鲜花( 1) 鸡蛋( 0)
缘分”是所谓命中注定的人与人遇合的机缘。英译“缘分”(亦作“天缘”)以及“有缘”、“无缘”常用的英文词有fate, luck, lot, destiny 等。请看几个例子:
- j2 P( x1 @9 K Z5 x& ?, Z/ R: g
; \& T; `& M/ s* P
- ^5 d/ T5 |. m4 Z, H$ l1 A5 o' WWealth and honor, glory and fame, are predetermined by fate. (W.J.F. Jenner 译)% e+ h Z" ~' w3 Y+ ^1 z
1 }: w' |3 |& p' _1 m2.[宝玉问香菱为何薛蟠相亲定下了金桂,香菱笑道] 一则是天缘,二来是“情人眼里出西施”(《红楼梦》)
$ d6 e& F' h: e/ y r" j+ q) C! f$ c0 x6 [$ u
It‘s partly fate, and partly a case of "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder."(杨宪益、戴乃迭 译)
. G) `7 S0 Q- ^4 A2 i6 r9 l6 k1 h2 t! j8 @, C7 S7 `
3.[王婆为了撮合西门庆和潘金莲,故意问前者是不是妻子死后,没有别的女人他中意的。西门庆争辩说]做甚么了便没?只恨我夫妻缘分上薄,自不撞着!(《水浒》)5 R8 O. T# l! q/ H$ r
$ w' S/ F6 L7 a' C1 ~% TWho says there isn‘t? It‘s just that my marriage luck has been bad. I‘ve never met the right one. (S. Shapiro 译)
/ t- g+ t7 r4 ^. \+ T+ n8 R# L0 p2 Q- t
4.她无缘,小生薄命。 (《西厢记》) ) G { k" v( L& M
4 n, U& C; W. S8 Z* f
She lacks the karma; I‘m out of luck. (S. H. L. Idema 译)
9 N: G6 ]7 E) \+ W/ m6 ?& k& m' i7 J- D$ i! `9 ?
) I& @, l% T b( J3 [( M. W0 a( u. c* ^% M% @, \9 j- Q6 W
My meagre lot, my partly destiny keep us from remaining together.( M. Robers 译); F, F% z- f) j+ ]# O p& o ]
$ G& y* h/ s& l' p/ [9 V6.[杜慎卿向季苇萧诉说自己没有知心朋友]只为缘悭分浅,遇不着一个知己,所以对月伤怀,临风洒泪!(《儒林外史》)
6 y4 ^6 }' C+ Z1 Z+ F; k( n- p2 O
But I have not been lucky enough to find a true friend, and that is why I so often give way to melancholy! (杨宪益、戴乃迭 译)
: u% a& Q+ X. T" A% d
. i7 B+ e5 p* ]2 z( |+ Z& n7.君琴瑟之好,自相知音;薄命人乌有此福。如有缘,再世可相聚耳。(《聊斋.宦娘》)
6 s: c q" l: m6 U
# b! Y, C4 T7 \You are like a matching lute and zither set. You can appreciate each other‘s music. Fate has been too unkind to allow me
& T* H: j5 R. L( w- u( v0 M4 U/ \# Z$ ^2 O
such blessings. If we are linked by the ties of destiny, we will meet again in the next life. (D.C. & V. H Mair 译)+ P: A6 s$ a4 y5 U! R: ^! K7 o
/ O+ D9 h; l# c9 ~$ t D7 U, `
8.[方鸿渐看不中张小姐,心中暗说]“我你他”小姐,咱们没有“举碗[案]齐眉”的缘分,希望另有好运气的人来爱上您。 (《围城》)2 s& |. E3 [, Q) @0 B3 r4 m' B$ I
7 }) g, [8 L' T4 X$ Q1 H0 W! v5 zMiss Wo-Ni-Ta, we just weren‘t meant to "raise the bowl To the eyebrows." I hope some other lucky guy falls in love; U- |5 O4 G9 T( F( s
) Q3 {" o8 w `+ d4 ?8 {
with you. (J. Kelly、 N. K. Mao 译)
8 L# L0 J0 H/ p) P+ g$ a# J6 C. u @' P5 E0 Y5 ^3 ^
可以看出,以上句子里的中心词都含有“命运”的意识,英译亦然。《围城》一例所mean,据New World Dictionary 等词典的解释也有 to destine or seem to destine 的意思,颇为妥帖。: W& \' o |1 ~6 }3 k+ c
! M+ ^9 |1 ?! b. u4 s. L( o然而,“缘分”等词和命运的关联在有的用法里变得淡化了,甚至完全消失了。它只是泛指一种机遇或者机会。所以M. Roberts翻译《三国演义》的以下两句,用的词语和上边英译句子中的相应部分不同:
7 d# y a$ v& ^) t9 g
% I9 G& f: y G( b4 [, W( G( y9.[刘备二顾草芦时误认诸葛均为为诸葛亮,说]备久慕先生,无缘拜会。1 X- v( h" Z4 s8 m1 f
# I' J7 p5 ?$ M0 Z3 t8 C5 F
Your talents and your virtue have ever been the objects of my esteem. But I have not had the honour of being presented to you.% L* h5 d% ]8 l
/ A' ~ a" k. x1 `4 {不仅如此,这种机遇还可以发生在人和事物之间。体育报道里说的“无缘(进入)决赛(be barred from entering the finals; be disqualified for the finals) 即其一例。《浮生六记》的作者沈复(字三白)因妻子陈芸喜欢李白和白居易的诗,就跟她说:
5 F/ A3 n% T( g; H3 B( j& F
! N2 ]: E2 Z4 h! m8 e1 S7 Q11.异哉!李太白是知己,白乐天是启蒙师,余适逢字三白,为卿婿;卿与“白”字何其有缘耶?
0 e( g) _% G0 V, y! v- N5 Y# t9 n2 y5 {% z
This is very strange. So LiBai is your bosom friend, Bai Juyi is your first tutor and yours band‘s literary name is Sanbai. It seems, O7 {" O+ u) q: |( K a$ H
- e$ K2 w8 o& B0 _* g
that your life is always bound up with the Bai‘s. (林语堂 译) |