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custom cake toppers (A ). The concept of local area networks

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发表于 2011-5-13 01:36 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
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- h- j1 o' g. L; N4 h$ f$ J; J is because it contains too many new elements
$ ?. }& V8 F- R0 x4 g/ Y he understood
$ L8 |: [/ I: Y0 v し に い う , d! [9 A( m1 Q9 B" t& \6 c& ?7 L3 [
follow the development of computers, people are increasingly aware of the importance of networking, network people closer to each other, the distance between. the original evacuation network in the entire computer is firmly in contact together. LAN network as a department to display the role of non-negligence. We can use Windows
% Y1 H) R3 ?& F" s% y: x 9X to a large number of computers linked together to form a local area network, in this local area network, we can share programs between them, documents and other resources, without having to transfer from a floppy disk; also through the network so that multiple computers share the same hardware such as printers, modems, etc.; the same time we can also use the computer network to send and receive faxes, convenient and economical. 5 f8 q2 t& R8 \
small local area network is a large area from which, the concept can be deep to shallow topics. both are the most Only 2 sets of simple computer running Windows95 networking (in the working group work the way), it can be a vast territory of ATM and Ethernet high-speed mixed-use, large enterprises running multiple platforms.
( k! L- k; o+ d& s0 {- Y  K% W) H LAN can be divided into for small and large local area network LAN. small LAN is a small footprint, small scale and less funding for building a network of computer network, commonly used in offices, schools, classrooms, game rooms, Internet cafes,2010-2015 China floppy drive competition in the industry analysis and Investment Planning, Forecast ..., and even the family can also be composed of two computers Small LAN. Large Enterprise Intranet LAN is mainly used for information management systems, financial management systems. 3 `4 |% d1 q& t& M6 ^
select your local network situation is critical, the general to consider these key issues:
7 J' L; P9 E: a. C- }3 C! V 1. you are the backbone of the network bandwidth and Desktop bandwidth requirements, is the low-speed, low flow simple data processing, or a request for multimedia, the flow of information disposal, it touches so much of the selection for the network switching center equipment: is the use of shared hubs HUB, is still the trade-off disease speed Ethernet Switch AC machine, or choose high-speed ATM switches, or a combination of using a variety of devices.
0 d7 F# Y1 h9 i! w3 T' G0 V 2. the right select the appropriate network operating system, the network operating system must be able to join along with the growth of your enterprises It must be able to satisfactory features, capacity, security, and expansion of the solid nature of the higher requirements.
3 n, J) M1 c6 B; @ 3. When the operation involves a database, your database must be appropriate to the circumstances and extent of adaptation. . H" X) F! C; k& e2 L( n6 F* i4 ?
4 . choose a reliable, cost performance is superior to the server platform. 9 q3 g3 o& T& d& T
5. workstation desktop operating systems, and applications must be friendly and comprehensive. 3 d, y: }% U) h3 a' @
6. an open, easy to expand the network cabling.
( ]0 z  _- \3 o" v/ K5 Z' G ( II). network types: ! u+ H0 L/ w: @. U& f: B& Q
we often heard the Internet network, star network, and other terms, they represent what? is how classified? Here are some common types of networks and classification and brief first volume of its features.
0 T+ i9 Y# V6 q) b* t 1, according to public opinion the status of the network classification
7 U/ B. P1 {5 C) T9 n a. Local Area Network (LAN): normally limited to a smaller area, less than 10km range, usually connected with wired together ' r4 t. {- {: K; e9 O) t4 i
b. Metro Network (MAN): limited scale within a city, 10 ~ 100km area.
. R+ v# ^3 e: f; a c. Wide Area Network (WAN): Network crossed national boundaries, continental borders, and even globe range,stator, the game video.
" d; i2 R( w+ N" T8 r current LAN and WAN is a network of popular. LAN is composed of the other two types of basic network, metropolitan area in general have joined the wide area network. WAN is a typical Internet network.
. O) U- M3 r# `: E 2, classified according to the transmission medium cable network
6 f  L- Y: k% G( @) F/ a+ O# e0 c: | a. : The coaxial cable and twisted pair to connect to the computer network.
2 b, t1 ^" a; K( n5 n1 v coaxial cable network is a common way of networking. It is comparable to the economy, more convenient installation, transmission rate and performance, ordinary, more distance short.
# d1 ?8 d" ^9 J1 }8 J twisted-pair network is the most common way of networking. It the price of cheap, easy to install, but are vulnerable to interference, low transmission rate, transmission distance is shorter than the coaxial cable.
8 s/ `2 _9 Y% K5 t& p b. Fiber Web: fiber optic network is a wired network, but because of its special nature of the list alone, fiber optic network with optical fiber as transmission medium. long distance optical transmission, transmission rate, up to a few gigabit bps, and strong anti-annoyance will not be monitoring electronic surveillance equipment, network security is a high fantasy choice. But because of its high price and requires the installation of high-level technology, it had not been around.
3 f( U* X1 _3 v& S/ ], r c. Wireless Network: use of air as transmission medium, using electromagnetic waves as a carrier to transmit data, the current high cost of wireless networking, but also not very popular. but because of networking flexibility, networking is a promising way.
  Z- u4 R2 Z6 d often use a single local area network transmission medium, and metropolitan area networks and wide area networks using a variety of transmission media. & ~: h  y% P* o% k5 D' o
3, constructed according to the topology of the network topology of the network classification
& z* n+ H/ Z& o2 j2 n: L+ N( \ refers to the network communication lines mini usb drive site (computer or device) the geometric arrangement of the form . 0 f/ G! H2 ]# V  F8 _
a. Star Network: The site by point to point link is connected with the central station. characterized the network is easy to add new sites, data security and priority easy to control, easy to implement network monitoring However, failure of the central node will cause paralysis of the entire network. ! b* K% Q; f- M
b. ring network: the site through the communication media together into a closed ring. ring networks easy to install and monitor, but the capacity is limited, the network is completed, it is difficult to add new site. ' }% p' x$ o9 F, V. F) B
c. bus network: the network of all the sites share a data channel. bus network easy to install, requires minimum cable laying, capital is low, failure of a site not normally affect the entire network. But the media's failure will bring down the network, bus network security is low, monitoring relatively hard, add a new web site is not as easy star. % u& m$ Q/ P6 T( l4 u- }) ?  u. J
tree network, star cluster network, and other types of mesh topology are based on the three network topologies based.
6 U; G! w$ i& f5 D 4, according to classification 8 T4 }* q3 }, }7 R3 s. K9 ~
a. point to point communications transport network: the data point to point the way to a computer or communications device transmission. star net, ring network using this transmission.
/ K! _% M' g" n b. broadcast transmission network: the data in the shared transmission medium. wireless network and bus network belongs to the species type. 9 ]2 X: @  z  @+ g: h+ l3 R! l
5, the purpose of classification used by the network " ^/ e/ E- B: r. N
a. shared resource network: users can share network resources such as files, scanners, plotters, printers and services. Internet network is a model of shared resource network.
# E) W8 F/ J( Y& ]0 h b. Data processing Network: a network for processing data, such as superstition computing network, enterprise management with the network.
5 a/ M/ k+ s# a# o3 H2 X& f c. data transmission network: to collect, exchange, transfer of data networks,2010-2015 China Industrial electronic fuel injection system pre- market analysis and investment prospects ..., such as information retrieval network.
; p. i/ v. r; Z. R. Y9 A4 A now network is not the purpose of use only.
$ F: {" I- }7 l" n' K0 s8 C 6, by way of classification
3 K8 E# g/ U7 d% e# b2 q. ]8 A a. service client / server network: server is the service that specializes in providing high-performance computers or special equipment, the client is the user's computer. This is a client makes a request to the server and a network form of lost services, multiple clients can share the resources provided by the server. This is the most common and important type of network type. not only for computer networking class, but also suitable for different types of computer networks, such as PC-, Mac machine hybrid network. % e! ^/ B" u) w4 D
b. peer: peer does not require a file server, each client can dialogue with each client with the other, share each other's information resources and hardware resources, the same individual types of computer networking. This flexible network approach, but difficult to achieve centralized management and monitoring, security is also low, more appropriate to work in a small part of the internal network. # O$ t% d5 I/ x0 ~( G
3 s9 B  n8 C& N$ r$ X, B5 o! A" K other classification methods such as by information transfer mode to classify the characteristics of the ATM network, the data within the network using asynchronous transfer mode, data transmission unit of 53 bytes, the supply of up to 1.2Gbps transfer rate, there is speculation that the network delay can be. can transmit voice, video and other real-time information, the most of the development of future network types. ! R- f; _' I3 M3 E* m
There are also some non-formal classification methods: such as enterprise network, campus network, under the name can be understood .   q* t6 v9 p3 k1 r7 y+ x& \7 [
the network from different angles have different classification methods, the name of each network has a special meaning. a combination of the name or names of several additional parameters can also be seen that the characteristics of the network. gigabit Ethernet, said transmission rates up to gigabit bus network. understand the classification and type of network characteristics, network technology is important to familiarize themselves with one of the foundations. 0 u& v. R- K$ Y, z& V
(b).'s Hardware Guide: Network hardware
$ ?) O) }  r+ R6 o small LAN composed of the major hardware LAN equipment, hubs and other network transmission media and repeaters, bridges, routers, gateways and other network interconnection devices. The following focuses on cards, hubs and other network transmission media and repeaters, bridges, routers ,custom cake toppers, Gateway and other LAN interconnection equipment.
/ T+ P; f: g* Z: K3 f% V: I7 T 1.
+ ~% F' B; t7 E' J: K* | NIC card (Network Interface 8 d" z1 Q* `* a+ w- j5 f; g' L
Card, NIC), also called network adapter, which connects the computer and network hardware. NIC plugged into the computer or server expansion slot, through the network lines (such as twisted pair, coaxial cable or optical fiber) and the network exchange data and share resources. # `7 I2 ]2 [2 Q9 z2 `
2. hub
" Z) A  K! u0 i# F hub (HUB) is a local area network computers and servers connectivity equipment, is the star local area network connection point, each workstation is connected to the hub with twisted pair, the hub for centralized management of workstations.
# K0 q" T0 {7 b 3.
6 i. M! C& m  s' t4 D9 a% j% ? network transmission network transmission medium medium is the network transmission of data, linking the Web sites of entities, such as twisted pair, coaxial cable, fiber optic, network information can also use the radio system, microwave radio systems and infrared technology transfer.
: h! T; ?5 n& A9 P, c* ?. A) k twisted pair (both ends separation has been connected to the RJ45 head)
  ]: L) s7 s  w8 l  r- k1 t6 f" w5 F twisted: Important information is used to transmit analog sound, but equally practical in the digital signal transmission, special information for shorter distance transmission
3 a2 k  Y4 |9 R2 v4 H/ W( w. Y" m 4. LAN interconnection LAN interconnection devices are commonly used
4 I6 ?$ D3 I. {+ f repeaters, bridges, routers, and gateways. , j5 q, f1 T, }7 R6 W) [+ v
attention when purchasing network hardware devices use a resolution of network equipment and network cabling the main factors. network cabling as easy to upgrade, should be Choose the latest and best information on income. The network hardware is not bound to choose the latest and greatest, first, because using the latest technology, equipment, although the performance is better, but for now can not use its high-performance, game video; Second, From the perspective of cost-effective, less expensive, general equipment and stability and performance may be better than the so-called new technology products in the overall number of poor performance. If the current low-end PCI card and high-end 10M 100M card, spread over at least 10 times, to small local area networks The workstations run, 10M 100M LAN card and the speed difference between senior little, current users do not need the speed of 100M card, and when you need high-speed transmission, 100M card prices have been landing many. select for current needs, but does not lead to consider the latest and the best network hardware, so users can view a large sum of money frugal. - ~- u& x+ o; \0 t( Q; q
II. cafes combat: % z& D1 @8 y$ X0 @
(a). Hardware configuration: Server: General PC, motherboard: intel * |' Y( N" p4 ~5 f) _8 I* v
815, HDD: Maxtor 40G, CPU . {; i7 `& y6 G2 H6 |& s. u+ @
III933, memory: 512M
/ h  M5 e4 a* r0 j. H6 t7 u* ]) A- l, Monitor: ACER. # D4 D  F3 V) C  x8 K) `
other: a case of twisted-pair (300m), 16 口 a HUB, RJ45 head 32 a, LAN: Realtek 10/100M
+ L5 \; E' u' _1 i$ y8 [: y 16 块 ..   g) e" a# M$ i& q5 h
14 workstations with disk sets: ordinary PC, Motherboard: Iwill
; G7 y4 Z: d% X, U, N. CPU: Celeron 433, Memory: 64M, drive, floppy drive, monitor Optional * |  J; b* ?  ?  y
(b). software configuration: System: Windows 98, mini usb drive server uses Windows 2000 % j" S  U" B  F
Sever as the operating system, the virtual gateway through SyGate multi-line machines to share Internet access.
& u1 u$ s  w& u8 T1 Q 1. First, server installed on the Windows 2000 . j5 R% ~- ]5 Q" v0 w! T
Sever as the operating system, details of the installation process, not described in detail, here we have the system installed on the 2000 server to do some settings. These include the right to install the card and wild card driver, and Set IP address, set the IP see below the animation.
1 F: E& w7 _6 a+ W6 ~ 2. all workstations need to have disk inserted in the card a good case, first install Windows - f) R( h$ ~% Y8 D2 V6 L
98 system, and then the network card,led display, graphics cards, sound cards, and so do drivers no detailed description here, we have the animation below is there to teach you how to set each workstation's network properties panel,Computer repair classic article, to achieve participate in the local area and network resource sharing. 8 `  Y+ \2 Y; B6 o/ H
3. the same way the other properties in accordance with the workstation's network set the same way. This software-based systems implemented locally to manufacture. Here we look at the arrangements of the network lines.
# N' D% B) r& g7 ]7 H (III). wiring plan: with a star connection, each workstation connected to the HUB via twisted pair the port, the server just use the direct line interface to connect to the outer card on it. Here are a few installation examples:
- Q. g# I6 N* M' `9 W 1. This is the way card and twisted pair connections.
; l3 r8 _( s- p2 K( ^" @ 2. The following are examples of HUB and twisted pair connections:
  _; ]! |* `8 o8 h3 t# S now connected to the HUB is the first port is the server in cards, the second port is the server's wild card. 0 t: z8 J: ~4 s
third port connected to leads from the workstation card is the twisted pair (from left to right in turn connected to the various workstations)
, j5 p5 W2 U- k% ?9 @. o Here we use the DDN dedicated Internet access, but sometimes it requires us to use the cat Network Protection:
0 |0 q  K/ K, W6 G1 i 1.SyGate
- m8 B: C7 f: T# B 4.0 # W" S$ m1 r( N9 u- ^3 q
SyGate 4.0 is a multi-user access to the Internet to support the software, and is only through a computer, shared Internet account to access the target. Use SyGate
' A+ f# |- t4 h" H 4.0, the number of users simultaneously through a small network (including your laptop), agile, fast and economical access to the Internet. SyGate " S" ?- v& U4 r+ z' o; }0 s
4.0 in the current number of popular operating systems, such as: Windows95, Windows98 , Windows NT, ; ]7 r) E- ^6 y4 m- u
Windows2000 operating systems; the same time, SyGate
, r0 r1 W' Y* F0 m8 e6 x 4.0 is also supported by the majority of Internet connections, which include: Modem (imitating lines) Dial, ISDN (Integrated Services Digital Network), cable modem ( Cable
' N) C) e) I2 |; W1 c Modem), ADSL and DirectPC etc..
7 I$ N& x: l: G, f) [' f SyGate 4.0 upwind of the following:
  n3 s$ l& x0 ]( e- V7 k) Y easy to install 9 W3 E: e7 v" d/ e/ s3 f
SyGate within minutes can be installed, and usually does not require other additional settings. server software and other agents (proxy
9 ]& \; x3 q' ? server) is different, SyGate can only install the Server. 1 @* v( {) U( a; J/ X
easy to use . v2 ?# _# S' N3 M
SyGate obtain intuitive graphical interface, understanding of Windows operating staff will be operating. SyGate start after the backup is running, without human intervention. SyGate detected when there are Internet + q* I8 s; h/ [; {! ?" d$ E8 W
LAN requirements, it can automatically connect to the Internet, eliminating the need to manually dial each upset. Users can uninterrupted, transparent to browse the Internet, send and receive e-mail, chat, use FTP, and operating other small procedures. LAN non-Windows users, such as Macintosh, Solaris and Linux, they were able to TCP / IP protocol Internet.
7 ?- c0 [2 q' w) Z+ b easy to manage
6 X7 A) G# s( B4 L! p& `+ @ in the TCP / IP network, SyGate Client allows users from any computer on the remote monitoring and management SyGate Server.SyGate diagnostic procedures (SyGate
; F: e2 i+ K- t Diagnostics) at all times to assist you sure that you system settings, and troubleshoot network connectivity problems. SyGate with use of log files and system settings file, the time needed to search and test can be taken lightly. just these features are not necessary ' a1 \! G9 m1 n3 ^6 E6 E2 Z2 c
required, SyGate or to its highly can be fit, satisfaction of any of the various needs of small networks.
, w8 y! e9 ?5 @6 _. e1 P more than affordable 4 s. G! N3 s1 Q$ X: H
SyGate allows network users to share a time in the uniform convergence of the Internet line, so I reduced the rating of the phone line, wiring, a modem or the adapter, and the ISP account expense. SyGate application does not require a dedicated server,bobble  heads, in similar products, it has a good price.
9 X% D# R, I2 g( l0 R3 W8 _ access control can be set to prevent access * G3 z' |' Q# _! ~
SyGate Some sites are not farewell (pick and choose the right parents for their children online information.
( n" U* ~' K; u7 @ security
% ]+ N( \1 U( T' m SyGate to use its network connectivity to the Internet, but it is still very hidden.
! Z, K5 t# T. ?( a8 n+ j4 T3 v) d support
( K, w7 I7 L: a& w SyGate program offers two technical support: First-line technical support; Second, through e-mail support SyberGen website. ( r0 }% K2 T0 m, V  [
SyGate software installation
7 C. b! _3 ^' @ Login Shenzhen Technology Development Co., Ltd. Peter (www.sygate.com.cn) Download and run this program will extract the files to the system default C:  Program
6 g9 j! r& j0 c Files  SHN directory In this directory you can run SHN40 device (the software is only a trial version). 9 m0 Y( F% k4 H
2. Skynet Firewall 2.45 / Z" `6 X) K* ?# s4 E+ m3 Y
* [: \) m  o) p( n& y Skynet is a comprehensive firewall system, renovation, high security, high-performance network security systems. It is based on the system administrator to set security rules (Security ) j2 _# R" d* y6 P/ V2 [
Rules) guards the enterprise network, providing strong access control, authentication, application of gating, Network Address Translation (Network Address 8 J7 s/ j/ e5 i$ J6 y+ m4 Z
Translation), information filtering, virtual private network (VPN), traffic control, virtual bridges and other functions. provide the perfect security settings, through the center of high performance network access control. It uses the WBM (Web 2 S  L9 q  Q" s8 i
Base Management ) management interface, an intuitive, easy to use interface for managing growth, vast and complex system functions. - r/ U. t8 A' j0 |2 }4 x# L( M
Skynet firewall (Personal Edition) software features: - ?0 d, B4 R' ]) o5 g0 d
a, well, real-time monitoring of
' c. L# _/ C. a3 u. k% I+ t; Q4 r Skynet firewall (Personal Edition ) of all access requests from an external machine to filter and found that the access requirements of non-authorized immediately after the decline, at any time to protect users of information systems security.
' ~1 j1 N" F& M  e) i1 ~% U- g b, smart security rules 5 o. _! O% z+ `5 o
Skynet firewall (Personal Edition) set a series of security rules, agreed to a specific host for the corresponding service and refused access to the other requirements of the host. Users can also according to their own actual situation, add, delete, modify $ M2 j) i4 V) j% |
safety rules, maintenance of the machine safely.   X% |! p: W3 h$ I: B. A1 l9 S: U
c , the specific access records % g, l; @4 R# e) \" n. j  x/ v
Skynet firewall (Personal Edition) to display all blocked access to records, including access to the time, origin, type, code, and so recorded in detail, you can clearly see whether there is invasion who want to connect to your machine, so as to formulate more effective rules. 1 p" J' \4 ]! j6 e7 `4 A1 [
3. Mei-Ping Tseng Series software (security guards, anti-yellow, and the timing, cost management).
) @% G1 z; d$ R6 {: t a, Mei-Ping Tseng anti-yellow experts 8 [8 U7 G6 [/ j4 V0 e
Anti-Huang Mei-Ping Tseng Mei-Ping Tseng software studio experts launched a strong anti-yellow software features, which address the use of advanced blocking technologies for real-time monitoring of the browser when a user has access to pornographic, violent, reactionary, or in the search Search the site engine, anti-yellow shield these visits of experts will immediately begged, and a warning message to the visitors. In addition, some share of the software database, automatically update anti-yellow, multi-machine synchronization settings updates, anti-yellow to historical records and other functions The only application and home users can also be widely used in schools, public rooms, Internet cafes and other places. : P8 J. _( K/ Z+ ~3 e1 E
b, Mei-Ping Tseng network master
$ ^. i  K6 a/ v! i1 M7 h" p this software is to tie Mei-Ping Tseng security guards menu (ver3.4 Edition) centralized management of network design, which combines real time, billing, accounts in one, using a single management unit within the entire network can remotely control all the computer. include any machine on the open end, suspend, shutdown, thermal start other operations, is to manage the Internet cafes, computer game room, training the core, professional application platforms (such as hospital management, the office of active, etc.) indispensable tool. 9 T1 e& E2 H% c1 i
Mei-Ping Tseng major update of the network at the Masters: Growth resolved overnight charging; increasing number shortcut key positioning machine.
3 a; z' S! f" p% H, W% `" J* H6 S* _ c, Mei-Ping Tseng menu security guards 9 C6 M" x# o0 P
* C" |7 q$ T9 C in today's popular operating system, the user operation is extremely convenient, but its safety is always Order management headache, managers simply no way the user any restrictions, this administration has brought to great inconvenience, especially computer applications in public places, it is a nightmare. Users will be able to easily manage Members of Cincinnati's system of establishing the working class get the foul. In order to decrease the maintenance workload, ease of management and prevention of damage to our desire of ill, Mei-Ping Tseng security guards menu design process, it acts as a computer security protection of the protection of God, full control of windows " s" a, O" a% }$ P+ Y4 q
interface, users can only run software that was selected, also have strong management capabilities (time, billing, time-limited, the historical record) if the tie [Mei-Ping Tseng network management guru] 9 A9 i( S2 _, y& n" e. j
used to achieve management of machines using a remote control all the computers throughout the network. including the opening of any machine stalled, pause, shut down operations such as hot start, it is indispensable tool for administrators.
. V( E$ u! z, w+ {9 I8 v Mei-Ping Tseng computer security guard is the most suitable Internet cafes, computer housing, school room security, billing management software, which uses a lot of progress in core skills of windows, the whole truth fiction win9x desktop hard drive files to achieve the cover of the remote control, remote landing member, limit, time to run the computer, choice of using software to run, the site records, site constraints and many other features yellow. - [4 w7 E1 [2 s2 w7 A/ U. y: w" j
Guard provides many protection settings, according to the circumstances of these motor protection settings used in combination to reach the degree of the different layers of protection. the hard drive on the hard drive protection to protect each partition file data to avoid user deletion. We used the Win98 ! Q- |2 N, {- p+ n& Z6 e( g
Explorer, Windows Commander, and Win98's DOS environment Deltree, Del, Ren, Move 0 F9 F+ m3 \( k; s# l, J
such orders can not be deleted, renamed protected partition files and directories, by the way that the building in a protected partition breaking new files and directories, delete the empty directory is permitted, so security is quite can. but seemingly robust protection is also a fatal weakness use the FORMAT command
- P+ E' j0 m+ I) Z3 j) | DOS can easily partition the data of protected too dry cleaning wipe out the net, we advocate is to FORMAT, FDISK
& V/ M( b7 |9 |9 q1 D2 ^% p commands like delete as well. In addition the software can hide desktop icons Guardian , hidden-line neighbors, hide the control panel, hidden drives, prohibit the use of registry compilation of device to prohibit DOS mode from safe mode and start the computer, these settings can be satisfied through a flexible combination of different users. admin password and set the parameters are Storage in . o- l3 d- w( w& D3 Z
Win95/98 system registry, stop the DOS mode from the insurance mode and start the computer is a file by modifying the MSDOS.SYS   r' ^9 q) l& Z, C9 |
parameters to achieve. the face of game rooms, Internet cafes and other public places in the computer , guard time billing software to the management effectiveness of the work of members of the advantage. It can set the fees for each time scale, manual timer, or run time constraints, can give list of costs after the cessation. through our stringent testing, the cost of calculations are very accurate, but there is little running time limits of error. Guard software is a time to determine the number of seconds is zero whenever the system time when
; Q' Q, N) ^8 Y4 [ accumulate a minute, that is to say from 14:59: 45 began to 15:00:00
( P- _& }2 {4 U, n0 s! D/ m even for a minute, not just in the practical application per minute billing, the emergence of a few hours of time within a minute the error is also no effect.
' O4 X) O/ G9 p; c) D3 H Guard software recorded history to run the function, similar to the run log, it can be more accurate to record the program start and end time, easy to control the operation of the control of the computer, so that the issue of treatment. software can be considered of unusually well. As guardian of the other software will run under the supervision of the software, so the occupancy rate of its resources is of concern to our names.
" s' P) ^, v  K0 `) s/ u TaskInfo98 tested through the use of guards or software resource utilization is very fair. We also guard software running on the VB, DELPHI, Office
+ Y7 k& }2 i% r0 S4 ?- i( z software and some other large Win9x version of the game program, all were normal. but we warn the user if you want to guard software for game rooms, or download the software of the game room Special Edition. 3 ~5 W. k6 g: I: e
defender centralized management software, this function attached to the master network management software, Mei-Ping Tseng. with Mei-Ping Tseng master computer is the network's main computer LAN, can install software on the Guardian workstation for centralized management, in addition to ( a' ]/ _1 P! A, b0 f% P& Q; F, U
Wind98/98 add IPX protocol on the system and to the guardians of the software on a workstation network centralized management mode set to no longer need to other settings outside, % Y4 w* e, a- d& A* l0 }- u
timing of its functions, including network remote operation limited run, start the computer, closed the computer, and to each workstation set different standards
8 |  y3 j* `5 k$ X standard registration fee, has a very local area network for the school room, game room and Internet cafe use. defender of the software also have a green software. When you uninstall the software, the first undo all the protection
( h& X0 N: R, q6 z5 V- R2 [ Settings, then click the Uninstall button to restore the system registry settings, and finally remove the software is installed on the line. * B: ?; j) e1 |: V# }4 G
Top 8 i. ~5 [7 r/ ^/ l7 r
III. Windows
+ j: m5 X) W" h& O9 \7 o 95/98/Me peer
0 c, i) b% u  c" V' ?7 h creation and maintenance of the information age now, free to find a small office in general, several computers may be invented. Some of the first step of the family, as a result had progression , there may be two or more computers, some computer idle. To apply it to the computer sufficient to form a small network is a good idea of ??equality.
0 ]- q" M( L/ v9 O! }6 \+ @! ` set up a small network that cost much, you can achieve LAN All the sharing of computer resources, including hardware resources, software resources and data resources. Thus, when the net a bit of a lack of computer equipment when you can progress through the network computer hardware resource utilization. For example, a machine within the network When the computer does not drive, you can also network, put the disc in another computer's optical drive for reading, saving the purchase cost of computer parts. If you are Internet users, you can use third-party software (such as Sygate, etc.), using a account, so that the computer within the network to achieve a unique Internet for collaborative work. spare time, you can also play a while networking online games such as Software Requirements
# H8 K$ t6 y! l+ k6 y Windows ) i9 G# d* s$ S! P# M2 F. o& A
9X itself is a commensurate maturity, including a variety of network functions of the client operating system,mini usb drive, so you can win only one computer running Windows operating systems already have the software set up peer the premise of the. user as long as the corresponding increase in network protocols, some network configurations can be. Prior to installing the application software and application data does not need to change, but do not need to re install Windows. in a LAN, Windows
4 j+ E! v7 C+ W- i& | 95,98 , NT and 2000 operating systems can co-exist. 7 M1 O: Q  R1 k1 w8 S; T6 P# O' I1 t. L
, of course, even if your computer is running in the DOS below can also be networked. Since Windows operating system is widely used in the system, the preparation of this article does not DOS networking. " N* ?$ c& {) r3 f1 F1 c4 [# r/ n
Networking hardware requirements
% k" y. z) Q1 _/ b to set up computer networks, linked no doubt need to be able to computer hardware equipment. The simplest measure is to use a special cable, parallel or serial ports of two computers to link up, the game video through the Windows short, stiff manner, the actual use is very convenient and usually require a computer as a server, the other one as a networked client. - }' _2 V- u8 L- h* v* q
but more widely used by the network card plus cable networking methods. from the slot on the points, with the PCI card has two kinds of ISA; from the speed points, 10MB and 100MB cards have a higher transmission speed of network card even. price from dozens of blocks to the number of one hundred have. request is not high, a price of 65 yuan or so PCI
1 z: {/ D) m9 {3 S* q1 D  H- P 10MB card enough to use.
3 {% h2 f4 L' H$ K6 r9 C- a( b! Y( F card there be a single port and dual port of the points, which spread to two different networks on-line - twisted pair and coaxial cable. This is the price difference between the two cable soon after, all in about 1 yuan per meter, network thread takes another twenty-three yuan. twisted at both ends is a crystal head, a bit like a home phone line ends (but They are of unequal size). To use this cable, was the acquisition hub (HUB). from the number of points can be connected to a computer, hub, 4 port, 8, 16 mouth, such as some, priced from hundred thousand dollars to several hundred or even both. twisted one end into the hub, the other end into the square hole on the card, the network can be achieved. This approach has the advantage that a more flexible networking.
" x6 Z. Y. q  K/ X" `3 @5 j" y4 F coaxial cable and network cards can not be directly connected on the port, it needs a T head (usually comes with a card) to achieve interconnection. with coaxial cable connects the computer to turn after the two really a T at the head of the network , but also the need for a terminal to make the LAN constitute loop in order to achieve interconnection. The approximate price of the terminal for 5 yuan each. with coaxial cable network's strengths is the thrift of the cost of a purchase of the hub, defect is present when the failure to find and eliminate some of the difficulties are absolutely great. no more than I thought, on the construction of ten computers within the network, complete with a coaxial cable can receive. * [, B; V1 `+ c0 @* Z5 X
users according to their needs, Buy a single port or dual port NIC card. uniform for each computer you need to add the device can be no more than one hundred dollars, to bring you new network is adjourned, why not?
3 ~" c( ]  e+ k) @% ?8 R  N1 [1 l (b .) install the network card
$ q5 t; v4 m; [4 V usually install the network card driver, and the subsequent installation of such network protocols and services, will need to prepare your Windows system pre-installation disk for the installation process can complete successfully. on the motherboard network card installed and correctly connection cable, let us look for even if the system adds network protocols, services, and to configure the system.
( y* j  ~4 j2 {  x0 V Double click Click on the right of the ,
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