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发表于 2006-8-24 22:53 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1) *****************Job Description
& d3 @: A. ^7 G9 V( B" D1 c& sSemBioSys Genetics Inc. is a dynamic, Calgary-based biotechnology company focused on the development of recombinant, therapeutic proteins from plants. We are seeking a highly motivated individual to join a multidisciplinary team of scientists and business professionals in an energetic commercial research and development environment.  G7 J+ F5 T: `* M5 b) P5 \5 v
( b; v% j1 L2 S8 h2 FThe qualified candidate will be responsible for aiding in efforts designed to purify therapeutic proteins from transgenic seeds, including:! O9 }& H7 J. Z# D  L" S
* Quantifying recombinant protein expression levels in transgenic seeds
* i# T. I: w; m- I4 Y  {9 H: ]* Purification and characterization of biologically active proteins from heterologous expression systems
( k1 |5 J8 o; j5 b2 S; e* Assisting in evaluating new technologies designed to quantify or purify recombinant proteins from plant tissue 3 z" p2 h6 @4 i
Qualifications: M.Sc. degree in Biochemistry, Plant Biotechnology, or relevant discipline
& _6 o) ?% D7 G$ t! v6 U1 \8 q*2 - 5 years experience working with a transgenic expression system, preferably plants
; M1 a1 \. I4 n7 `! o*Experience with protein purification and/or characterization (physio/chemical and biological activity) is highly desirable. More specifically:# I1 A% M, f9 F) M" R- i) C3 w% F
*Experience with gel electrophoresis required and a practical background with at least one of the following: column chromatography, HPLC, or LC a prerequisite.
* g7 r' M! m0 `% E' F' s4 k8 V*Secondary structural analysis (FTIR or CD spectroscopy) considered an asset7 F  Y- R7 S" F
*Familiarity with general DNA manipulation (PCR and restriction cloning) and/or enzyme analysis is expected
2 w% x; u* Y" o# {" iCandidates must have the ability to work both independently and within a team-environment.
1 }7 n/ O9 _% k9 bSuccessful candidates must have excellent communication, organizational, computer and record-keeping skills and will be working closely with research scientists and other group members. / `& H" a, b5 H- y4 i5 K2 o
1 h7 x: Z! N" p2 ^% U( q! ?+ Q
Other Information * t: A, Y! @7 P- u! ]  S7 D! U
Salary will be competitive and commensurate with qualifications and experience. SemBioSys Genetics Inc. offers an employee package including extended health benefits and RRSP option.
4 ]+ f4 t1 |# d% X( RMail, FAX or Email your resume, using MS Word, indicating your name and the Job Number (2006-12) for which you are applying. The competition will be held open until September 15, 2006 or until a suitable candidate is found./ I5 ?; }% O4 V; Z: G3 X5 _3 C
1 S- Y+ @/ x- Q5 q, N7 Q0 ?
Application Instructions / z/ d" \' e9 u  V4 [. _
Please submit a resume.
1 I9 h2 p6 P' m" p6 nPlease include a covering letter.- t6 e, ], i% R% O

( n" Z, f6 v/ D3 A6 c0 \  XContact 0 g' u& R; f) ~2 |8 w7 J
Tracy Seaman
6 g4 R7 w$ {0 H- a110, 2985 - 23rd Ave NE4 G( V: y$ g% @8 ~& d& J. h
Calgary, AB T1Y 7L3 ! q6 L  v2 ^3 a5 }0 x
Mail application directly to employer.
8 Z6 F/ o2 a8 \$ b" W- EFax your application package to: (403)250-3886.
# q; G6 u5 K  C! e2 ZEMAIL your application package to: jobs@sembiosys.com.# S1 j% B+ ^! [" B+ y. V
Only candidates selected for an interview will be contacted.
# V5 u- D! Y( x , o" e6 ]- {, P* k, }$ X
Application Deadline - September 15, 2006 + N  h  T3 q# X! V) J5 S, R7 ^
5 H3 h1 {* [, G$ D
0 g2 n. E7 q! N5 k6 J1 p+ F
2) ******************Job Description ( t! p% P% f" m; O+ A* m! h
Research and development and programming for internet search engine of the world wide web. 6 m, Q0 R+ Z# F. l

' P  g! I* Q: o8 {Job Qualifications
6 `5 q( A( y* @Masters or PhD in computer sciences.+ `8 j0 `) W+ t, C
Should have knowledge of distributed computing, data mining, indexing and retrieval and robotics.. Y& n1 \, z( D2 Y
Must be a creative and like to solve problems. Knowledge of mathematic computations a benefit.
' }8 w2 \4 Z- F2 A3 U4 }" W
- ]- S4 j0 ~4 o4 b( w! yApplication Instructions ! M5 O( r$ p, c9 }
Please submit a resume.
6 Y1 m- U! Y+ |* nPlease include a covering letter.
5 A3 i6 M1 Q# J0 \. J, q% v- GPlease include a transcript.
) Y, l. p0 G# k. p, i' F8 X; v
3 q6 n; c3 X4 G% kContact
' D7 r" h5 u* J( X) Q( xIan Huang
: i! k& \# g7 A6 r8 C' ^#313 4411-16th Ave N.W.: ~% G7 O4 Z8 m
Calgary, AB T3B 0M3
1 e/ U4 R. e* q7 L2 d2 kEMAIL your application package to: danaian@shaw.ca.) {; M# h: H8 ^; \2 l- Q  ^" |5 `

0 W: g. J6 E' b$ Z0 c) r9 B) PApplication Deadline - August 31, 2006
, e2 \4 X4 y  a% e) e# Z$ u1 W/ f, i

1 m3 j, J& l- j$ x$ q) X
0 `3 ?4 y/ s# H
7 h. n& j0 [8 I" z$ b8 y3) *******************Job Description
# R! R# u. D1 s% G" \9 [Incumbent will assist in the development and strengthening of our ability to deliver rugged & reliable integrated systems that provide real-time drilling information and control to the marketplace. The successful candidate will contribute to building growth by expanding M/D Totco's ability to deliver new products to the marketplace through their own efforts. 1 C/ F, Z2 O* P4 ]% X" D- c8 p
Qualifications: Computer Programming Degree (or equivalent) required. Preference will be given to applicants with MCSD. 2+ yrs experience in software development preferred; candidate should be able to demonstrate a history of web-based application development projects. Specific skills to include Windows application development & systems management, .NET, JSP, C/C++, Java. Formal knowledge of ISO9000 processes such as Product Specification and Preliminary Planning, Engineering Specification and detailed planning, Product Design, Product Implementation, System Testing, Product Evaluation, Product Release is desirable. An understanding of drilling processes and rig operations is desirable. Must be able to travel domestically and internationally. Travel expectations are considered light to moderate to meet requirement for on-site involvement in development and field deployment at various M/D Totco and customer field locations.
- d7 U$ {0 h1 @, k
% z3 z9 A: c3 x& ^
2 |" _! i  x, F6 z1 oOther Information - M) v" e6 `! H7 O
Today's drilling industry demands new levels of performance, particularly with regard to safety and efficiency. National Oilwell Varco leads the field in providing a comprehensive range of controls and instrumentation solutions that ensure the safety of personnel, the safe operation of equipment and provide accurate, real-time information to aid decision making and rig operating efficiency.0 g* d3 i. F7 p3 y) [

9 C, p! }7 y- @6 I, [" zApplication Instructions * H3 T, w! e8 W+ [  l8 @# \! C
Please submit a resume.
# a+ D2 W- c5 S0 m0 _. iPlease include a covering letter.* p% [7 a, J+ K: E. \/ ~$ L  n
7 K: y; w! @; `' D) f1 e& T! b
Contact ; y1 X6 t( s( Q
Jane McDonald, v5 h) @9 ^" {* ~3 r) B0 ^/ l, [
6415 45 Street
5 r. n2 @+ Y7 ?$ P7 D' L1 g# xLeduc, AB T9E 7E3
6 h+ p* d+ e+ u' p/ C7 G8 o0 ^Mail application directly to employer.: T  z' i" D0 x. v" Y' i) u
Fax your application package to: (780)980-1451.
4 }8 r5 T/ l' L: K* n* r0 {$ z" A+ rEMAIL your application package to: jobscanada@nov.com.9 {  Q5 c- _6 e0 q- w
Please submit your application on-line at http://www.novjobs.com...& p$ V  q4 t0 o
, @! k/ }8 I& n0 h8 m4 W2 C- i; F
Application Deadline - September 30, 2006
1 l! S) v! _$ R/ V# K. D
- W1 y" V# G+ e! E7 x" d5 \3 U8 Z$ f$ D# e  ]  n

" `0 c# ^8 i' }$ s( P9 b2 r4) **********************Job Description 6 e8 B! a0 P8 K0 L- E
Institutional Analysis and Program Development Continuous Position Main Campus ? Lac La Biche, Alberta Starting Salary from $45,108 per annum4 P9 x! D$ ~6 C) m! Q6 A" v
Reporting to the Manager of Institutional Research and Program Development the incumbent will be responsible for:3 c4 S6 U5 [8 D  u7 Y$ x- f
' n0 L  g0 z5 f' h) `1 m
Information gathering, interpreting and reporting Designing and administering web surveys Project Management Research design (qualitative and quantitative data collection tool development), for face-to-face and online surveying.
: q/ D- z$ f! _* hData analysis - data definition, coding, statistical analysis, qualitative analysis, regression analysis, trend forecasting and report writing.) A; G7 \- ?5 K, I1 O
Developing Access relational databases to automate and improve turn around time of production of existing reports: T, R" u8 q* f

7 S! z& d0 p' F" B
) B2 \- y& H% ~# ~0 r: ]% I* V# P! gJob Qualifications 4 l3 {6 z% i/ P; u9 J1 Y
A related University degree with a major in mathematics or statistics. Master's degree preferred.
2 y" [- l% G, d& C& bAdvanced skills in using Microsoft Office (Access, Excel, Power Point, and Word) *Knowledge of SQL queries, Access database design, Cognos and Crystal reports *Experience in data analysis and report writing using SPSS -Knowledge of web design and HTML -Skill sets required: strong logical thinking, analytical skills, problem solving , ability to think outside the box, high initiative and strong written communications skills& |. n+ b* ]* Y) S+ Q5 U6 }

' p: G* i! A- p1 _Other Information 3 y3 _! G/ j( X  I2 z' a. K, X
Competition Number: 06-RO-44-PC Closing Date: August 25, 20064 D/ q$ C- @) Y, R
4 Y0 v/ R$ ]1 i+ J) l% X
See our website for application information. www.portagecollege.ca or call 780-623-5597.
3 e8 P+ D  r' z$ v4 U+ m! ^Begin date August/September 4 c) \- m% E. {- O9 c. X
Application Instructions / Z. N' X& E& j
Please submit a resume.5 B6 j, Q: a$ Q3 C
Please include a covering letter.5 v( N% K- c+ l% I3 N6 ^

* u2 n' G' _5 m% k' z! v4 p% n, fContact
7 a, E- A) r2 gCarrie Froehler) j( r, {$ x8 l7 k+ x
Box 417
" b4 `* }5 a/ y; [% p0 J" ]! TLac La Biche, AB T0A 2C0   X( _( V1 G% h" i* \- k
Mail application directly to employer.1 d% ?# w0 F, o( r5 A1 s1 K
Fax your application package to: (780)623-5721.' N& n7 [& X5 D: a& n% I
EMAIL your application package to: carrie.froehler@portagecollege.ca." a( M+ S; y! ^" [8 e
Only candidates selected for an interview will be contacted.
5 Q' e( {) D# H3 Q
" g' C# {- s( l+ {, VApplication Deadline - September 25, 2006
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