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在加拿大逃税漏税 会遭遇怎样的下场?

鲜花(8) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2006-7-22 20:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
税务局可通过多种途径查到你应缴税款的精确数额,一旦发现欠税迟早会受罚,根据违法情节严重性,将处以罚款甚至判刑。因此,千万不要让这种事发生在你身上。: r; ~8 h* P* q/ @

5 [- w+ j4 M5 q纳税是每个人的义务和责任,西方有句俗话:“世上有两件事你逃不过:一件是死亡,另一件就是缴税。”税收是联邦政府赖以生存的财政基础,而个人所得税则是全部税收最重要的部分。0 \, W. a+ G( R! Q
. T8 T: P3 y' K8 c+ a- C# L! }* k
, b6 P! Z* _" k/ c! Z7 z
: x7 r3 f( x8 d6 V4 P- p, u$ g税务局可通过多种途径查到你应缴税款的精确数额,一旦发现欠税迟早会受罚,根据违法情节严重性,将处以罚款甚至判刑。因此,千万不要让这种事发生在你身上。. W1 V( U* c% x

) u& n2 K0 j8 E! o  l2 n如果税务部门怀疑你报税有误,就会展开稽查,查账完毕若发现漏税,就会给纳税人发送复审通知单(Notice of Reassessment),要求提供进一步资料, 或补交税款。税务局做复审比第一次的评估要仔细得多, 很多问题都是在这个时候被查出。+ Z# ~+ C7 k4 _0 U: {4 V1 \
" R5 C7 F6 ]- z; j. j( i
如果报税有误,只要填写一份T1- ADJ表格, 将错误的地方改正过来,再寄给税务局即可。如果需补缴税款,还需交一定的滞纳金。一旦你不能及时补缴税款加滞纳金,税务局就会将案子移交司法局处理,对逃税者处以50%~200%的罚款,重者判处两年监禁。如果税务局向法庭提出起诉,纳税者则会被处以1倍~2倍的罚款,最高可判5年监禁。
* Z3 `) U( Q2 Q; ?7 j5 i: h% S! E
3 h$ x0 K8 P7 r: L根据个人所得税法(Income Tax Act)及商品税法(Excise Tax Act),犯重大过失(gross negligence)者需缴漏税金额50%的滞纳金。
( L# l! f7 V& _0 l' n8 C2 N" ]4 k% ?2 x% x) f; \) I/ i
如有偷税漏税行为,还未被税务局查到的纳税人想改过自新,可以通过“自白系统”(Voluntary Disclosures Program)自动补缴漏税部分及滞纳金,免受处罚。等到税务稽查人员查明真相,就面临重罚。
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2006-7-24 22:56 | 显示全部楼层
a lot of new immigrant do not understand how the tax system works here. they would think if I took in some cash, and I won't put in the bank, then how could possilbe the revene canada know?
6 n  D! r0 j, a. X0 k1 A4 l
; ?( j& J" S* Twell, guess what, the tax auditor don't have to know that to charge you with tax fraud.7 g! t" Q  ]' d+ g1 _6 X& S
$ N1 J* L$ c5 U8 J  `
how could that be possible? you would ask,) V  n3 d$ D8 d( K6 j' u. o
) S3 B3 A6 j/ j0 b" r1 B
the answer is the auditor is using your expense and a guidence to calculate how much you own.8 m7 I2 x5 ?9 ^
you took in some cash, you will have to spend it right? the only way to avoid these detection is to put the cash in a safty deposit and Never (I mean NEVER) use it. if that's the case then what those money are good for? " r5 T0 a6 e8 \2 n

) o) N% q9 o! S4 w/ ]- @% j5 tas soon as you use it, it will be counted to your expense. I still remember an old joke saying tax auditor in north american can be as detailed as calculating how many cups of coffee you drink per day. at the time I read that joke, I didn't understand what that mean or what is the implication. now I understand, the auidtor calcuate your income by adding up every little thing you spend, and then compare to what you have claimed. if there is any descripency, you end up with have to explain where the extra money have come from. believe me it will be a lot harder than you think.
! W+ V3 I) _# K5 q1 C$ O
0 U7 i& D4 Z1 O& Z2 O0 r4 }8 o3 J3 |so the best practise? well to claim the income honestly and sleep tight is worth a lot more than a few penny saved by fraud and worries.
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2006-10-16 02:58 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2006-11-14 21:53 | 显示全部楼层
老杨团队 追求完美
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2006-11-24 18:01 | 显示全部楼层
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