埃德蒙顿华人社区-Edmonton China

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鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2011-7-11 14:07 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
这两天在网上搜旅游景点的coupon,忽然发现有一个deal不错,不知道大家知不知道.如果大家去Banff玩,成年人有三个,打算去cruise, icefield和gondola的话,还是很划算的.
4 }' E6 j) B, T. y: ?- Q& D+ H( Q' }( C0 B9 v3 D
Alberta Host Program1 c- {8 p" u$ V6 u4 {+ h+ m

, A. [# F( L" `9 T& J+ Tnow, SAVE all year!1 u1 I/ i- h' R" ~
Adults: $69.95 (GST not incl.)
* ^! F' B5 ]/ v! w4 u/ K. B( EChildren (6 - 15 years): $34.95 (GST not incl.)7 l$ e. Q2 b9 v0 N5 ]
Huge Value for ONE year!1 @7 u6 {. P! z/ y0 I

. U# c9 t! R! c. i& H- }/ `The Alberta Host card entitles the cardholder to these exclusive offers for one year from the time of purchase:
2 P/ P4 O; O; E    * Free Admission to the Banff Gondola for 1 year
1 [2 Z4 R+ G/ X* F. m  a    * 1 Free guest admission to the Banff Gondola (value $29.95)4 L( V% X: L  W- u1 U1 E) ]
    * 1 Two for One coupon for the Columbia Icefield Glacier Experience (value $49.95)
# X4 E7 I9 P1 l    * 1 Two for One coupon for Minnewanka Lake Cruise (value $44.95)
; j6 Q/ y" Y2 k. K& {8 {) v    * 21% discount on Banff Gondola lift tickets for Family and Friends2 f+ a) Y! x. C* i" E; j, l: o
    * 10% discount in our Banff Gondola Upper and Lower gift shops
' ]4 U# u8 y, G2 V    * 10% discount in our Banff Gondola Summit Cafeteria and Regal View Garden Restaurant. w( d1 j% S) W) E3 Y8 N. |
    * 10% discount on all Brewster Motorcoach Sightseeing Tours. m9 \1 ~8 r+ M! S' a# S4 k: z
    * 25% off daily rack rate at Mt Royal Hotel (Sun-Thurs, based on availability)+ W  ~1 Q2 y, D* A/ \( w# P; O
    * Special promotions and discounts on other Brewster products:
6 |( F  T4 e8 Y2 ]( i1 R          o Glacier View Inn, located at the Columbia Icefield, near Jasper
0 y+ z. v, |5 D' C+ ~    * Rockies Explorer E-Newsletter including exclusive relevant information on what’s happening in the Park, up-to-date news, activities and attractions in the Canadian Rockies, special offers, upcoming events and much more! (March - September only)
* i3 [7 H+ w5 c; b9 n6 J* u
8 |, }/ n8 [5 O. \/ c8 x- l: k9 I. ?有别的信息大家一起交流一下.
鲜花(23) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2011-7-11 16:56 | 显示全部楼层
不错, 想知道什么网站, 怎样联系?
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2011-7-12 18:02 | 显示全部楼层
你自己可以google "Alberta Host"。
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