人讲的,或者你身边的“资深”基督徒讲的都是出自圣经。就像“原罪”,其实根本不是出自圣经。“原罪”是奥古斯丁的神学理论的一部分,当时 ...- f, i# c3 g" P3 p
清茶一杯 发表于 2010-2-3 23:03
( H% t7 t& B6 n9 E  U& F

9 ?7 g2 W$ j; Z/ c4 z
8 C2 u' @; a/ P% w1 n5 _+ @/ X请多多指教, 可以给我解释你对 羅馬書 Romans 5:12-21 的内容 的看法吗?
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2010-2-3 23:11 | 显示全部楼层
同言同羽 置业良晨
: |$ b. s8 u2 R' G. `" [9 T高潮 发表于 2010-2-3 23:03

, r. X& s& m; ~2 M1 a3 M6 v6 }8 V' P5 Y8 w6 e4 G
你问我 我问谁?
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2010-2-3 23:19 | 显示全部楼层
你问我 我问谁?
# @& |, Z. V  o1 H8 Zkfwong79 发表于 2010-2-3 23:11

! c4 y$ d/ E+ s8 M6 f就问你自己,你看了下面的帖子,是否同意或反对帖子中的观点?
6 p$ v: X2 ^' ]8 r9 u8 C; Fhttp://www.edmontonchina.ca/view ... &extra=page%3D1
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2010-2-3 23:24 | 显示全部楼层
咱们不是discuss这帖子吗? 怎么那么快就忘了
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2010-2-3 23:41 | 显示全部楼层
咱们不是discuss这帖子吗? 怎么那么快就忘了
# V( r) E. N  z) t) z8 W9 Ckfwong79 发表于 2010-2-3 23:24

8 |7 V1 `  t: e1 y8 g1 N' u你说你不敢看,偶就再鼓励一下你呀~
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2010-2-3 23:43 | 显示全部楼层
你没看 还鼓励我看
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2010-2-3 23:45 | 显示全部楼层
同言同羽 置业良晨
你没看 还鼓励我看
; V; o% Y4 a& s  `1 e& Fkfwong79 发表于 2010-2-3 23:43
- }% a0 `" t$ N9 d$ f0 `) u$ i/ h
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2010-2-3 23:50 | 显示全部楼层
同言同羽 置业良晨
耶稣没有罪,神为什么要他死? 为了完成救恩 ...
5 q! u5 o* u) {6 D1 dkfwong79 发表于 2010-2-2 22:35
4 m, o' ?9 q! \3 F
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2010-2-3 23:52 | 显示全部楼层
是不想看。 也没兴趣。* m$ y! t* }; C# H/ N
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2010-2-3 23:54 | 显示全部楼层
是不想看。 也没兴趣。
0 f0 b6 O4 W2 u+ H* E0 H1 V我想你对这文章那么有兴趣。你是天主教吧?; M+ J& w. Q; b% V  `- C: N
kfwong79 发表于 2010-2-3 23:52

' N+ W3 P3 T8 w# A那你为什么有兴趣在这里发帖?这不是掩耳盗铃吗?
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2010-2-4 00:01 | 显示全部楼层
神要我传他福音,所以我在这。3 `& h; U- l5 a' a8 J3 \* r
你在这 无风起浪 你又在这干什么? 难道你在家很寂寞, 很无助, 没人关心?
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2010-2-4 00:04 | 显示全部楼层
+ Q; _5 t1 P+ _. R你在这 无风起浪 你又在这干什么? 难道你在家很寂寞, 很无助, 没人关心?* I& {% C8 T, ^0 I0 }1 `0 h% R
kfwong79 发表于 2010-2-4 00:01
5 Y0 i* d6 ^- v' I
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2010-2-4 00:25 | 显示全部楼层
6 q3 @0 @/ Q- [3 N$ H0 p/ C7 q你如果想明白基督教 和 天主教 的分别就 google 一下。反正教堂里 除了神以外 不可以侍奉其他神 /东西/圣人。
鲜花(3) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2010-2-4 00:34 | 显示全部楼层
70# micher 5 P! _+ b, Q; v9 O
' o1 ^+ y) }% v
* m9 o0 u% t$ v; p/ R2 C3 N3 Z' IXxian 发表于 2010-2-3 22:13
. R5 w! ~4 \% z

4 o5 v9 x& G; q  f9 b$ |/ C    基督徒生病祷告求医治,被说成贪生怕死;为主殉道又成不知危险,总之,可谓是欲加之罪何患无词。
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2010-2-4 10:59 | 显示全部楼层
请多多指教, 可以给我解释你对 羅馬書 Romans 5:12-21 的内容 的看法吗?
" @& _3 K2 j" l! f1 K( _7 {$ ekfwong79 发表于 2010-2-3 23:10
$ `  p" m/ ~! x5 V1 C
& C0 d2 K% ^' r7 s: F* j

$ q2 r/ A5 F1 i& [# n, o0 K/ a8 A清茶一杯, 请多多指教
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