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鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2010-4-28 18:31 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
龙坛网友 狸猫 翻译并评注3 D5 g. P0 d) e5 N
! ]. @5 m" X- ~* `+ F% O
According to Shiloh Place Ministries (shilohplace.org), which drew its information from Focus on the Family, Ministries Today, Charisma Magazine, TNT Ministries, and other respected groups: (HT: Historicity)) @8 R+ K% E, B" ~* I5 K
7 N& k& a: r1 t5 w- @! X
翻译可能不准确,欢迎教徒们指正。* p* @% g3 q; z8 N4 s
* T- G6 A! S$ f" N* J
• 1,500 pastors leave the ministry permanently each month in America.+ `: @; o# j% c. L
美国每个月有1500个牧师永久性离开他们的职位(没办法)8 d# S# S* y- g2 n: C2 {6 D

5 c) K7 f+ R4 b6 O( A• 4,000 new churches start each year in America.9 f9 o7 S3 _* T2 S% [4 l
' ?+ H8 ]' v/ x
2 O" v1 h! V% q• 7,000 churches close each year in America./ ?% c3 o, {  V* N5 p! I
6 N. G/ A' W+ C' f$ c( x' ]$ c
4 |" N3 X) Z. V( z7 [• 50% of pastors’ marriages end in divorce.- E) y. _! G# i. N1 j
% x. t0 k6 v3 l" G7 Q3 {  n' @
# Q  h$ f9 P0 v9 L• 70% of pastors continually battle depression.
0 G* P2 _' z8 A! P/ J& q70%的牧师不断地跟抑郁症较劲(神没有能使他们免于不快乐)
6 c# U& q- s$ w$ [2 y
# i# T" N( x* V% f/ E$ K • 80% of pastors and 85% of their spouses feel discouraged in their roles.
2 U& Z  B' p( }7 M2 O- m, m3 D, f80%的牧师和85%牧师的配偶觉得自己的角色令人沮丧(荣耀好像代替不了沮丧)1 m3 v& k& P& m- C

$ u6 J2 t2 s: s& G• 95% of pastors do not regularly pray with their spouses.; u. S1 F9 i1 \# L* Z' T
95%的牧师不会经常性和配偶一起祷告(配偶是否信基督?)" A6 ]2 J( h: x1 ]/ h  g7 W
: S: ^' B' S5 _8 x3 c
• 70% of pastors do not have a close friend, confidant, or mentor.
, i, f; t  N2 a70%的牧师没有亲近的朋友、密友或者出主意的人(有神做朋友还不够?)7 t. z3 E; `$ z% O8 w4 V3 _

" a, P/ k4 G) c; X# `% ^• 50% of pastors are so discouraged they would leave the ministry if they could, but have no other way to make a living.* q6 B/ h( X& a; B5 ~
如果能够做到,50%的牧师沮丧得打算离开本职工作,只不过他们没有其他方法谋生(非不为也,是不能也)1 L* Z  Y7 [4 [7 Y

* N# U. o# Q) V: J1 D• 80% of pastors spend under 15 minutes a day in prayer.+ p6 X# W7 X) {" Z" A9 ~+ o- c+ w
' L8 K$ l: I+ L& `: V( j! t; S9 D+ V. U
• 70% of pastors only study God’s Word when preparing a message.
+ F0 i: t8 t7 Y3 _70%的牧师只有在准备讲道的时候才学习神的话。(看来没有溶化在血液中,现买现卖比较多)+ M7 @9 Z, T* }0 t1 y
% [, ~; l% H$ g" Z2 r7 m" m- B
• Nearly 40% of pastors have had an extra-marital sexual affair since entering ministry.1 a$ ]; V- j& h. o8 i
( {( t5 d. ~$ ]+ k% i: m! H+ s; |4 W7 N9 |2 n/ t! I) f
• 80% of seminary graduates who enter ministry will leave the ministry within the first five years.0 T( n( }6 N' m6 o  y- \
; D7 B0 P. d" `# ^. \; E* h
" v6 ^4 [' c* [# [, ]! s• 80% of pastors’ wives feel their husbands are overworked.
# D7 G7 [; }. \7 T80%牧师的配偶觉得她们的丈夫过度劳累(如今的世界谁都不轻松,就别诉苦了)' u3 V9 c6 J* x" w

' c* v( Z* n$ k+ {5 t• 80% of the adult children of pastors sought professional help for depression.
2 e  B5 r6 R7 S: B  S牧师的成年子女80%曾为抑郁症寻求专业帮助(现成的老爸加上一个“天爸”不去求?不求神去求人?)
! H2 U- H% ^$ M; ]0 D* L* j' J$ B0 k( Y6 |: s) q) f% A1 e4 O
• 90% of pastors said their training was inadequate for ministry.- L' p6 n2 S5 f5 y1 x: p3 [0 Q
0 R5 ?( P! i' t/ S: b4 B* R4 Z% N5 \; j; @( Y' q# J4 T
• 85% of pastors report that their biggest problem is dealing with abstinent elders, deacons, worship leaders, worship teams, board members, and associate pastors.
8 U' w0 T  x! r85%的牧师说他们最大的问题是跟禁欲的长老、教会的执事、礼拜领导人、礼拜团队、领导层成员以及助理牧师打交道(都是自己人捣乱)$ O: s# g3 z. q; D1 }+ Z
' d/ C0 y) U: f* ]5 g) o& q" R
• 90% of pastors said the hardest thing about ministry is uncooperative people.
  W/ B0 }9 |$ x90%牧师说最难应付的事情是不愿合作的人(同上,等神来做工吧)
. t( Q! l$ }/ x/ \# L$ {
6 v: f& D5 m& j8 x• 70% of pastors are grossly underpaid.
0 K. e. [, y: ^) Y+ P& |" N/ @- e70%牧师收入过低(什么叫奉献?), q! F; j* |; T  W; t+ F+ x

& {7 }* l4 S- A7 G3 a6 z• 80% of pastors’ wives feel unappreciated by the congregation.
( O3 a: l; p5 B2 g& y80%牧师的妻子在社交场所不大受欢迎(为什么?)% Q3 J' ]: Q5 a' M

  x3 v7 Z, E2 p4 n• 90% of pastors said ministry was completely different from what they thought it would be.
8 }9 c) x3 z1 e0 h# I90%牧师说牧师工作和他们想象的完全不同(现实世界很虚伪吧?)2 v0 p4 N; I7 r
. y( k4 C( T  B7 X* X  m
• Only 70% of pastors felt called of God into ministry when they began.
" n4 G2 S9 ]+ W( ]只有70%的牧师觉得开始做牧师工作时感觉到神的召唤(还行,不算少)5 t% o6 D  K1 }3 n+ r. I/ R
2 D9 t, f" j& N+ N' E4 T
• Only 50% of pastors felt called of God into ministry three years later.- A5 L7 l- h+ l1 {( G1 R5 {
只有50%的牧师开始工作三年后还能感觉到神的召唤(说得过去,不过跟上一条相比减少很快么)% t1 \/ x) L( B; F2 w7 Y

5 [9 k: p% @1 q, w% i& S9 z& e• 80% of pastors’ wives feel pressured to be someone they are not and do things they are not called to do in the church.  S; m5 O$ C$ m3 Y9 h, ~
2 I2 l) X4 M: P4 b1 [/ ~; Y( a: o
) g! n8 T. M+ h7 J' c• Over 50% of pastors’ wives feel that their husbands entering ministry was the most destructive thing to ever happen to their families.
, ^) |% z/ a& Z超过50%的牧师的妻子觉得她们的丈夫做牧师工作是她们一生中最具破坏性的事情(离婚率高就不出奇了)! m5 F& u" ?  f% @) r% H3 D' ?
2 F6 J. j6 f' o3 M
英文原文链接:% a. H# y. ?- j* P
http://submerging.reclaimingthem ... tics-about-pastors/
2 [3 }. ]3 w9 ]2 b8 d4 s
( \3 Q# @3 n0 F& j6 X+ g& Q# |7 R+ ^5 N--------------2 E  Q6 W4 ~; Z7 E5 Z. E
乡下人评:5 `& g( \/ s7 Z& A1 y# x, e+ a3 m! S
这些数据出自基督教方面的网站,从中我们可以看到一点:即使是为了基督教和基督徒本身的利益,国内在基督教问题上也不能走美国的路。希望相关各方考虑如何加强神职人员培养的正规化和专业化,至少应该禁止没有受过基本神学训练和考核的人担任牧师,禁止没有任何学术性的野鸡牌儿 Seminar 出来的人充当传教人。这一方面有助于教会的教牧工作(正规的神学教育中应该包含心理学基本培训)、保护普通信众,另一方面也有助于防止出现美国基督教界那种原教旨主义邪门歪道频出的混乱局面、有助于社会稳定。
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2010-4-29 05:03 | 显示全部楼层
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