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请问精打细算:银行6.50% 5-Year Rate Reset Preferred Share投资的利弊?

鲜花(26) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-11-29 16:54 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
现在,由于全球经济不好,股市和基金投资的风险大,大家都在寻求比较稳妥的投资途径, 要相对安全,收益又高于银行利率。最近,加各大银行通过IPO都有出售6.25% ~ 6.50% 5-Year Rate Reset Preferred Share。请问:这种投资的利弊?好像其回报要明显大于基金GIC不过这种Preferred Share是一种股票,其风险比基金和GIC都大。. u! Q! @0 Q' s: c) i& u$ T' R' @

. O, e4 _2 R( |5 H1 [4 g
" {, _. i2 k# J6 J+ c, b& m$ I& V& P. c[ 本帖最后由 yxia 于 2008-11-29 17:22 编辑 ]
鲜花(26) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2008-11-29 16:58 | 显示全部楼层
下面是BMO的:5 D: B" Q8 d$ C) x
: ]/ K3 D- l  p, U& P( N8 t  qThis summary is qualified by the detailed information appearing elsewhere in this short form prospectus. For adefinition of certain terms used in this summary, refer to ‘‘Details of the Offering’’.9 G: U( ~- d; O, e8 @8 s% ?! u
Issue: Non-Cumulative 5-Year Rate Reset Class B Preferred Shares, Series 18.! E6 g  s7 p" L( I8 T8 X/ r
Amount: $150,000,000 (6,000,000 shares).7 e: l7 l" `: O! j
Price and Yield: $25.00 per share to yield initially 6.50% per annum.  T$ C7 T6 {" h& E
Principal Characteristics of the Preferred Shares Series 18
" C  B/ ~3 r! _# g: s$ DDividends: The holders of the Preferred Shares Series 18 will be entitled to receive fixed
6 B: z/ f2 }2 ~. C7 pnon-cumulative preferential cash dividends, as and when declared by the' z  b8 k  o' m7 j# Q: W
Board of Directors, subject to the provisions of the Bank Act, for the initial* J5 P  s) ~2 F! T- J, ~" {2 j
period commencing on the closing date and ending on and including
0 Q9 F; y" j! p* k5 z. IFebruary 25, 2014 (the ‘‘Initial Fixed Rate Period’’), payable quarterly on the. z2 n, `0 l5 m+ ~
25th day of February, May, August and November in each year, at a rate
+ ?3 E" u, Q( v) A# Z" Lequal to $0.40625 per share. The initial dividend, if declared, will be payable
  I& B9 G9 F' ?( i( rMay 25, 2009 and will be $0.73459 per share, based on the anticipated closing
1 H+ Z8 c# t/ X( Sdate of December 11, 2008.
1 B- _6 |/ v* R0 K7 T6 n$ lFor each five-year period after the Initial Fixed Rate Period (each, a- s4 P: Y' q$ F; a; B$ x, _! C1 D
‘‘Subsequent Fixed Rate Period’’), the holders of the Preferred Shares; L) y7 q7 I. W% U- D  H/ C
Series 18 will be entitled to receive fixed non-cumulative preferential cash+ n- A  u3 }4 W
dividends, as and when declared by the Board of Directors, subject to the
; `) v! Z4 ^6 H# }0 W% H& w: \provisions of the Bank Act, payable quarterly on the 25th day of February,
6 ]! y# C' g# D9 vMay, August and November in each year, in the amount per share per annum1 E0 N* L9 M* B, ]5 g0 Z2 [& m* h
determined by multiplying the Annual Fixed Dividend Rate applicable to/ v6 H  o9 ^9 F2 h9 h
such Subsequent Fixed Rate Period by $25.00. The Annual Fixed Dividend
, G( f7 F+ H5 C1 W8 }Rate for the ensuing Subsequent Fixed Rate Period will be determined by the4 h) j  g: A# D
Bank on the 30th day (a ‘‘Fixed Rate Calculation Date’’) prior to the first day
3 N, n  B; ?& V: T  pof such Subsequent Fixed Rate Period and will be equal to the sum of the% T6 g* I+ z9 U7 ]1 R3 i4 J
Government of Canada Yield on the applicable Fixed Rate Calculation Date+ l6 C; M3 _0 B+ p, B2 n
plus 3.83%.
$ Z; ?2 J0 L4 z) }If the Board of Directors does not declare a dividend, or any part thereof, on8 ^. p! Z9 _. e& p! A0 [
the Preferred Shares Series 18 on or before the dividend payment date for a: d' |2 C4 i- }2 Z0 F. o) }3 X) t
particular quarter, then the entitlement of the holders of the Preferred
4 o/ o3 Z* s6 hShares Series 18 to receive such dividend, or to any part thereof, for such
* {- ~& b5 v, R$ mquarter will be forever extinguished.
  h/ U& O4 n; j1 z: C' URedemption: Subject to the provisions of the Bank Act and to the prior consent of the
9 L3 A3 W3 @* v# h/ h( F. V- HSuperintendent and to the provisions described below under ‘‘Details of the$ D0 Z9 T4 V* G: G% D& O
Offering — Certain Provisions of the Preferred Shares Series 18 as a
- h+ n1 a, y( r6 gSeries — Restrictions on Dividends and Retirement of Shares’’, on( Z# O1 S& t0 M
February 25, 2014 and on February 25 every five years thereafter, on not
. ?1 v- O, Q( ]# ?& \/ Mmore than 60 nor less than 30 days’ notice, the Bank may redeem all or any
! W3 Z/ l& L1 E. [( ypart of the then outstanding Preferred Shares Series 18, at the Bank’s option
0 c' s3 ?0 w# ?4 I1 I7 v: j9 gwithout the consent of the holder, by the payment of an amount in cash for0 G' [- _& M2 s; ~
each such share so redeemed of $25.00 together with all declared and unpaid( P9 E4 k& F& B$ @* C$ @
dividends to the date fixed for redemption.% N& q! q* q' `# I5 ~
Conversion into Preferred Holders of Preferred Shares Series 18 will, subject to the automatic6 {" i5 \$ N; T
Shares Series 19: conversion provisions and the right of the Bank to redeem those shares, have
  v7 ^* H2 I# w4 }the right, at their option, to convert, on February 25, 2014 and on" U' R  F3 ]6 M# d; ^
" Y* O! i9 V! @+ h3 IFebruary 25 every five years thereafter (a ‘‘Series 18 Conversion Date’’), any  Y; v, \3 `) o8 K* v
or all of their Preferred Shares Series 18 into an equal number of Preferred& p' T: I0 l) m- X7 C
Shares Series 19 upon giving to the Bank notice thereof not earlier than- S; t  j# t1 K% K
30 days prior to, but not later than 5:00 p.m. (Toronto time) on the 15th day
: J3 h2 T4 C+ i) S7 ~5 V* e  U/ _4 ipreceding, a Series 18 Conversion Date.
* i1 h) n" V& h/ J: \8 {3 dAutomatic Conversion If the Bank determines, after having taken into account all shares tendered
8 ~3 }, i" u. z1 H# p* IProvisions: for conversion by holders of Preferred Shares Series 18 and Preferred Shares9 q- H$ R! S  n) q0 v# u, o) P# E
Series 19, as the case may be, that there would be outstanding on such
( u  T+ _3 G: U) b% r5 uSeries 18 Conversion Date less than 1,000,000 Preferred Shares Series 18,+ s4 ?! \) A  j! K7 Q
such remaining number of Preferred Shares Series 18 will automatically be, w5 i& e* h* J& N; U0 n
converted on such Series 18 Conversion Date into an equal number of1 w7 N) [1 R+ {( e$ t( p
Preferred Shares Series 19. Additionally, if the Bank determines that, after& e0 L# P1 E- @* z9 x
conversion, there would be outstanding on such Series 18 Conversion Date6 s5 I' L  ]  x. P
less than 1,000,000 Preferred Shares Series 19 then no Preferred Shares
4 Z! o6 z6 h. V+ C) l1 \Series 18 will be converted into Preferred Shares Series 19.
9 O# v" P# P& c! Y1 J3 A$ ]1 Z" hVoting Rights: Subject to the provisions of the Bank Act, the holders of Preferred Shares
$ x% ?- Q' W  t8 P, O, a3 C, w  U9 QSeries 18 will not be entitled as such to receive notice of, attend, or vote at,4 \5 T" e6 E- W5 \: |: {* g
any meeting of the shareholders of the Bank unless and until the first time at
# ?2 J) h1 _! f5 qwhich the Board of Directors has not declared the whole dividend on the8 Y3 w4 z2 C: l/ x2 V
Preferred Shares Series 18 in any quarter. In that event, subject as) ?$ b. w! F* C% j" J+ B. `
hereinafter provided, the holders of Preferred Shares Series 18 will be+ I4 I2 ^. V. `( H
entitled to receive notice of, and to attend, meetings of shareholders at which
3 A- B" F+ J* Xdirectors of the Bank are to be elected and will be entitled to one vote for. K  g( U% }0 B. q
each Preferred Share Series 18 held. The voting rights of the holders of the
& _- ?7 F, d- M+ R9 IPreferred Shares Series 18 will forthwith cease upon payment by the Bank of
+ _2 w% I) H3 y+ r& gthe first dividend on the Preferred Shares Series 18 to which the holders are
' t- K$ i9 O5 O( v7 wentitled thereunder subsequent to the time such voting rights first arose until
6 Y7 J5 u: [& h" c4 f% ^% `such time as the Bank may again fail to declare the whole dividend on the
* g1 k* e) w) [. q1 p3 xPreferred Shares Series 18 in respect of any quarter, in which event such
; Y) H- W0 t$ d8 p* ?voting rights will become effective again and so on from time to time.
) w- {# E0 @, \, ^Principal Characteristics of the Preferred Shares Series 19
# [: e2 W: a0 ]2 N4 l2 K5 L! D* jDividends: The holders of the Preferred Shares Series 19 will be entitled to receive
: h' k6 |4 {; l1 H# l" ], efloating rate non-cumulative preferential cash dividends, as and when! ?5 B/ ]: H) A" d" _/ X
declared by the Board of Directors, subject to the provisions of the Bank Act,, F3 l1 m4 }/ x( V, M/ z& V4 ^
payable quarterly on the 25th day of February, May, August and November- B7 h- w* \& o3 D! Z1 m
in each year, in the amount per share determined by multiplying the/ k; Q: S0 H+ r6 q
applicable Quarterly Floating Dividend Rate by $25.00.; f6 z+ s' j3 \; V; o3 W, }3 z7 J% F
On the 30th day prior to the commencement of the initial quarterly dividend
# z# J4 x; t3 {3 S% b% q; p( N& _period beginning on February 25, 2014, and on the 30th day prior to the first6 a* y/ z" c1 p
day of each subsequent quarterly dividend period (the initial quarterly
1 T; l6 z, a; K6 B; g, n2 g$ Q) O* wdividend period and each subsequent quarterly dividend period is referred to! z6 U# ^6 M4 Z; K, C8 p+ o* g
as a ‘‘Quarterly Floating Rate Period’’), the Bank will determine the
5 K: N- }; R# f1 z2 {Quarterly Floating Dividend Rate for the ensuing Quarterly Floating Rate2 `# W2 F' q7 M6 X# `6 D
Period. The Quarterly Floating Dividend Rate will be equal to the sum of the( g5 l9 h! E2 J7 b
T-Bill Rate plus 3.83% (calculated on the basis of the actual number of days
2 F' [1 q0 r  u7 m# Pelapsed in the applicable Quarterly Floating Rate Period divided by 365)
" Y7 Q# Q5 D6 }2 L" r% wdetermined on the 30th day prior to the first day of the applicable Quarterly
( m$ ^+ J$ l2 m  w6 QFloating Rate Period.
1 r% c; d6 K2 H/ s5 Z) g% J. M4 g; \S-5
) ^. r/ N7 P- A% \, I" ?If the Board of Directors does not declare a dividend, or any part thereof, on
$ o2 Z2 K; c- Hthe Preferred Shares Series 19 on or before the dividend payment date for a
6 Z0 j' X! G" E9 O4 ]* ]/ J+ {particular quarter, then the entitlement of the holders of the Preferred8 Q* ?: G8 O: ]9 f$ Y- [
Shares Series 19 to receive such dividend, or to any part thereof, for such
- k/ M- \/ ?$ \0 j4 Tquarter will be forever extinguished.
+ z/ S2 f! N3 N2 h. qRedemption: Subject to the provisions of the Bank Act and to the prior consent of the5 X* p$ a2 M& a5 d& Y" S. s
Superintendent and to the provisions described below under the heading4 I6 E! M7 ^& L: r- A9 G7 x) g
‘‘Details of the Offering — Certain Provisions of the Preferred Shares
, y+ S- V7 t! |+ ~3 p: [4 xSeries 19 as a Series — Restrictions on Dividends and Retirement of Shares’’,
7 L0 x" S4 p1 q: k4 I# X& s5 gon not more than 60 nor less than 30 days’ notice, the Bank may redeem all
; F# J6 |" N  W1 L9 N) \) Bor any part of the then outstanding Preferred Shares Series 19, at the Bank’s4 p: Z+ \) V/ ]" y! Y
option without the consent of the holder, by the payment of an amount in
# r1 h4 L* ]4 U# q! m( \' p: v' mcash for each such share so redeemed of (i) $25.00 together with all declared
2 Q6 K; q/ W" gand unpaid dividends to the date fixed for redemption in the case of0 c) ]$ J& f. |0 |0 s1 X+ J, a: T# z
redemptions on February 25, 2019 and on February 25 every five years
! g1 p6 f" i' ^1 P' j! Hthereafter, or (ii) $25.50 together with all declared and unpaid dividends to
( U2 Y) C+ \: k5 f" E1 e# rthe date fixed for redemption in the case of redemptions on any other date+ ]5 R6 Y/ [7 n, N: w
on or after February 25, 2014.9 ?% e) z7 J9 D$ n8 ^% ]
Conversion into Preferred Holders of Preferred Shares Series 19 will, subject to the automatic+ ?3 D: f1 L6 v& K% F) j: ^4 A
Shares Series 18: conversion provisions and the right of the Bank to redeem those shares, have, N1 `# \( D3 T* k( Y0 K
the right, at their option, to convert, on February 25, 2019 and on
( D9 f, v" h; X. [5 a7 u. wFebruary 25 every five years thereafter (a ‘‘Series 19 Conversion Date’’), any
, v. V4 S4 W$ V. G, \* o. g  ^/ Sor all of their Preferred Shares Series 19 into an equal number of Preferred
) J% z0 y  X; o! y7 |Shares Series 18 upon giving to the Bank written notice thereof not earlier
3 t2 E) }0 S$ j# y5 Ythan 30 days prior to, but not later than 5:00 p.m. (Toronto time) on the
0 _; q: K2 w, A% M15th day preceding, a Series 19 Conversion Date./ T6 D7 }( P; F9 c% k: c4 y
Automatic Conversion If the Bank determines, after having taken into account all shares tendered
, }: J3 G7 P) F. g1 T- iProvisions: for conversion by holders of Preferred Shares Series 19 and Preferred Shares% \5 y) b: O. t) w
Series 18, as the case may be, that there would be outstanding on such
9 c7 j" P  Y( `6 ~% wSeries 19 Conversion Date less than 1,000,000 Preferred Shares Series 19,
" g8 e9 D6 y' L3 ^* nsuch remaining number of Preferred Shares Series 19 will automatically be9 t3 K% p8 `5 s& m% S- }
converted on such Series 19 Conversion Date into an equal number of7 O- ~! b' d7 \) R# ^9 g
Preferred Shares Series 18. Additionally, if the Bank determines that, after/ E( _) P* I5 p) p# j4 g
conversion, there would be outstanding on such Series 19 Conversion Date
5 p+ f. c6 `/ l+ zless than 1,000,000 Preferred Shares Series 18 then no Preferred Shares7 @& v0 @6 Y* ]4 L- `
Series 19 will be converted into Preferred Shares Series 18.: T' W# w, M8 J
Voting Rights: Subject to the provisions of the Bank Act, the holders of Preferred Shares
" Q  t+ _- N$ w& X# L, A7 {Series 19 will not be entitled as such to receive notice of, attend, or vote at,, C( e- I  v; L/ I# [
any meeting of the shareholders of the Bank unless and until the first time at
5 U9 Z: K6 X2 t+ C% nwhich the Board of Directors has not declared the whole dividend on the
2 S5 f8 i  V6 l4 _- j- aPreferred Shares Series 19 in any quarter. In that event, subject as4 E+ M8 I  l' G( N, k$ e" r
hereinafter provided, the holders of Preferred Shares Series 19 will be% T  @5 E- }$ A1 {/ b
entitled to receive notice of, and to attend, meetings of shareholders at which9 J0 J$ H! U1 L/ S+ M% _
directors of the Bank are to be elected and will be entitled to one vote for/ d7 E5 q" @9 Z8 ]/ c
each Preferred Share Series 19 held. The voting rights of the holders of the% c( b, {. A9 K6 L. D
Preferred Shares Series 19 will forthwith cease upon payment by the Bank of
1 q$ H) s! u$ @  A- gthe first dividend on the Preferred Shares Series 19 to which the holders are+ Y' A; ^5 `  r0 Z. t' y" ^! o
entitled thereunder subsequent to the time such voting rights first arose until; M2 l$ m; D1 T1 E4 l; X' v7 Z
such time as the Bank may again fail to declare the whole dividend on the) I! V5 U( V3 w) Q* X
Preferred Shares Series 19 in respect of any quarter, in which event such/ ?6 ]7 q! M" l: h9 W
voting rights will become effective again and so on from time to time.
, t& z; \2 l3 q7 v+ ], f8 [S-6
; T0 J* F4 M$ Q: PPriority: The preferred shares of each series of the Bank will rank on a parity with
" g. Z/ Q$ F: p. A) levery other series and are entitled to preference over the common shares of
5 o+ m( x" R/ R3 o; c3 e( {the Bank and over any other shares of the Bank ranking junior to the
6 D, F% N$ @4 u9 z3 Y# H: a% b; A$ Ppreferred shares with respect to the payment of dividends and upon any
$ @( I! K9 u; d) \$ ldistribution of assets in the event of the liquidation, dissolution or  H2 V' ^3 j7 ^' k
winding-up of the Bank.
1 o3 c0 G9 Z- f3 w2 @Tax on Preferred Share The Bank will elect, in the manner and within the time provided under
2 D- r- s& @2 H% F4 l  M8 aDividends: Part VI.1 of the Act to pay tax at a rate such that holders of Preferred Shares# {3 z4 L8 f  p
Series 18 and Preferred Shares Series 19 will not be required to pay tax on
' J! _3 Y0 f  ]( y/ T' }; d1 fdividends received on such shares under Part IV.1 of such Act.
鲜花(87) 鸡蛋(1)
发表于 2008-11-29 17:42 | 显示全部楼层
算了吧, 有空出来,给你介绍几个安稳的选项。
- z/ m# K) Q  x8 v9 Y% i2 N今天讲座如何?
鲜花(26) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2008-11-29 17:48 | 显示全部楼层
老杨团队 追求完美
鲜花(87) 鸡蛋(1)
发表于 2008-11-29 18:26 | 显示全部楼层
! y* `; z" l6 U: g5 V$ X

9 {! H9 ?; S6 J6 q$ [  N  E% N下周3下午有时间么? 到我办公室, 拿几只好东西秀秀。8 U0 g. X) K6 ?  E) c
' {& u) ^& @8 C) ?, t" Z
call me.. 780 6699880 转101
鲜花(26) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2008-11-29 18:47 | 显示全部楼层
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