埃德蒙顿华人社区-Edmonton China

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发表于 2009-11-10 20:13 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
来自CBC网友评论) Z8 J8 j$ ?2 e4 H6 L7 ?
http://www.cbc.ca/world/story/20 ... html#socialcomments
, M- ]8 ~7 m6 Z3 l) e% a' M9 y一网友认为:
) S- k) P" @% [# K1 w' hIf you believe in God, then you also have to believe that a rational, logical and compassionate God would never condone death and other dishonorable acts were done in His name and for His glory. Quite simply, God does not need His people to kill for Him. He is God. This is a human excuse to justify acts of violence and brutallity across the world. It is a cop-out excuse to justify murder.
% |3 V3 k1 V7 W/ W! E; m% F8 S另一网友
* {- m/ {4 }' A7 d) F' JRichard9 wrote:
/ Q) v/ q5 ^3 s* uPosted 2009/11/10
8 Q3 o9 b% O7 _$ T+ i2 h: [at 3:42 PM ET
) Z0 i- i/ z% p+ o评论如下:+ B7 b) W1 n* r$ ]( @
what god have you been reading about? the god of the bible isn't rational, logical or compassionate and he ordered deaths and other dishonorable acts quite a few times.
) z" M$ c5 K* W; u- m
8 j/ W# B  v3 u$ S9 _' Q; VI'm not siding with this nut but if you believe in god, why are these actions so far fetched? God ordered entire cities destroyed, slaves taken, women raped etc.... does that sound compassionate? When there was only 4 people on the planet, he wanted tributes and even rejected one he found inadequate. He sent the personification of himself to earth to be tortured to save us from himself. I don't pretend to say I understand god but what about that is logical? God teaches us he is jealous but commands us to not to covet...we have to be better then him? God tortured people as 'tests' but he knew the results before he started but went ahead with them anyway.
1 @" e5 k9 W- h& l( b, ?) R4 ]1 y2 M& P6 ?' X. k
Belief in god requires you to accept that he is all powerful and our time on earth is nothing in the grand scheme of things. God is to be feared and if he tells you to kill then you better kill or face his wrath. He burn you alive for centuries. He'll torture you for eternity if you were unfortunate to have been born in a place that doesn't repeat the right stories.' I* f& E  b: [
1 F' Q5 _2 ^" `1 i% u4 C
That doesn't mean captain nutjob doesn't get to stand in front of a firing squad (or however they kill people in military court these days) but who are you to doubt god?
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