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鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2004-11-28 23:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖完全摘自李文博士的《英文习语精解——Analysis of EnglisIdioms》,   李文博士 Dr. Hedy W.Lee,为台湾著名作家李敖之长女,受多元文化的熏陶。0 v, l/ {, s( V# R( J* ]2 B. x9 h
# r, f6 A' N6 i  ]6 ]. n, p* [- b
; R) t! {+ k& T' s
1.  a close call 千钧一发8 Y* c6 H1 }3 j8 y+ b/ n5 T9 R
     释义:narrow escape, near miss6 x1 B9 n: |$ k& V
     例句:That skier just missed the tree——what a close call!
' W; B2 J% V; w# g8 H, R" N               滑雪者刚好避开那棵树,好险啊!3 d' i$ y3 V+ ~: M7 L
- O. u. L- y3 p2 A2 g+ k4 @* f              好不容易避开了追捕者,而此种情况与刮胡子可能会被刮破的
6 q# C' k( j# o              情形颇有相通之处,因而人们在很早之前就开始使用了。1834年& G! n# d2 P  `4 h: g
               查尔斯.A.戴维斯在所著的《杰克.东宁的信》中,曾用过a close
& g) p7 `% }! d, w, j& |               shave的说法:
5 J/ O2 Q! t7 h* ^3 d5 ]            I did not so much as get my feet wet when the bridge fell, though it was a close shave.              我还没下水时,桥就倒塌了,真是千钧一发。, [8 c0 a. f+ l  i

9 X# d$ o: `/ e) o[ Last edited by connie on 2004-12-10 at 09:58 PM ]
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2004-11-29 04:05 | 显示全部楼层
2. a drop in the bucket九牛一毛
1 T9 w! m% o0 G. ?3 q    释义:a very small quantity, especially one that is too small# u3 [* m4 J# I
    例句:Their contributions are just a drop in the bucket.   
/ P7 V5 R( d; p# L3 i( N5 u             The new church wing will cost thousands more.
4 L+ K2 I+ V% Q& j3 f! [4 j# t, |              他们的捐献可谓是杯水车薪,教堂的新侧厅还得花好几千
2 M3 h0 ^  F+ `/ B! z# [: w              才行呢。                7 e/ q0 h- e* [9 K2 K; j1 ~3 Y, \
  典故:《以赛亚书》(Isaiah)第40章12节中有这样一段话:& M" A( Y$ V+ K
              ...who hath measured the waters in the hollow of  his hand, and
* F3 R5 c: G9 E2 P              meted out heaven with the span, and comprehended the dust of
/ H& b+ s1 X) a! T& p              the earth in a measure, and weighed the mountains in scales, and 2 ]/ x9 ~- [* f0 Y' h
              the hills in a balance?
              谁能用手心量诸水, 用手虎口量苍天,用升斗盛大地的尘土,用秤称& D+ |0 L$ [4 G; z
              山岭,用天平平冈陵呢?/ f# V+ [, L; b/ P4 @6 f* h# Y
              然后在14节又说:2 a4 Q" m$ i* f8 A1 }. W3 [
             Behold, the nations are as a drop of a bucket, and are counted as
) C: Q* m- s# v0 z3 r1 ]              the small dust of the balance...
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2004-11-29 08:44 | 显示全部楼层
好,不过太少了。* H# \. T: F& {; M/ e5 c" i. a! p
# G! \  b& T, ^7 G* i
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2004-11-29 21:26 | 显示全部楼层
老杨团队 追求完美
3. add insult to injury 落井下石;雪上加霜
- N  J- q$ _' ~' d! l" P8 ]    释义hurt a person's feelings after doing him or her   " |1 c0 k& k5 _7 @0 O7 H
             harm; also, make a bad situation worse
% d: J: b7 c; {4 ~1 N& G  e) j$ K
    例句Not only did Jim's girlfriend give him thr brush-off
! ]5 i3 Z" D5 ?5 z             last month, but the he lost his job yesterday. That really add insult
9 }+ ?1 }, k- l- T7 G" M             to injury.

& z" P1 j5 W) A: {/ Y  r$ |             上个月吉姆的女朋友把他给甩了,昨天他又被炒了鱿鱼,这可真是雪上$ J% X5 |2 x# g/ W6 \
4 d! g/ L$ c! z    典故:两千多年前希腊哲学家菲德拉斯(Phaedrus)的寓言里就提到了这个( M+ r2 j3 t( }' L5 H, Z
) a4 `! R1 _. g/ u' i             头上的苍蝇,结果苍蝇没打着,却打了自己的头。苍蝇嘲笑他道:" I& h5 _3 I( z/ n& y
             You wished to kill me for a touch. What will you do , W. L+ F! ]- b3 J2 {+ z
             to yourself since you have added insult to injury?

  j) x6 ^& N8 L( d/ x* \             刚才只不过碰了你一下,就要杀我。现在你自己朝伤口上撒盐,雪上加
7 y) [/ I. {# m" p$ q             霜,又怎么办呢?/ }4 k2 b* b, F5 {5 u
             1978年埃德华·穆尔(Edward Moore)在其《弃儿》(The * y& H/ ^" I; M& M, l/ G$ x! E; p
3 f; U  q0 x' H' u7 T' j             This is adding insult to injuries.3 o( H$ ~1 I  s% F: s; M
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2004-11-30 00:21 | 显示全部楼层
4. an eye for an eye以眼还眼1 u# N! E$ Y+ H9 i( J/ y
    释义punishment in which the offender suffers
" V6 ~( T$ m* _5 f8 ~              what the victim has suffered, exact retribution

' ]* E" y6 A/ j8 m* Y    例句Joe believed in an eye for an eye; stealing his client would have to
5 W" g' B) ]' i  q, e: Z  G             be avenged.

7 {3 N1 Y% u7 t0 w3 e0 B             乔坚信凡事都应该以其人之道还治其人之身,抢了他的客户,就必须要! [/ B* [2 S1 A  n  m1 ?
6 T3 B( u6 }: U% p: k. C    典故:《旧约·出埃及记》(Exodus)第21章谈到耶和华告诉摩西,要在以色; ]0 ^, u$ P0 O
              列人中立下典章。其中第23到25节中说到:+ A, k& ]) B) C# Y: k& n  M
              And if any mischief follow, then thou shalt give life for life, eye for 0 J, h0 [: n4 ~6 I$ l$ `" O
              eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot, burning for
  Z. e5 B# J5 h* l              burning, wound for wound, stripe for stripe.
1 C6 n& a9 h4 J  o& @# C) y- T! u* k
              若有他害,就要以命偿命, 以眼还眼,以牙还牙,以手还手,以脚+ e4 w9 I+ f8 q( @. P
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2004-11-30 03:46 | 显示全部楼层
5. a friend in need is a friend indeed患难见真情
4 H9 C3 ~. Z3 x7 m5 o% m1 F" ?$ u
释义Real friends stand by and support one another through thick and 4 ^0 X+ J* ]& x) w' n1 ^
         thin. In time of need or hardship it's easy to see who our real friends $ R8 m1 s+ F- g0 \4 t3 [8 S

$ P: h5 @) h. b6 X+ Q. d例句Tom lost everything due to his investment failure, but learnt out and 3 H' N- p5 [; y5 g, b: d
         out what "a friend in need is a friend indeed" means.

# B2 J0 v! r' y! [         汤姆因为投资失败一无所有了,可是他彻彻底底地东得了什么叫“患难见; S, t; N& B* k
! W: W$ v0 |4 `* w8 C9 O( F9 w" x# e8 d3 `
典故:这个成语与fairweather friend(酒肉朋友)真好相+ b$ E" q1 D* N/ T/ T
  y7 A  t1 H" `' L0 M; Y. V         Richard Whytford)的《居家杂务》(Werke for Householders, 1530
+ D+ z8 x$ @$ b, h) x* E" o" y/ R* n        年)中可找到:
  r5 m* K1 A) c        A true frende loueth at all tymes and never feyleth at need.8 J/ K8 }( J+ H) R1 n
1 G  E& W2 w$ `' v6 {
% ^. K" G- n9 d' R! h' `[ Last edited by connie on 2004-11-30 at 04:48 AM ]
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2004-11-30 20:30 | 显示全部楼层
6. burn one's bridges背水一战; Z4 p2 a* t/ ~" d
释义commit oneself to an irreversible course* q' A2 W! v; s, ]
例句We've had no option but to burn our boats and go forward.
* G  `( P' |3 i, G9 \) x3 q$ S! G         我们别无选择,只有背水一战,继续前进。
, v+ {* H; c6 ?- G* J2 J典故:相传古罗马的凯撒出征时,为了加强士兵奋战的决心,常常防火烧掉军队
8 |4 K- L& d  y( e         的船只,斩断退路。士兵们别无出路,只有勇往直前,奋勇杀敌。另一种
( |; r* `- ^2 U, z         说法to burn one's boats意义与此相同。
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2004-12-1 05:27 | 显示全部楼层


Originally posted by connie at 2004-11-30 03:21 AM:
: x& m# w& Z# k8 q7 h  e4. an eye for an eye以眼还眼
( ^7 \" X6 u1 A0 O* `7 }) i    释义punishment in which the offender suffers
) M1 D0 \' a' _              what the victim has suffered, exact retribution
. m6 W" b& q2 d: m! W

2 _1 j6 \* h# _( Q6 bA tooth for a tooth .
4 a  w$ A1 O. H/ Y以牙还牙
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2004-12-1 18:52 | 显示全部楼层
be second to none 不比任何人差
+ }- w0 N* X: V9 leg: She was second to none in math.
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2004-12-2 03:17 | 显示全部楼层
7.can't see the forest for the trees一叶障目,不见泰山
& Y' `8 @+ O$ N5 v$ T5 V6 M8 b; ]% H( b/ j
释义focus only on small details and fail to understand larger plans or   |3 |' Z4 z! D, T& H( {4 P# c
5 u0 R& y' Z6 V) v- E* Q/ O

( `2 J! G% `, o* H3 ?, S1 s例句Alex argues about petty cash and overlooks the budget——he can't : N$ V0 J. u. G3 T" g' g7 Y+ U
         see the forest for the trees.
1 C' M8 ?* q3 W) K3 f' y. v         林。8 G  g! b2 v* n$ V8 {. d$ r
  d2 C; c6 R) k1 Z% T5 ^" e
典故:以前一度为the wood for the trees, 现在偶尔也有人这样说。1546年,' S! [7 D3 d: t& y
         约翰·海伍德(John Heywood)在他的英语谚语集中收录的就是这一条。: A6 ~" Y" |8 V/ D* b
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2004-12-2 04:08 | 显示全部楼层
8. cat got one's tongue哑口无言
3 J- \# @+ t1 D+ ?% f. c! b" B) n. W
释义a comment made when someone is unaccountably or unusually quiet
& a9 |5 ]- Z5 C) h" O3 h1 }
0 q4 w& {1 f# }" j* Y2 t例句We haven't heard from you all morning——has the cat got your
4 h1 T: d  Q$ [8 W% E' I         tongue?
+ g/ x# s9 Q8 F2 N" l) z! O% X% l3 `1 X
典故:舌头被猫抓住? 似乎太不可思议了。本短语大约出现于19世纪。英文中
" @3 q' e# }) j         有很多和猫相关的短语,也许下面这些内容可以帮助你理解cat got one's
8 j$ |) r) r( a         tongue。其一为cat-o'-nine-tails(九尾鞭),此鞭令人望而生畏,吓得说
' d6 G* R: S1 `* W/ o* L- N         不出话来; 其二,有一种药用cat(或kat)可治疗心脏疾病,但会导致暂
$ y7 }5 P; e5 W5 Z         时停止呼吸的副作用;其三,家猫习惯静静地瞪着主人或鸟,有相通之8 _/ D7 o' ]- p, O1 C4 u
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2004-12-2 05:39 | 显示全部楼层
9. climb the walls走投无路
. V& p. ^; s1 V$ t2 T/ m7 E% e! q- [+ O& N( q
释义show extreme frustration, impatience, or anxiety$ Q  y+ y* O9 Q" r, n  S& c

& }, H6 g( B8 i2 f3 K  _例句That long, boring banquet made me want to climb the walls.$ A! g- n; p# D+ Z! G: o
         那个冗长无聊的宴会都快把我逼疯了。0 O3 a8 w) H$ c" r
% A0 }0 f  l. e+ H3 H2 g
典故:这是现代用法,但起源于从前军人必须攀爬护城墙的时代。此短语出自, @" i* e7 V" P. Y" _( \, O
        《圣经·旧约》中较不为人知的《约珥书》(Joel)。其中第二章第七节中# X0 b7 k7 Z  ?) h1 w# n) T/ g4 [
         说道:' J/ D3 b6 d* i  q8 y
         They shall run like mighty men: they shall climb the wall like men of
& n( f' {/ }0 x, u         war; and they shall march every one of his ways, and they shall not ! E) e+ C2 D6 B# f0 ~, g( q  ~
         break their ranks.
         他们如勇士般奔跑,像战士爬墙,各都步行,不乱队伍。+ r0 K3 p2 k' Y& Z/ n1 q) I
$ j( B1 F2 h: u6 \. Y! \+ U
[ Last edited by connie on 2004-12-4 at 05:37 AM ]
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2004-12-4 05:27 | 显示全部楼层
同言同羽 置业良晨
10. count one's chickens before they hatch如意算盘,黄粱美梦
) [+ A+ s& x  Z/ T$ A. k0 u
& Y/ `# ^, h- ?. N, y释义make plans based on events that may or may not happen
1 p" @+ z, Z! u
  q1 f; J! H8 F& H( [例句I know you have big plans for your consulting business, but don't
& v/ r4 u  t. O4 f  z          count your chickens.
          我知道你在咨询业务方面有很多重大计划,不过可先别做美梦哦。) ~+ Y/ s' G, J# j% K6 r) @

1 l" w5 X: E& y0 `典故
: Y# g0 }1 c5 u# ^; B         板因为这位女工工作表现良好,将给她一桶牛奶。女工知道医生会用一先1 w1 D& ^! {, t# H' p# m
         令来买这桶牛奶。在回家的路上,她幻想着要用赚来的一先令去买些鸡3 b  ?' \* e. W( d- i: c
         蛋。鸡蛋孵出来的鸡又可以卖到一基尼(21先令)。然后她就可以拿这些/ J% v7 ^: U) O+ L
% v8 w- Y4 \: l+ Q) p( N         巴特勒(Samuel Butler)在他的讽刺诗《休迪布拉斯》(Hudibras,   n2 [/ M+ g3 C. Z
         1664年)里曾经写道:; y' M7 S0 @/ M. W9 v- |2 C0 P& G
         To swallow gudgeons ere they're catched,
$ ^& o, P# L) c         And count their chickens ere they're hatched.
         鱼未捕着却先尝,# r6 X/ B9 ], M( _+ ]$ ~) p( \- x
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2004-12-4 18:35 | 显示全部楼层
11. cross a bridge when one comes to it车到山前必有路2 {( `  V" u% ]3 f0 Q: X- i
释义:deal with a situation when, and not before, it occurs- u4 P- Q" ^, S

# Z+ d: L7 l9 _" O7 Q6 P, `例句:If we can't sell the house——well, we'll cross that bridge when we 5 Y: \. O/ f- ~: K9 B4 W
         come to it.
         3 n" f' {% I' W/ B/ Y
         我们要是卖不掉这房子,那我们就等问题出现时再解决也不迟。7 h. w0 b/ R) O) N- h
& Y# }$ S# {5 b7 w! Q7 {
典故:这个短语起源甚早,即使连《牛津英语谚语词典》也无法列出其起源,只0 u9 f' F. W. }; d% L, T5 u6 Q
         引用了19世纪美国诗人朗菲罗的作品:# C, M3 F. J* {) {. m
         Don't cross the bridge till you come to it, ......is a proverb old, and of
2 {% J5 u8 [9 N) K         excellent wit.
" j. w9 ^7 @9 |5 w9 Y         Don't cross the bridge till you come to it, ......是个充满智慧的古老的谚
. @5 Y6 m# r7 a1 U5 d# Y         语。
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2004-12-5 21:41 | 显示全部楼层
12. cry wolf 谎报军情& y: g8 \& x* |  b  p
) z+ \- _1 S* |7 l- \# T
释义raise a false alarm+ |5 u4 [1 v( Y9 c: D9 }" }

4 G$ k/ I) q' L2 i) ~5 U例句Helen's always crying wolf about attempted break-ins, but the police + r0 I$ v, j) |, |; g
         can never find any evidence.
* ?! G$ _9 P- |9 v  `, L4 X3 v         海伦总是谎称有人企图非法闯入她家,可是警察从未发现任何证据。' `+ b4 J5 D& D* U, {

5 ~, k( z. K! q, y' g' R' m+ i典故:这个短语出自《伊索寓言》。(狼来了的故事大家都很熟悉,就不9 M  e9 t$ t7 T5 a" O
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2004-12-7 06:43 | 显示全部楼层
13. down and out 穷困潦倒
" F; U3 d$ {5 L. }% i% s5 m9 i" R) O7 t$ D. R7 p% J
释义lacking funds or prospects; destitute, penniless
3 X; m* U$ L5 \' g2 o$ O1 ^- [, ^8 x9 E$ \1 p5 R, j5 }
例句After losing the job, car and home, he was completely down and out.         丢了工作、车和房子, 他可真是穷困到了极点。
+ y0 m( |$ m- x- V8 j- F+ M. `2 S7 k+ g6 v- }
典故:这种说法很可能是来自拳击比赛,欧·亨里(O. Henry)地《西部之心》
) ^- L. V; w) P         (Heart of the West, 1904年)一书中,便有此用法:
  l9 G5 g* ^- F0 k' n) \         Then he delivered the good Saxon knock-out blow......and Garcia
# c. U; R- y( O% R4 W$ E          was down and out.
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2004-12-7 19:39 | 显示全部楼层
同言同羽 置业良晨
14. drive sb. up the wall 逼人发疯( v/ H% ?$ W  C5 D9 ]
; s8 M7 _0 r9 b& @+ h, X
释义annoy someone by doing something
! O- i) I7 h% k3 j
3 K2 ]; X4 T1 m. d% I) p& I' Q例句These slovenly workmen drive me up the wall.         这些懒散的工人都快把我逼疯了。2 R0 S( h& T4 C9 U4 ^0 I
  P* z4 D8 g2 n) o9 F6 X( U
典故:另一种更古老的说法是 drive to the wall,即
- q5 J4 z5 Z6 y" K          “逼人太甚”的意思。1546 年,英国作家约翰·海伍得(John  $ l0 d% H' Y1 w$ c4 \7 ^0 q
            Heywood)在他的英文谚语选集中,曾用到此短语:- m! ]- ^8 q1 Y/ k4 g3 N+ y. p; a
         That deede without words shall drive him to the wall.; O* x3 A9 ~, x, O& ]: h3 t' @* j
$ r; j" d# {: g0 @. i$ X         以 drive sb. up the wall 来形容一个人陷入绝境,走投无路,是近代才开, K$ k8 Y% }' q
; S7 q3 D: o3 ^: r" x% y, Z! X& R
[ Last edited by connie on 2004-12-7 at 08:43 PM ]
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2004-12-8 03:51 | 显示全部楼层
15. dull as dishwater枯燥无味
: o6 K) v1 m6 w. {" O  Z3 P, K; N- Q' [6 _8 k0 D4 D8 \0 z
释义boring, tedious
, O' a( T2 Z. P3 f
& y% y5 k* w7 i/ L例句That lecture was dull as dishwater. t3 N3 s* n; d4 }
* p2 a5 W" o; G5 @3 J9 o* x/ Z8 j2 m& j+ q! f% s! j- l
3 |4 V7 j, W* r, V: Z         的朋友》一书中即用到此短语:
2 [# A5 z1 h- a4 O$ O         
" E: Y0 m; `( I         He'd be sharper than serpent's tooth, if he wasn't as dull as
& Z" @) S, T/ R4 C! p) d6 E& m5 y0 t         ditchwater.
; }2 x& b8 G# i7 y7 f" s         他如果不是一个枯燥乏味的人,就一定是个尖锐如蛇牙的人。
" F% X* K; p* D- D         dishwater 还出现在更早的短语中 dead as dishwater
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2004-12-8 22:25 | 显示全部楼层
16. fall on deaf ears 置若罔闻
6 d2 K( {4 \/ _: ~6 A* q; X6 h; h7 I7 g8 [& f9 [
释义be ignored or disregarded' ?1 G2 F. O& h

" w: d9 v# V  @1 A) [例句Any advice we give them about remodeling seems to fall on deaf ears.         
) m$ w, M0 v" K, _         他们好像对我们就改造一事给他们提出的建议全都置若罔闻。
) r+ u# L/ c( [+ g6 H3 v% U1 h" w0 n) X& r
典故:沃尔特·希尔顿(Walter Hylton)的《完美之梯》(Scala Perfectionis,
0 J/ h6 t/ C: b: i0 {5 ?% B         1440年作品)中,可见到这个短语的影子:) A+ R+ }* a; X" s8 P  b, }
          Make deef ere to hem as though you herde hem not./ P/ p4 M, P5 e; A; c- @
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2004-12-8 23:29 | 显示全部楼层
17. fish in troubled water 趁火打劫/ \; [/ F% A) I  j$ K# S

/ k* Q: V) l( n, e5 T释义try to take advantage of a confused situation
" V8 O( Z7 J( l% E" y# Y. G1 Q% v8 c$ ~, u( P! T6 U, c
例句He often buys up stocks in companies declaring bankruptcy; fishing in
5 K5 y' U8 I  D" C' o         troubled waters generally pays off.
; G& v+ _( V2 \( X         他常常全部收购那些宣布破产的公司的股票,趁火打劫,这样一般都会大9 B7 o/ C& Y- Z4 h: T! }' {, p, U+ u
         涝一把。: k0 b( g) |( K; X- V7 K& K/ p- a

% w- I* A; i4 S3 i+ U5 Q7 q典故:这个短语原是渔夫们的老格言,说的是水浑浊时,鱼咬饵的频率较高。理2 v" {( b! B' {( J* J
         查德·格拉夫顿(Richard Grafton)的《英国编年史(缩减本)》(A
6 p: J" h" M' ~( S& E  d" Z         bridgement of the Chronicles of England)中即出现此短语的比喻用法:, s% z$ |! m/ A8 C
7 {" f# K5 |& n" a- |. w         Their persuasions which always desire your unquietness, where they + v3 d2 P1 p3 m( r8 Z
         may the better fish in the water when it is troubled.
        , E% U$ p1 p3 H/ o; R
2 t+ n8 s* I% S+ |0 m         利。
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2004-12-10 05:40 | 显示全部楼层
18. flash in the pan 虎头蛇尾/ ]3 I8 \' A9 ~! ?

& K" X5 g* k& G释义an effort or person that promises great success but fails
$ R  `- F, b" ^6 Y1 m  p  c/ O5 G1 y
例句We had high hopes for the new director, but she was only a flash in
, @6 w0 }4 V! `& [( Y6 u, z* J7 o         the pan.
4 A# N# J: b2 O7 I& f         我们对新主管的期望很高,但是她也不过是昙花一现。3 [" d* I4 i, ?: ~

/ b3 e6 f1 B& k; K* W5 O: {典故:这里的pan 是旧式点火步枪上的火药池。这种步枪的射击步骤为:! n) ?% g  l( I9 }! S
         将火药粉装入池内,再以火石擦出火花,引燃火药,产生推力,将球弹或) c- t7 a' |7 l4 N
         子弹推出枪管。有时火药池内的火花点燃了,但是却没有将枪弹击出去," F1 q, B4 U. g" P7 p: @) M
         这就是火药池内的闪光。查尔斯·詹姆斯(Charles James)编修的1810版6 S1 P! R4 }$ W  V4 K( A3 ?
         《最新增订军事词典》(A New and Enlarged Military Dictioary)里,对
( N1 t% w% G9 N4 |+ i) a1 ]         这个现象有如下定义:- t5 }' j  n  A- ?/ B& q. u3 V

: p7 k) o4 X) s0 J         Flash in the pan, an explosion of gunpowder without any
: I6 z1 p9 {8 ~. y         communication beyond the touchhole.
% E) _; g4 r' L/ ^        池内火花,火药爆炸,却未到达枪口外。
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2004-12-10 18:34 | 显示全部楼层
同言同羽 置业良晨
19. follow in someone's footsteps 萧规曹随1 u7 T# Z7 [$ d  Q
4 q& X' l$ J( q. V, Z' {- P/ X, X
释义follow someone's example or guidance
7 ?! i7 @" H; w) W1 T+ k2 F& y/ J  r: u* k
例句Dean hoped his son would follow in his footsteps and become an
+ P- R! d' e+ r$ ]         ecnomist.
         : P6 ~2 p( D- S, T( w+ N& Q
         迪安希望他的儿子能继承父业,也当个经济学家。8 u: \# L0 H( R$ \, W% V7 G' h7 s+ s

4 e, J# q+ \- a8 }3 Q: O典故:这个比喻用法至少在16世纪中叶就出现了,例如《苏格兰的控诉》
! U, Q$ O) x: X' q% g8 q         (Complaynt of Scotlande, 1594年)中提到的:$ z  M  G# L2 E# j5 O; J7 }
          You ar obleist to follou the futsteppis of your predecessours in vertu.1 ?- R8 I. |+ ~2 w6 b
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2004-12-10 20:57 | 显示全部楼层
同言同羽 置业良晨
20. for the brids 一文不值
, d" F7 z4 I; b* a; J, g. ^5 N& X$ U+ O% x+ @3 `
释义worthless, not to be taken seriously, no good at all. L9 D. w& {; h( B6 w, r% g
: s* X- L. p1 t* N/ h7 b
例句This conference is for the birds —— let's go now.: r& ?' K6 J  T5 D6 ?2 O) H
         这会议毫无意义,我们现在就走吧。4 G4 r, X! O( y( E4 C) u. z% ?
7 B: y2 F1 H7 q* t) v# ]. A
典故:J.D.塞林格(J.D.Sailinger)的《麦田守望者》(The Catcher in the
1 A$ U2 V& c* \: l         Rye, 1951年)里,霍尔顿·考尔菲尔德(Holden Caulfield)引述且批评了
  g* z0 p( m0 t; J         一段他上的那所小学所发的宣传:
0 s' \! H/ m2 }         Since 1888 we have been molding boys into splendid, clear-thinking / r: M. [8 v) S0 s4 c) S
         young men. Strictly for the birds.
         / H; L2 l; H/ S$ b% c: W- j
         从1888年起,我们将许多小男孩造就成杰出、思路清晰的年轻人。这话是8 h- S* p+ ?/ V6 O# k; M" f2 i
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2004-12-16 18:17 | 显示全部楼层

鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2004-12-19 22:06 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2004-12-20 09:20 | 显示全部楼层
WOW! Good!& H3 ]1 H- A  @0 U
: p, r: o7 u/ C# H5 `0 F( R
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2004-12-20 11:44 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2004-12-20 22:06 | 显示全部楼层
Originally posted by 郗土佤 at 2004-12-20 12:44 PM:
  R5 L5 A4 K* H% @7 }不错,只是少了点。Connie,你从南通来,兴许我们还是老乡?
( U$ P, a/ A) c5 Y) a! j& ^
2 P6 R0 l, U0 P, M; ~' ], L2 ^3 m3 P
兴许?????:D:P为什么是兴许哩?! F/ H: H& P, O5 ^+ [; P, S
- m3 S2 P. U  g0 \$ G  N
! _9 Y- E- D; u8 K. A% l6 k8 l  i, T. d3 F
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2004-12-20 22:08 | 显示全部楼层

" p/ F# O. R+ e! J# ~; u
' D% Z, @& ]. E9 H0 e3 |一共61 条~~~
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2004-12-21 10:14 | 显示全部楼层
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