鲜花( 0) 鸡蛋( 0)
I think English is the biggest problem for a man in his 40s, how can you get a "good" job while you cann't understand and communicate with your workmakes. But if you were a real "skilled worker" as what you are going to be classified, it doesn't matter. I know a man in his 60s who knows just about 100 words got well paid. Because he is really a skilled worker.
4 J @4 N/ A- i9 i& E: Q+ ?To Give up all the things you've got in 20 years and come here to start from zero, isn't it a big challenge?8 ]% T; {8 E$ [1 w h K
Anyway, if you are a skiller worker( not a "leader") with fluent English, come here.
( }; G+ L% N! W9 gThere's one thing I don't agree with LAOYANG, even life improved in Canada for a peasant, he would still miss his homeland and would think it doesn't worth it. |